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Technique and performance practices applied to contemporary arts

Traditional Techniques
1. Pottery is the process and the products of forming vessels and other objects with clay
and other ceramic materials, which are fired at high temperatures to give them a hard,
durable form. Major types include earthenware, stoneware and porcelain. The place
where such wares are made by a potter is also called a pottery.

2. Plastic art are art forms which involve physical manipulation of a plastic medium by
molding or modeling such as sculpture or ceramics. Less often the term may be used
broadly for all the visual arts (such as painting, sculpture, film and photography), as
opposed to literature and music.

3. Fiber art refers to fine art whose material consists of natural or synthetic fiber and
other components, such as fabric or yarn.
Contemporary Techniques
1. Large Scale Art refers to the size of an object in relationship to another object in art
the size relationship between an object and the human body is significant.
2. Land Arts is an earth art movement in which landscape and the work of art are
inextricably linked. It is also an artform that is created in nature, using natural
materials such as soil, rock (bed rock, boulders, stones).
3. Graffiti writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other
surface in a public place.
Different Types of Techniques and Performance Practices in Contemporary Arts
1. Decollage used by artist of the new realism movement that involved making art from
poster ripped from walls.
2. Conceptual focus is on the idea, which can be either abstract or social.
3. Popular Culture issues and aspects of popular culture are dealt with, either by
conceptualizing or criticizing.
Local Materials in Creating Art
1. Buntal a very fine white Philippine fiber obtained from the stalks of unopened leaves
of the talipot palm and used in making hats. Example products:
a. Bags
b. Shoes
c. Picture frame
d. Wallets
e. Place mats
2. Buri is the matured leaf used in the manufacture of placemats, hats and braids. The
leaflets are also used for house thatches and wall materials especially in the
countryside. Raffia is the young shoot or leaf of the palm. Example products:
a. Hats
b. Bags
c. Baskets
d. Memorabilia boxes
3. Raffia is a fiber made from palm leaves. It is used to make mats and baskets. Some
embroidered tablecloths or made raffia mats. Example products:
a. Hats
b. Place mats
c. Folder
d. Shoes
e. Slippers

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