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Complaint Management

Project Diagram

We are giving you a basic idea of the admin backend like what
Modules, Operations you have to do in your project.
For Front end design you can use any of the design templates
and that you have integrate with the backend.

Admin Section
login form sample:

Registration form sample:

You have to create modules in this mini project assignment as

 Complaint Management.
A complaint management system is a software program that allows companies to
address customer's inquiries, deliver consistent support and manage complaints
promptly. In general, these applications are offered as part of customer relationship
management software packages.

1. Admin Login.
In this, you have to manage a basic problem which users can add as complaint to the
department that is management and handling of the complaint.
Operations:-Add Complain and View Complaint and reply.

2. Backend.
In this, The Complaint management team will be able to see the complaints which
was filled by the user and now the team can take action on it as well as give reply to
the complaints.
Operations:- Delete and Reply.

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