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I was left quite amused after listening to the story about Lily and the Lion.

In the beginning, the

father was willing to gamble with his precious daughter on the line for a rose that she wanted. I
think the father did not make quite the rational decision. Other than that, Lily was very quick to trust
the prince. She was even willing to marry him even though they had just met. The prince might have
had evil intentions and would have even tried to kill and eat her. After they married and had a child,
Lily was quick to leave the child behind to follow the prince, who had turned onto a white dove for
over seven years. This situation led me to conclude that Lily, as a lover is very dedicated and
committed to fulfilling her duties to her husband, but she is still lacking as a mother. Overall, this
story is fit to be a fairy tale as it includes all the exciting and miraculous elements of what a fairy tale
should be. I don’t think it would be quite suitable to use as a moral lesson as it does not teach
anything valuable.

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