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The Golden Efiel Tower

Chracacter : Ria (Thief)

Erni (Thief)
Mawar (Thief)
Wicak (Police)
Mahadwal (Police)
Nuarisa (Museum Guard)
Putriz (Forensic Expert)
Scene 1
(Ria, Erni and Mawar are French students but not of French origin. One of them is bored
and, wanting to go to healing, but she has no money, the other’s friends suggest they commit

Erni : It's so boring, I want to go healing. We study also need fun.

Mawar : do you have money for we go to healing?
Erni: If I have money, I should go to healing.
Ria: oh my God, I feel so sorry for you guys, I have a way, so that we have money and we
Will go to healing.
Erni: what, how?
Ria: stole!!
Mawar : are you crazy!!
Ria : no, we only need money, with money we can get happiness.
Mawar: but not by stealing, this is crazy!!
Erni: so do you have another way? In order to get money. I agree with Ria’s idea, it’s
amazing, not crazy
Ria: So, how was it?
Mawar: okay I’ll come with you.
Erni: what are we going to steal?
Ria: something valuable and expensive to sell. But wait for the next plan.
Scene 2.
(On Sunday morning, two friends met at a cafe. They were Mahadwal as a newly promoted
young cop. The Putri of a forensic expert. Both are college friends from the same
Putri : Hi
Mahadwal: hi, long time no see, how are you?
Putri: i am good, so how is your job, have you been promoted?
Mahadwal : yeahh, I just got promoted yesterday
Putri : wahhh, that’s really amazing
Mahadwal: Thank you
Putri : do you have any plan for tomorrow mahadwal?
Mahadwal : not, why?
Putri: tomorrow I will visit the museum Kedai Prancis, do you want to come with me?
Mahadwal : ohh! Sure, I'll come with you, the Kedai Prancis Museum is an interesting place.
Putri: yeah that’s right, they have very good programs and facilities.
Mahadwal: Really! I also want to know what programs and facilities are there.
Putri: The museum Kedai Prancis opens at 08.00am (At eight am) but we will come at 13.00
(At one pm), after they rest.
Mahadwal : ok!
Scene 3
(On Monday afternoon, Mahadwal and Putri visited the Museum Kedai Prancis where they
talked about the programs and facilities there with the caretaker, Nuarisa)

Nuarisa: Bonjour, welcome to the Museum Kedai Prancis!

Mahadwal and Putri (nodding and smiling)
Putri: this place is very wide, (while entering the planetarium room)
Nuarisa: right, this is a planetarium room.
Mahadwal: wow, The Museum Kedai Prancis has a huge white planet room, and there’s a
huge paper display of the Solar system which is amazing.!!
Nuarisa: There are many interesting bold French dictionaries, and has a beautiful large
whitewashed room for studying.
Putri: How are the programs and facilities here ma’am?
Nuarisa: here we have a French Scholarship Seminar, Engineering and Science program
Seminar, and French initiation class
Mahadwal:, there are quite a lot of facilities here! (While looking at the room)
Nuarisa: of course, here is Computer, Television, Games, Planetarium Room, French
initiation Class, Seminar room, Office room, and Library.
(I didn’t realize it was time to go home. Mahadwal and Putri had to leave the Museum)
Nuarisa: sorry visiting time has run out, because the Kedai Prancis will close at 16.00 pm
(four o'clock)
Putri: ohh okay, we’ll be home soon.
Nuarisa: okay, thanks for visiting
(Putri and Mahadwal come out soon)

Scene 4
(After returning home from college, three French students began to plan their action. They
became Kedai Prancis being the scene of their first theft, they are also looking for a cluem
regarding information about the Museum Kedai Prancis)
Erni: What about the plan that we will do Ria?
Mawar : yes, what are we going to steal and where?
Ria: Listen to me. We gonna steal a Golden Eiffel Tower in Museum Kedai Prancis, there is
beautiful little French gold Eiffel towers, and it is very expencive when we are sold.
Erni: when are we going to act?
Mawar: find out the right time for this plan.
Ria: take a look at the social media of the Kedai Prancis, we need to know their working
Mawar: look here there are Facebook, YouTube, tik tok and Instagram accounts. Monday to
Friday they are open, and Saturday and Sunday holiday.
Ria: the museum Kedai Prancis opens at 08.00 am (eight o'clock), we can go there on
Erni: yes, we will pretend to visit there
Ria: we can’t be there long, they will break at 12.00 am (twelve o'clock)
Mawar : By the way, where is the Museum Kedai Prancis?
Ria: From the UPT Language parking lot we will walk to the UPT Language Laboratory.
After entering, we walk to the right and take the stairs to the left. The Museum Kedai Prancis
is in front of BCLC
Scene 5
(The next day, it was time for them to carry out their theft.)
Erni: come on guys (while watching around)
Ria: I’ll be waiting outside
Mawar and Erni: Okay
Ria: good luck guys,
Nuarisa: Bonjour, Welcome to the Museum Kedai Prancis
Erni: This museum is great! Is there a favorite corner place here?
Nuarisa: Of course,, we have our favorite corner here. The Frostball game is the most favorite
corner for visitors, especially for children.
(When Mawar managed to take the tower and put it in the bag, suddenly a siren rang and the
police came)
Nuarisa: Please pay attention to visitors, not to leave the museum Kedai Prancis!!
Mawar: ohh no!!
Wicak: good morning miss, we received notification that there was a theft here.
Nuarisa: that’s right, please check the visitors here!
Wicak: Mahadwal.. check the visitors here, don’t let anyone missed!
Mahadwal : Yes sir!

(While the police investigation is talking with the museum guard, regarding the chronology
of the theft)
Wicak: Please explain how this could happen, the Eiffel Tower is an item which is very
valuable and protected?
Nuarisa: sorry I don’t know sir
Wicak: think about it, we need information about this chronology, to make things easier we
investigate this case!
Nuarisa: i think....?
Wicak: what do you think? Did mom remind him?
(Suddenly the Eiffel tower is found by a police officer)
Mahadwal : sir!!, Evidence has been found.
Wicak: Good Job Mahadwal,
Mahadwal : thank you sir,
Wicak : Whose bag is this?
Mawar: That is my bag sir!
Wicak: You have to come with me to the police station!
Scene 6.
(On arrival at the police station mawar gives an explanation to the police as to what has
happened do it)
Wicak : what is your purpose in doing this theft?
Mawar: I don’t have any money!, so I steal. I am sorry sir,,
Wicak : come with me to the cell! You will be detained.!

(The miniature Eiffel tower has been in the previous place and stored in the same place
Safe. Yet something is known that….?)
Nuarisa : There is something different... (Calling Forensic Expert) Miss Putri, can you Go to
the museum right now?
(Not long after, Miss putri Arrives at the Museum. The guard tells everything about Incident
to Miss Putri and she inspected the tower)
Nuarisa: Miss Putri, I want you to check the authenticity of this miniature Eiffel Tower.
Putri : A real gold won’t be magnetic, but my magnet sticks directly to this tower and
The real gold color also won’t fade when we rub it, while this tower’s color fades when I rub
it. This is fake. The real gold is still being stolen!
(Nuarisa and Miss Putri with surprised expressions)

Scene 7
(Finally of all that has happened, all the truth has been revealed from the relationship
A son and a father)
Wicak :good job, my daughter
Ria : for you too dad, I am sorry , before I refused it, but this is very amazing!
Wicak: do you know, A beautiful big white ten year old Museum Kedai Prancis, with there is
an interesting long blue, white, red paint on the pole, and There also there are many beautiful
little black French bronze Eiffel towers,
Ria : Yes, I know that.
Wicak: I feel sorry for your friend
Ria : it’s okay dad, they are enjoying their holiday in prison. By the way, we will have fun
with the miniature of the Eiffel tower.
(Unexpectedly Erni heard everything that Ria is the daughter of who is
A thief in the guise of a policeman. Erni also told the rose at the police station)
Erni : Excuse me, I want to meet my friend who is being held for theft.
Mahadwal : Yes, please
Erni: do you know Mawar, Ria is a very bad friend ?
Mawar: what do you mean?
Erni : The theft of the miniature Eiffel tower was the evil plan of Ria and a policeman,
namely Wicak, and he is Ria's father
Mawar : oh my God, they made us part of their evil plan.

“Good Luck Guys”

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