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Chracacter : Ria (Thief)

Erni (Thief)

Mawar (Thief)

Wicak (Police)

Mahadwal (Police)

Nuarisa (Museum Guard)

Putriz (Forensic Expert)

Scene 1

Three French students intend to commit a heist at a Museum (French Tavern). Also
there are many beautifull little black French bronze eiffel towers, there are many interensting
bold French dictionaries, and has a beautiful large whitewashed room for studying. Before
they commit the heist they discuss a plan.

Erni : So annoyed! Last night’s heist will succeed if we have a nice strategy

Mawar : You should be grateful we did’nt get caught

Ria : You two, stop fighting. Dont act like child

Erni : I won’t act like child if ihave a lot of money

Mawar : We will have a lot of money, so calm down

Ria : Yeah, we will have a lot of money because i know a place that has something

Mawar : What is that? Where?

Ria : Listen to me. We gonna steal a Golden Eiffell Tower in Museum (Kedai
Prancis). This is a miniature made of 3,5 kilogram pure gold

Erni : Oh my... so what’s the plan?

Ria : From the UPT Bahasa’s parking space, we will walk to the Laboratorium
UPT Bahasa. After entering we walk to the right and go up to the stairs on the
left. The Museum (Kedai Prancis) is front of BCLC
Mawar : Then when it arrives, how do we take the tower?

Ria : When we arrives, we will pretend to be visitors. We enter from the main
door. There are 4 rooms, an office room, planetary room, seminar room and
French language initation class room. The golden tower is in the seminar room

Erni : Okay girls, the Golden Eiffel Tower is waiting for us

Mawar ; Lets go!

Scene 2

In another side, terdapat dua orang sahabat. Mahadwal sebagai polisi muda yang baru
dipromosikan. Putri seorang ahli forensik. Mereka berdua adalah teman satu kampus waktu
berkuliah dulu. Mereka berencana bertemu minum kopi dan berbincang santai.

Scene 3

The 3 Thieves carried out their plan and arrived at the museum. They were greeted the
guard at the entrance

Nuarisa : Bonjour, welcome to the museum

Mawar and Erni went inside the museum and scattered while Ria watched from outside. Erni
tried to distract the guards while Mawar tried to make the tower.

Erni : This museum are very diverse. I want to know if there is a favorite spot here

Nuarisa : Of course we have our most favorite corner here. Frostball game is the most
favorite spot for visitor especially for kids

When Mawar managed to take the tower and put it in a bag, the siren sounded and the police

Nuarisa : All visitors are expected to remain inside the museum.

The police checked the visitor’s bag and....

Mahadwal : Look what are we found. What is this Miss? Don’t tell me this just a toy

Nuraisa : That’s the Gold Eiffel Tower!

Wicak : Nice try Ma’am. Stealing when the museum is quiet. We have tu secure the
evidence especially these 2 lady

Ikaa : Right Sir. Both of you were arrested for stealing state property. You have the
right to remain silent or hire a lawyer and must follow the legal proccess

Scene 3
After the inspection, one of the police is in charge of returning the evidence to the museum.

Nuarisa : Thank you for doing a very good job Sir

Wicak : It’s my duty Miss

The guard also put the Golden Eiffell Tower into the placr. But when she put it.....

Nuarisa : There are something different... (Calling Forensic Expert) Miss Putriz, can
you go to the museum right now?

Not long after that, Miss Putriz Arrived at the Museum. The guard tell the everything about
the incident to Miss Putriz and she inspected the tower

Miss Putriz : A real gold won’t be magnetic, but my magnet sticks directly to this tower
and the real gold color also won’t fade when we rub it, while this tower’s color
fades when I rub it. This is fake. The real gold is still being stolen!

Scene 4

The police walked into the room and carrying bag. He sat down, smoked his cigarette then
turned forward while holdin the Golden Eiffell Tower

Wicak : Finally, the tower is mine

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