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SCRIPT TASK #3 (The Duck’s thief)

Valeria Marrugo--- The news anchor

Fabián ------Reporter
Oscar-----the witness
Daniel P----Criminal
Daniel C----Policeman

First Scene
Valeria:Good afternoon, dear television viewers,welcome to “Telekinesis” news.
Tank you for preferring us to be well informed, in a few moments we will be
expanding the news of the day; the kidnapping of the ducks from the University of La
Sabana by a hooded thief, as confirmed to us by the police commander Daniel
Cardenas. We have the last of this fact that luckily didn’t leave any wounded. My
colleague Fabian give us all the details of this peculiar News that happened last
Friday October 12 in the facilities of the university of la Sabana.

(The camera goes on to focus on the reporter who will give details of the news)

- Hello, good afternoon! I’m here in the Sabana’s University where the police
caught a thief. He is in here.
- For security, we will not reveal his name, so we'll call him Mr. X.
- Hi People, I am El Dani. xD
- So, tell us what did happen mister X?
- the truth, we wanted to make a barbecue with duck.
but it is difficult to buy and it is very expensive
Then I saw that in this university they have good ducks and I wanted to take
but when I ran out I fell and security caught me and called the police
- A funny story, why did you wanted steal a couple of ducks?
- We were preparing a barbecue, and we wanted duck meat, for omega 9 and
all that health.
- Why ducks from here?
- because here the ducks are well fed and we are close to the house
- Did you feel guilty?
- no sir, the animals belong to everyone and that is why we also have the right
to eat them
- and I did it for health
- Thanks for the information, Mister X.
- Well, this was a amazing story but here is the agent Daniel who is gonna tell
us more about this “unique” robe. Welcome to Telekinesis news, agent.
- thanks fabian and thanks to telekinesis news for inviting me
- Agent what did you think when you heard about this?
- ok I thought it was something very unusual, a duck stealing is not common
- Oh!, Who call you?
- they called me the directors of the university
- OK. In a few seconds we are gonna talk with him. Are there more cases like
- more news about duck stealing has been heard thanks to its valuable and
scanty meat
- A important question: Are the ducks fine?
- thanks to the police we have found the ducks, they are fine
- Is he going to jail? or is he paying a fine?
- he must serve a time in jail
- Thank you, for keep us safe agent.
- It’s ok
- Alright, He is the witness. Hello mister.
- Answer: Hi how are you? My name is Oscar, I'm in charge of the organization
at the University.
- How do you feel?, I mean stop a crime is a great action.
- Answer: At this moment I feel scared, the thief was caught by me, never in my
life had I done something like that, seeing that the man was picking up the
ducks, I realized that it was not someone from the University so I went running
and knock down this man right before he left with the ducks
- Did happen frequently this type of acts in here?
- Answer: No, generally these things do not happen in the University, the
University was in charge of the safety of the ducks and something like this
had never happened in the University.
- Did you feel afraid of call the police?
- Answer:When I called the police I felt like a hero, the thief was taken to prison
by the police and I was decorated at the university, the animals are safe
- Tanks for be a great citizen. Well, this is all. We are back in studio with my
partner Valeria.

(last scene)
Valeria:Thank you very much Fabian we are alert of this kind of thieves for what
these facts do not happen again. It´s twelve o’clock and here we end with the news
today, we will see you tomorrow for a new broadcast and more news to tell.My name
is Valeria Marrugo to Telekinesis news,Good day for everyone.

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