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Part 1 The basic economic problem

Part 1 The basic economic problem

Assessment: Model answers fall if there is a reduction in the amount
of resources it has available, for example,
1 (a) The opportunity cost of a decision or action due to the destruction of its factories, roads
is the benefit of the next best alternative and other infrastructure or the depletion of
foregone. For example, an area of land its non-renewable natural resources. This
can be used to grow corn or cabbages. The is shown by the inward movement of its
opportunity cost of using the land to grow PPC closer towards the origin, from PPC1
corn will therefore be the foregone benefit to PPC2.
that would have been gained from growing
cabbages instead. (d) Emigration involves a loss of population as
people move to other countries. This will
(b) The economic problem can never be reduce the labour force of the country if
solved because human wants for goods they are of working age. This represents
and services will always exceed the a loss of productive resources and as
natural resources available to produce a result the capacity of the country to
them. Resources are finite while produce goods and services will be reduced,
human wants are without limit and will especially if the loss is highly skilled labour
continue to grow as the global population because it is generally more productive than
expands. Even if more resources become unskilled labour. A loss of skilled labour
available, for example, through the may also deter multinational companies
discovery or production of more natural from investing in the country. Existing
resources or from an increase in the ones may also relocate their operations to
global working population, there will still other countries if they cannot hire enough
not be enough to produce everything workers with the right skills in the country.
we want.

The loss of labour will also mean there
The economy in the diagram below can will be fewer people remaining in work
use its scarce resources to produce any in the country to support those who are
combination of consumer goods and unable to work including children,
capital goods along or below its production old-age pensioners and the long-term sick
possibility curve (PPC1). At any point on or disabled. These people will depend on
its PPC1, the economy will be producing those in work to produce the goods and
as much total output as it possibly can by services they need and want, and to pay
using its resources as fully and efficiently as taxes to the government that can be used
possible. to finance schools, public healthcare and
state pensions. Therefore, as the working
population of a country falls, the burden on
PPC1 those remaining in work to help support
those not in work will increase.
Consumer goods

A loss of entrepreneurs to other countries
will also reduce the productive capacity
of the country because it is likely to result
in the closure of some firms and fewer
firms being created in future. Not only
will this reduce the quantity and variety
of goods and services being produced but
it is also likely to result in an increase in
Capital goods unemployment and falling living standards.
However, the productive capacity of the 
However, it is possible that emigration
economy and therefore its total output will may benefit the country. For example,

© Brian Titley 2018: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchaser’s institute
Part 1 The basic economic problem

if the country is overpopulated then a on involves giving up the opportunity to

loss of population can reduce problems use it to grow fruit instead. The opportunity
of overcrowding and improve the living cost of a decision to use resources one way
standards for the remaining population. is therefore the benefit we forego or give up
The emigration of dependents such as from the next best use of those resources.
old-age pensioners will also help to reduce
An increase in education could improve
the burden on the working population
both the quantity and quality of labour in
and the cost of state pensions. This would
an economy. More people may be able to
allow the government to increase public
attend schools and colleges to learn the
spending on other groups in society or
basic skills and knowledge they need to get
other sectors of the economy.
a job if more places and more teachers are

If unemployed workers move to other made available. If the quality of education
countries to find jobs, then unemployment also improves it will also help people to
in the country will fall and this will also develop additional and higher-level skills
help to reduce government spending and knowledge.
on unemployment benefits or welfare

An increase in the total number of people
payments. If those same workers send back
willing and able to work will increase the
some of their wages to their families in the
capacity of the economy to produce goods
country, then this can improve their living
and services. If the quality of labour is also
standards. If they also learn valuable skills
improved, each worker will also be capable
while they are working elsewhere, those
of producing more, further enhancing
skills will be available to the country if and
the potential of the economy to produce
when those emigrants return. This will
goods and services. Both effects will shift
help to improve the future mobility and
its production possibility curve to the right
productivity of its labour force.
(from PPC1 to PPC2 in the diagram below).

There are clear problems associated with a
loss of skilled labour from a country. It will
reduce its productive capacity and living
standards are also likely to fall. However,
a loss of unemployed labour or the
Consumer goods

emigration of people who have retired from PPC2

work could prove beneficial.
2 (a) Enterprise is a factor of production. It involves
organizing the production of other goods and
services. To do so requires combining and
directing other factors of production – land,
labour and capital – into firms to carry out
productive activities. If done successfully, the 0
Capital goods
reward for enterprise is profit.
The true cost of something is what we 
However, an increase in education may
have to give up to get it. This is because we reduce the total supply of labour in the
cannot satisfy all our wants. Human wants economy in the short run if it involves
for different goods and services are without young people now spending more years in
limit. In contrast, the natural, human and education and therefore joining the labour
other resources needed to produce goods and force when they are older. Further, the
services are finite or limited in supply. This resources used to provide more education
means every economy must choose which may be wasted if the skilled workers it
goods and services to produce with their produces move to other countries to find
limited or scarce resources and, therefore, work because of a lack of suitable jobs in
which human wants they will satisfy and the economy. This would have the effect of
which ones they will not. For example, a shifting the PPC inwards towards the origin.
decision to use an area of land to build houses

© Brian Titley 2018: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchaser’s institute
Part 1 The basic economic problem

(d) Building roads provides vital infrastructure that can be used more productively. For
in an economy. They can increase both example, trucks can make more deliveries
the mobility and productivity of factors in the same time if they spend less time
of production, thereby expanding the stuck in traffic jams. It will also help to
potential of the economy to produce a reduce transport costs, that in turn could
greater volume and variety of goods and help to reduce prices.
services. This is because roads will improve

However, a decision to use resources to
connections and travel times between
build more roads involves an opportunity
different areas of the economy and
cost. For example, the same resources could
potentially also neighbouring countries,
have been used to build more schools or
allowing people and goods to move
other vital capital infrastructure such as a
between them faster and more efficiently.
new airport; both of which may be more
Firms located in one area of the economy
beneficial to the economy in the long run,
can therefore trade more easily and with a
especially if the economy already has an
greater number of different suppliers and
extensive road network and additional
consumers located in other areas. Firms will
roads would be under-used.
also benefit from an increase in a supply of
labour; they are able to attract labour from 
However, in many economies more roads
further away as it becomes quicker and may simply create more noise and pollution
cheaper for workers to travel. because they expand the demand for road
travel by enabling more cars and other

The construction and future maintenance
vehicles to travel, faster and further than
of new roads will create jobs and help
before. They may also cause some people
to reduce unemployment. This in turn
and firms to switch from rail services to
will raise incomes and living standards.
road travel.
Government spending on unemployment
benefits can be reduced, allowing taxes to 
A decision to build more roads in an
be cut or public spending on other projects economy therefore needs to be based on a
or areas to increase. proper assessment of their likely costs and
benefits compared to other uses of the same

Building new roads can also reduce traffic
congestion and pollution on existing ones.
A reduction in travel times frees up time

© Brian Titley 2018: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchaser’s institute

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