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Yahoo Zhang article:

I use these two Keywords and options to search the scholarly article related to
"discussing the impact of information overload on decision-making."

And I found this article that I think is related to the topic.

Iselin, E. (1989). The impact of information diversity on information overload effects in unstructured
managerial decision making. Journal of Information Science, 15(3), 163-173.

This article explores the relationship between information overload effects and information diversity
and then discusses the relationship between information diversity and unstructured managerial
decision-making. The authors found their relationship in a series of experiments and studies.

Lindsey’s article:

Erkut, Burak. “From Digital Government to Digital Governance: Are We There Yet?”
MDPI, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 23 Jan. 2020,

One of the things the article talks about is digitization and how it can be positive for
people. They used examples like helping entrepreneurs establish and run a business
and making it possible for governments to take policy measures with more data. Then
the article talks about the main problem that challenges the government. The second
section is a Literature Review and talks about the emergence of information and
communication technologies. The third section then talks about “The Knowledge
Problem”. They talk about how knowledge is the central issue of economic theory. The
final section is their concluding remarks and future research. They talk about how their
future research would focus on “how digitalization can be used for direct democracy”.

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