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A constitution is a set of laws- often as a written document- -lists and limits the powers
and functions of a political entity. And also guarantees the rights to the people. The
Constitution of the People's Republic of China is situated at the highest level within the
People's Republic of China. The current version was adopted by the 5th National
People's Congress on December 4, 1982 with further revisions in 1988, 1993, 1999,
and 2004. Three previous state constitutions- those of 1954, 1975, and 1978--were
superseded in turn. The Constitution has five sections which are the preamble, general
principles, fundamental rights and duties of citizens, structure of the state (which
includes such state organs as the National People's Congress, the State Council, the
Local People's Congress and Local People's Governments and the People's Courts and
the People's Procuratorates), the national flag and the emblems of the state.
的序⾔有5个部分,包括- -般性原则,基本权利,公⺠基本义务,国家结构(包含像⼈⺠代

public law

basic law
written law

The structure of Constitution

A. Contents⽬录
B. Preamble序⾔
C. Chapter I General Principles ( 第- -章总纲)
Chapter II The Fundamental Rights and Duties of Citizens
(第⼆章公⺠的基本权利和义务 )

Constitution 1
Chapter II The Structure of the State
(第三章国家机构 )
Section 1 The National People's Congress
(第⼀节全国⼈⺠代表⼤会 )
Section 2 The President of the People's Republic of China
Section 3 The State Council
Section 4 The Central Military Commission
Section 5 The Local People's Congresses and Local People's Governments at Various
(第五节地⽅各级⼈⺠代表⼤会和地⽅各级⼈⺠政府 )
Section 6 The Organs of Self-Government of National Autonomous Areas
(第六节⺠族⾃治地⽅的⾃治机关 )
Section 7 The People's Courts and the People's Procuratorates
Chapter IV The National Flag, the National Anthem, the National Emblem
and the Capital 国旗、国歌、国徽、⾸都

宪法中⼈的主要权利: .
A. Basic rights of ordinary subject (⼀般主体的基本权利 )
1.Right to equality, the fundamental rights (平等权 )

2.Political rights: right to election and be elected right to participation in administration

and supervision freedom of expression ( 政治权利 选举与被选举权、参与管理与监督的
权利、表达⾃由 )
3.Personal right: inviolable of personal freedom、inviolable of personal dignity、
inviolable of residence、freedom and privacy of correspondence、
freedom of religious belief (⼈⾝权:⼈⾝⾃由不受侵犯、⼈格尊严不受侵犯、住宅不受侵
4. Social & economic rights: right and duty to work、right to rest、right to material
assistance、right and duty to education、freedom of scientific research and cultural
creation、right to property and inheritance (社会经济权利:劳动的权利和义务、休息权、

Constitution 2
5.Right to redress: right to claim state compensation、right to complaint, accusation(控
告),prosecution ( 获得救济的权利:国家赔偿请求权、提出申诉.控告的权利)
B. Rights of special subject (特定主体的宪法权利)
In addition to the general rights and freedoms available to all citizens,the Constitution
also grants special protections to specified groups of people, including women,retirees
and family of martyrs and servicemen, The aged, minors and overseas Chinese.(宪法除

The procedure of amendment of

Constitution ( ) 修宪程序
SCNPC or one fifth NPC deputies table the bill>>over two third of NPC deputies adopt
it>> The presidium of the National People's Congress publish the bill of amendment.( ⼈
⼤常委或者 ⼈⼤代表提出议案
1/5 >>2/3 的⼈⼤代表表决通过 ⼈⼤主席团公布修正案>> )

Constitution 3

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