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Name : Anggun Rahmawati

NIM : C100190095

Class :C

Question A
Vivi : Have you ever broken any laws?

Anggun : I once did it while breaking traffic

Vivi : What are gun laws like in your country?

Anggun : May not be used if not a member of the legal apparatus

Vivi : Why do we have laws?

Anggun : Because the state needs definite and written laws that must be up held

Vivi : What comes to mind when you hear the world “law” ?

Anggun : That crossed my mind about the law is the rules that force it to be imlemented

Vivi : What laws in your country do what are you hate?

Anggun : Caning law

Vivi : Are there any laws in your country that you think should be made tigher?

Anggun : In my opinion there is a law governing corruption, it needs to be tightened so that no more
is agreed on corruption

Vivi : Do you think the laws in your country are similar to those in other countries?

Anggun : There is such a use of the same amnibus law in the Filiphina for the same contribution
about investment

Vivi : Do you think there are laws for the rich and different laws for the poor?

Anggun : In my opinion there is no where is no where the law is established and enforce a thing that
must be done by all citizens without exceotion

Vivi : Where, when and why do you think laws first startes?

Anggun : Law emerges according to the development of society and its need to work together in
meeting physical, biological and social needs

Vivi : What laws do you tend to ignore?

Anggun : The law of taking out the trash

Question B
Anggun : Would you like to be a law maker?

Vivi : Of course I want to, because that’s my goal

Anggun : What’s the craziest law you know of?

Vivi : That craziest is the law of death

Anggun : What law would you like to make for your English class?

Vivi : 15 minute delay, assigment agreement, may not be absent

Anggun : What would you country be like if there were no laws?

Vivi : My country would fefinietely be very chaotic

Anggun : Do you think all laws are good?

Vivi : Proper laws are neither goog or bad, they are neutral

Anggun : What do you think of the idea of international laws that would replace all national laws?

Vivi : Sounds like a terrible idea

Anggun : What new laws would you like your country to introduce?

Vivi : Marine law

Anggun : Do you think laws are evenly applied to everyone in your society?

Vivi : In my opinion no

Anggun : What new laws do you think we’ll have fifty years from now?

Vivi : If you were writing a science fiction story, contemplanting such might be productive

Anggun : Have you ever been to see a lawyer?

Vivi : Never.

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