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Psychoeducational Group Assignment

Mental Health Clinical

Julia Hum, Jeremy Ray, Michele Smith

Rough draft
1. Introduce ourselves!

2. Tell patients we are mandated reporters and ask them if they know what that means,
explain that it means we must report if patients state they want to harm themselves or
anyone else.

3. Review the rules of the group

a. Be respectful of everyone around you
b. You can leave and come back at any time, we want you to feel comfortable!
c. One person speaks at a time, do not talk over others, so we all can share and get
something out of this.
d. Don’t be judgmental towards others, we all have our own problems.
e. No person is lesser or greater than another, so remember that!

4. Icebreaker activity
a. Start with tossing around beach-ball with questions on it including things like
favorite animal, favorite place to go, favorite color, etc.
b. Patients will introduce themselves by stating their first name and answering
whatever question their left thumb lands on! This will be a fun and engaging
activity for patients (it is a beach ball so should not be a safety hazard)

5. Talk about what we are going to talk about for the session: Self-Esteem & the importance
of talking kindly to yourself… plus positive affirmations!

6. Pass out a short self-esteem quiz and ask them to take a few minutes to take it

7. Go over the results of the quiz and talk about how we can all improve our self-esteem and
how we can talk nicer to ourselves

8. Ask what we think about when we think about self-esteem, go around the room. Then
teach about self-esteem and how everyone has these issues, give advice on how to
improve your self-esteem personally (we will have some sources to give information on
this) Also talk about the importance of doing affirmations and give some ideas!

9. Pass out “I am awesome” worksheet and play the song “Everybody’s free” about positive
affirmations while they complete the fun activity! Then ask anybody if they want to share
why they are awesome or if they have any other comments.

10. Pass out “Who are you” paper for them to take with them and goldfish, mini pretzels,
and fruit snacks! (If this is okay for them to take home?) Conclude and thank everyone
for coming!!
Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen

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