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Edu Suarez Armas

Steven Diaz Marquez

Katherin Effio Salazar

Steven: Hello Katherin and Edu!
Edu: Hello everyone! How are they?
Kaherin: Hello guys.
Katherin: I'm sick, my body hurts
Steven: It sounds like you have a general malaise.
Edu: I notice the same thing.
Katherin: I think so, I've had this discomfort for two days.
Steven: Is it the flu and what other symptoms do you have?
Edu: Tell us Katherin what is happening to you.
Katherin: yes, it seems that way, apart from body discomfort I have a headache and dizziness.
Edu: Katherin, if I were you I would take a pill and try to rest for a while.
Steven: Edu is very right, you should do that.
Katherin: I'll do that later, because first I have to finish submitting the work in English.
Steven: Finish your homework, take your pill, and rest for a while. Do you think it's OK?
Edu: Yes, resting you will relieve yourself.
Katherin: That's what I'll do, I hope it works.
Edu: Very good, but if in any case it worsens you have to go to the doctor urgently.
Steven: The most advisable thing is that, because otherwise it will get worse.
Katherin: Yes, as soon as I have time I'll go get a checkup.
Edu: Very good, my check-ups are every 6 months to prevent any illness.
Steven: That's a very good idea, it hadn't occurred to me before.
Edu: You know, a check-up every 6 months is good for your health.
Katherin: Yes from what I see. Thanks for your help.
Edu: You're welcome Katherin, take care of yourself. See you later.
Katherin: You too. See you later.
Steven: Take care, I hope you recover soon.

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