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Assignment No.

Feature Extraction

Assignment No. 3

Title: Feature Extraction

Problem Definition and Aim of Experiment: To extract features from given

dataset and establish training data.

Objective of Experiment
1. To understand How to extract features?
2. To load dataset in python IDE.
3. Extract features and target from given dataset.
4. To Separate training and testing data

1. Introduction - What is Feature Extraction? (Schematic, Explanation)
2. Datasets for Machine Learning Categorized by the Types of Data
(Schematic, Explanation)
3. Datasets for ML Based on the Types of ML and Annotation Tasks
(Schematic, Explanation)
4. What are the features of a proper, high-quality dataset in ML?
5. What is Training Data in Machine Learning?
6. What is Testing Data in Machine Learning?
7. How and in which ratio to split your Data Set in Machine Learning?
8. What are the Feature Engineering?
9. What is the difference between a Feature and a Label?
10. Statistical features
11. Type of Analytics
12. Over fitting and Under fitting

Problem Statement
Write problem statement of already available one type of learning
example from available resources. The data must be in CSV format. The
aim is to extract features from given dataset and establish training data.
Target Variable: Write the target variable.

Write and follow the standard procedure for your selected type of learning
example from available resources assigned to you.

Program Code
Write Algorithm, draw flow-chart of the Problem Statement selected by /
assigned to you. Also enclose a print-out of your Python Program Listing
NOTE: No hand-written Program Listing is expected; it should be a Print-out!

Program Input
Also attach a print-out of the Dataset in form of *.csv file (comma
separated values) as an input.

Program Output
Attach a print-out of your program output (result) and Conclusion.


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