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Assignment No.

Reinforced Learning

Assignment No. 9

Title: Reinforced Learning

Problem Definition and Aim of Experiment: To study and apply Reinforced

Learning for optimizing engineering designs / Robot Guidance and

Objective of Experiment
1. To understand Reinforcement Learning
2. To understand Markov Decision Process (MDP) used to formulate the
reinforcement learning problems
3. To analyse the problem for optimization and navigation
4. To find the probability of sequence of steps for given number of steps.
5. To find the probability of sequence when initial and final states are

1. What is Reinforcement Learning? (Schematic, Explanation)
2. How Reinforcement Learning works?
3. Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
 Dynamic Programming
 Monte Carlo Methods
 Temporal Difference Learning Algorithms
 On-policy and Off-policy Reinforcement Learning algorithms
 Q Learning
 State Action Reward State Action
4. Application of Reinforced Learning in Mechanical Engineering

Problem Statement
Write problem statement of already available one type of learning
example from available resources. The data must be in CSV format. The
aim is to extract features from given dataset and establish training data.

Write and follow the standard procedure for your selected type of learning
example from available resources assigned to you.

Program Code
Write Algorithm, draw flow-chart of the Problem Statement selected by /
assigned to you. Also enclose a print-out of your Python Program Listing
NOTE: No hand-written Program Listing is expected; it should be a Print-out!

Program Input
Also attach a print-out of the Dataset in form of *.csv file (comma
separated values) as an input.

Program Output

 Attach a print-out of your program output (result) and Conclusion.


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