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Activity for speaking more freely in classes of English

language, as a foreign language

Vladimir Vojnak 0117/2021

"Story Circle Adventure"

Objective: Encourage students to speak English language freely and more
confidently while enhancing their creativity and storytelling skills.
Materials Needed:
 A soft toy or object (a stuffed animal, a small toy or similar)
 Flashcards with simple English words or phrases (related to animals, places,
objects, etc.)
 Large circle drawn on the floor or mats arranged in a circle
1. Introduction (5 minutes): Start by introducing the soft toy or object as the
"Story Circle Buddy." Explain that when someone holds the Buddy, it's their
turn to speak in English. Emphasize that everyone is here to have fun and
support each other.
2. Vocabulary Warm-up (10 minutes): Lay out the flashcards in the center of
the circle. Ask each student to pick a card, say the word or phrase in English,
and then use it in a sentence. For example, if a student picks the card with
the word "tree," they could say, "I like to climb trees."
3. Pass the Story Circle (15 minutes): Have the students sit in the circle. Start
a simple story by saying a sentence related to the flashcards (e.g., "Once
upon a time, there was a little cat..."). Then, pass the Story Circle Buddy to
the student next to you. That student continues the story with a new
sentence, incorporating the flashcard they choose. Continue passing the
Buddy around the circle, with each student adding a sentence to the story.
4. Enhance the Story (10 minutes): After a round or two, introduce a twist.
For example, each student has to add a new character or describe the setting
using the flashcards. This will challenge them to use their vocabulary and
5. Closing (5 minutes): Gather the students and briefly discuss the stories they
created. Praise their efforts and highlight any improvements in using
English. Reiterate that speaking English is a fun and exciting way to express
This activity not only provides an opportunity for students to practice speaking
English but also fosters creativity and collaboration in a supportive environment.

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