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支 持 提升 的 简 单技 巧 : 提高睡眠与消化的技巧,按摩手部、脚部与头部穴位来支持提升




支持 提升的 简单技 巧
The Earth Mother through Karen Danrich “Mila” May 11, 2005
地球母亲透过 Karen Danrich “Mila”传递,2005 年 5 月 11 日

Translated by 流星似火

Dear Beloved Ascending


There are many techniques

that are supportive of
ascending initiates and this
is what we wish to delve into
today. Recently the Nut,
Vegetable and Fruit Bearing
Plants gave some
assistance in association
with nutrition to support the
ascending field and form.
(See “From the Nut, Fruit
and Vegetable Bearing
Plants” for more
information). Nutrition is an important manner to support ascension as if the biology has
not all the necessary ingredients to modify a particular part of the cellular structure, then
often this region is skipped over leading to gaps and holes in the ascension through
which one can then be manipulated. Therefore providing a solid nutritional foundation on
an ongoing and recurrent basis is important to the goal of ascension in this lifetime.


缺乏胃 口

Sometimes initiates suffer from intermittent or long term lack of appetite. The underlying
cause of a lack of appetite is generally a desire to cease to digest one’s spiritual life
lessons. For in failing to eat, one also fails to ground adequately into physicality and
ceases to process the incoming information from soul down the chakras connecting one
to one’s source, and also ceases to release what on is no longer needing down the
grounding cord for transmutation by one’s larger chakras in the aurora or core of earth.
Eat and one will begin to process their ascension again as well as ground soul into the
physical, or so Mila and Oa have discovered.

你则将再一次开始处理提升并将灵魂锚定入物质层;或说 Mila 和 Oa 已发现如此。

There are dark forces that prefer you to fail at your transcendence also in any field.
These forces generally sit in the space between the lay lines of energy flow of the etheric
body, chakras, subtle bodies and light body dreamtime self. As one intends to shatter
those consciousnesses that desire one’s failure in the space between, the one can begin
to push out that which is interfering with one’s need to provide nutrition to the ascending
biology. An ascending body will always desire to eat as there are always nutrients
necessary to the biological transmutation process underway each day, week or month of
ascension. If one fails to feel the body’s requirement to eat, then something is

轮、精微体和光体梦想时间自我中能量流层线的区隔空间(space between)之中。当你意


释放饮 食机械装 置

There can be machines associated with appetitive control from a desire to be thin
through dieting. If one did not diet much in this lifetime, then this type of machinery may
be associated with ancestors who dieted in earlier time periods in human history that one
is related unto. The thin female has been a recurrent “fashion model” in many eras
including Atlantis and the era of the Annanuki. Innana (Venus or Aphrodite) was famous
for her thin and frail looking form with rather small breasts that she believed was the
most beautiful female figure upon earth. During the era of the slave civilization
associated with the Anu, women desired to be thin and chose to limit their food intake to
accomplish the goal of appearing like Innana. The Anu themselves of course did not
require limitation of food as they held a silica based crystalline structure that much like
the crystalline form ascending initiates are embodying today cannot eat enough calories
to sustain itself. Innana could eat whatever she wanted and remain thin.

众多时代不断重演而成为“时髦的模特儿”,包括亚特兰蒂斯和 Annanuki 时代。Innana
女性形体。在与 Anu 有关的奴隶文明时期,妇女们渴望苗条,并选择限制进食以达到接近
Innana 外形的目的。但 Anu 人自己当然并不需要节食,因为他们持有的是硅基水晶结构,
取充足卡路里以维系自身的。故而,Innana 可以尽情食用却能保持苗条。

Calories are gathered from the breath and oxygen is converted into blood sugar in the
crystalline diaphragm. One therefore cannot diet and lose weight after one has
ascended 80% into the crystalline structure as one will always manufacture the
necessary blood sugar through the breath to sustain one's physique. Innana did not
have a carbon based diaphragm as she gathered energy through electrical flow rather
than the breath; this created a different type of feminine form than the Red Nations
Peoples who had large diaphragms and round bellies due to hosting carbon based
DNA. This is where the preference for a smaller female frame comes from, as it was the
preference of the Anu. Alas even the slaves had different sized forms and many were
heavier like the red nations folk; perhaps this speaks to the fact that the slave nations
were drawn from 40% Native American Root Race DNA blended with Anu DNA that this
is so.

卡路里是从呼吸中收集而来的,而氧气则在水晶横膈膜中转化成血糖。因此,当 80%提升
你的体形。Innana 并没有一个碳基的横膈膜,因为她藉由电流而不是呼吸来收集能量。这制
造了一种与红族人不同的女性形体,因为红族妇女具备碳基 DNA 而长着大大的横膈膜和
圆圆的腹部。这就是偏好更娇小女性的起源,它只是 Anu 人的偏好。而且,即使是奴隶的身
隶族是从美洲土著根种族身上汲取了 40%DNA 而与 Anu 人混制的,所以才造成这样的结

Therefore it may simply be one’s DNA to be larger than what is popular; and for those
with ancient Red Nation Root Race Inheritance that are ascending, this will most likely
be so. Embrace your larger forms as they hold a higher frequency and are a reflection of
your ancient red ancestry. Dieting has no affect upon a crystalline structure anyway and
so one can eat as much of anything that one desires and remain the same size. So
enjoy your treats and sweets too as often the body will crave the sweets out of the desire
to experience the “sweetness of life”. As one eats sweets, one then draws a sweeter
dream towards oneself in the physical beloved.

因此,有可能只是因为 DNA 的缘故,导致你会比流行的身材长得更庞大;对那些具备远


Mila and Oa have gone on 3 day fruit fasts themselves for a time for the purposes of
cleansing. They did not lose an ounce of weight in the process due to their ability to
gather blood sugar from the air. Weight can be deceptive also as one masters their
magnetic energy flow in ascension anyway; as if one is more grounded then one will
weigh more; and if one is less grounded then one will weigh less upon a scale. Mila and
Oa have also learned to move the center of their grounding from the first chakra in the
tailbone into the heart in the chest and will lighten up by 30%. They do this if they are
walking up hill in a hike so it is less strenuous upon the physical vessel. Each who has
gotten larger and heavier due to the ascending form can intend to do the same and enjoy
physical activities such as walking or hiking in greater ease.

为了净化,Mila 和 Oa 已持续每日 3 餐水果了一段时间。他们在此过程中没有丢失一盎司的

就越轻。Mila 和 Oa 也已学会将根植中心从尾骨的第一脉轮转移到胸部的心脏脉轮,从而让
体重减轻了 30%。他们会在远足爬山时这么做,以便减轻对肉体的压力。每一位因提升而身


正餐、 点心与药 草茶

Dieting has no place with those of crystalline biology and one should strive to release all
programming and mechanization hosting thought-form around this so that one can more
clearly hear their body’s nutritional requirements each day, week, month and year of
one’s continued evolution. By in large ascending initiates should eat two meals per day
and some snacks in between. Complete meals are one way to make sure that one
receives all requirements necessary to ascend; complete meals host some proteins,
carbohydrates or sugars, fats and fermented foods. Striving therefore to create complete
meals once or twice per day is a useful means of assuring one is receiving all nutrients
required to ascend.

月、每一年的营养所需。大体而言,提升者应每日进食 2 餐,中间摄取一些点心。正餐是确
食品。因此设法每日进食 1-2 顿正餐,是确保你得到所有必需营养来提升的一条有益途径。

Supplementing with herbal teas that one muscle tests or pendulums requiring in the
coming 3 months of ascension is also a useful tool in supplying small amounts of certain
substances required to the continued transmutation of the biology. There are many
lovely teas available of herbs in most health food stores worldwide even if some regions
are eliminating the high dosage supplements from their shelves. Worry not about this as
high dosage supplements are by in large overly toxic for an ascending form anyway.
One can make tinctures from the teas as well and here is a simple formula for this.

经过肌肉测试或摆锤测试,按照提升未来 3 个月的所需来补充一些药草茶,也是一个为生


自制简单的 药草酊剂

4 Teabags of Tea or 4 Tablespoons of Dried Herbs of desired remedy

4 包茶,或 4 汤匙所需的干药草

1 Cup boiling purified water

1 杯烧开的净化水

Soak the tea bags or herbs in the hot water for an hour. Remove the bags or
strain the tea and boil down to one quarter cup remaining fluid. Fill a tincture
bottle with 75% tea and 25% vodka, gin, rum or vegetable glycerin. Shake well.

将茶包或药草浸泡在热水中一小时。除去茶包或拧干药草,将剩下的水熬干成 1/4
杯。将这些茶水灌入一个酊剂瓶的 75%容量,剩余 25%灌入伏特加酒、杜松子酒、

One can then take their tea in small dosages of 20 drops or so 3 times per day.
This is useful in travel or when at work, although brewing tea in a hotel room is
not so difficult. Mila and Oa take their teas on the road along with an electric
hotpot and water filter so that they can heat purified water each evening.

随后,你可以按小剂量,每次 20 滴,每日 3 次来进食。这在旅途或工作中是很有

用的,尽管在酒店中泡茶并不困难。Mila 和 Oa 会在旅途中带上茶、电热水壶和净水

Snacks that are useful in between meals are fruit, nuts, dried fruit, trail mix, freshly made
popcorn (made in oil on the stove top and not in the microwave) or veggies that are easy
to nibble upon. Mila and Oa often crave fruit in the afternoon and will cut up a pineapple
or watermelon and snack upon this. The snacks allow the digestive system to continue
to operate through the afternoon rather than shut down. This allows for the continued
processing of physical plane spiritual lessons during the waking hours.

波炉)或其它容易小口嚼碎的素食。Mila 和 Oa 经常会在下午想吃水果,并会切开一个菠萝

The time of fasting is left for during the night and in the dreamtime hours when the body
rests and ascends in the physical. As a human withdraws consciousness from the body
in sleep, the digestive system should shut down so that all the energy can be put to
resurrecting the biology into the crystalline structure. It is at night that the greatest
growth of new DNA also occurs in any ascending initiate.

在夜晚,任何提升者的新 DNA 都会出现最大程度的生长。


睡眠的 问题

Many initiates have problems with sleeping. Generally speaking, if the body cannot fall
asleep easily, it does not feel safe for some reason. Therefore earth invites initiates to
ground the bedroom, ground the bed, ground the apartment complex, home or hotel you
are staying in. And then intend to shatter and remove any entity that is within one’s
home or hotel that does not allow the body to feel safe. Send the remains of such
entities to the aurora. The intent to shatter that which is harmful is not wrong. Another
intent is to invert the destructive intention of the entity back upon itself and command it to
shatter itself. Mila and Oa use this intention all of the time, particularly in travel.

愿是将存有的破坏性意愿翻转回它自身,并命令它自我粉碎。Mila 和 Oa 一直在使用这个意

Often Mila and Oa also intend to return any parts of self humans have left in the airports,
train stations, trains, cities or hotels that they transit through, as humans tend to leave
parts of themselves and their entities behind in their journeys. One can send them to the
aurora to the Temple of Ancestry. The reason for this is that humanity is fracturing at this
time into greater density if they are not consciously choosing to ascend. In the
fracturing, bits of self are left everywhere. This is especially occurring due to the
electrical media that humanity entertains themselves with; as such media hosts a load of
unconsciously destructive energies and entities that seek to strip and take any human
field apart that they touch.

经常的,Mila 和 Oa 也意愿将人们经过时留在机场、火车站、火车、城市或酒店中的任何自我

Therefore if you have not removed the television from your home, and have difficulties
sleeping, we would advise that you do so. The television will insert billions of entities into
one’s living room the moment that it turns on. Mila and Oa even go so far as to unplug
the television in the hotel or furnished condos that they rent in the islands as even the
connection is enough to press such entities into one’s field and environment. It is due to
all the harm that flows through the television that we guide ascending initiates not to
partake in the media and to minimize such forms of entertainment if not eliminate them

它打开的那一刻就会将几十亿存有插入到你的起居室中。Mila 和 Oa 甚至会拔下酒店或岛上

Instead of watching the television, go outside and enjoy the sunset, take a walk, meditate
or take a candle lit bath. Put on some soothing music as music has not the same
patterning associated as television (unless it is heavy metal or rock and roll). Soothing
music often hosts positive forces that are non-harmful in nature and can be listened to as
much as one may desire as a result. On the airplane, take a CD player with you and
listen to soothing music at that time too; you will find yourself much more rested after a
long flight than if you watch the movie instead.

正向力量,因此你可以想听多久就听多久。在飞机上,随身携带一个 CD 播放器在途中聆听

The body must relax in order to sleep. You may find it useful to work with Mila and Oa’s
meditations or a guided meditation that one has come up with oneself that is associated
before retiring and intend to utilize their intentions to clear out your home as well as your
field. Then the body can relax. Sometimes however there are substances that the body
is detoxifying that will cause the nervous system to become agitated; sometimes the
nerves even fire causing muscle spasms and pain in ascension. This can be a sign of
excessive electrical flow through the field as well. Therefore intend to send all electrical
flow in your field, form and environment in such moments to the aurora for
transmutation. Then fill your home and field with the magnetic language of light from the
aurora in its place.

身体需要放松以入睡。在休息前与 Mila、Oa 的冥想或你自录的相关引导冥想一起工作,并


There are herbs that are also soothing and assist the nervous system in relaxing if there
is a load of tension that prevents sleep. Angelica Root is one; Passion Flower and
Valerian Root two others. One can muscle test and utilize the tinctures from such herbs
as needed before bedtime in order to create more restful sleep. Generally such herbs
need to be ingested four hours before sleep, so one may actually wish to take the
tincture or have a cup of the associated herbal tea after dinner. The substances will also
digest better with greater possibility of being absorbed through the intestinal tract when
ingested along with one’s meal.

睡眠效果。通常的,这类药草需要在睡前 4 小时被消化,因此实际上你会希望在晚饭后就


晚上突 然惊醒

Often initiates wake up suddenly and perhaps the body has gone into fear. The heart is
pounding, and perhaps one recollects a strange dream experienced while asleep.
Dreamtime is a confusing experience to the consciousness of the physical form; for
dreamtime is recorded in symbolic images that may have little to do with the actual
patterning one is working upon in ascension. One can interpret the symbolism behind
the dream and potentially understand what it means. Symbolism is different for each
genetic package and this is why dream interpretation books or information may have little
to do with one’s own personal dreamtime.


Some dreams are of parallel lives that one is working upon integrating in the ascent.
Parallel life dreams may host people that one knows physically but will be experienced in
different roles in the dream. If awakening from a dream of a parallel life, one can intend
to retrieve all parts of self off of the associated plane of reality and integrate it. Then one
may quite naturally drift off to sleep again.


Violent dreams may be associated with violent dreamtime planes that one’s light body
has become trapped upon while attempting to return to the physical. One can intend
upon awakening to roll up all confusing or violent dreamtime planes in one’s region of
origin or region that one is traveling through, and send them to the aurora for
transmutation. For over a year, Mila and Oa worked upon the violent dreamtime in
Honolulu, rolling up whatever they perceived. The year of 2000 that they lived near
downtown, the city of Honolulu received the aware for the least crime of any city in all of
the United States. One can therefore impact one’s own regional environment in the
choice to remove these types of dreamtime from earth, as they do act out in physicality
as they step down.

送到地心极光中去转化。有一年多时间,Mila 和 Oa 一直处理着檀香山的暴力梦想时间层,
将他们察觉到的一切卷走。2000 年他们住在靠近市中心的地方,那年檀香山被认为是全美

Where does violent dreamtime come from? Primarily it is from the warfare of the Anu
31,000 years ago. The warfare included dreams of rape, murder and violence
perpetrated by the soldiers against civilians in the cities that they conquered. This
dreamtime was created by Merduk (Hades) and projected upon humanity. Over time this
dream for violence shall be completely removed from all planes surrounding earth. Until
such time, the dreams will continue to play out until there are enough ascending humans
to weave a new dream and a new day for your civilization. As those who are consciously
ascending choose to actively remove violent dreamtime planes, the pace will increase at
which the new dream of unity, honor and hope can be anchored for your human brothers
and sisters to then live to experience.

暴力梦想时间层是从哪儿来的呢?它主要来自 31000 年前 Anu 人的战争。战争包括了士兵

们对占领地百姓所犯下的强奸、谋杀和暴力。这一梦想层由 Merduk 制造并投影到人类身上。

Sometimes one’s light body dreamtime self becomes shattered in the violent dreamtime;
sometimes entities will try and cut the silver cord that attaches the dreamtime self to the
physical body in the solar plexus region; this would cause death if the silver cord were to
be completely severed. If you awaken suddenly and in fright, intend to reweave any
tatters in the dreamtime light body along with the silver cord. You can call upon the
angels and healing temples for ascension to assist. Once repaired, your dreamtime self
will be ready to return to dreamtime and you will fall asleep again in ease. (See Tips for
Retaining One's Level of Evolution for information on all healing temples available to
ascending initiates.)

按摩主 要的穴位
pdf printing version of Hand Meridians, Feet Meridians and Head Meridians

There are main points in the hands and feet that host the entry points for the kundahlini
side channels and meridians that lead to major organs and glands in the biology.
Massaging the hands and feet each day is a good way to stimulate the chi to run through
the meridians of the form. Massaging the scalp is a manner of also a manner of
stimulating those meridians that enter the field through the head. It is also a nice way to
relax the body before retiring for sleep.


One easy way to massage the feet is to take a 45 minute walk around the neighborhood
or in a park. The meridians of the feet will be massaged as one walks and the lymph will
turn its fluid through the body which is a daily requirement to support one’s health and
continued ascent. The lymph fluid hosts nutrients and white blood cells to absorb toxins
and viral agents released in ascension and so some exercise is required in order to fulfill
upon this each day.

按摩脚部的简单方法,就是在附近或公园里散步 45 分钟。当你步行时,脚步的经络受到按

A 45 minute swim will massage the hand and feet meridians due to the pressure of the
water. The pressure of the water also assists in turning the lymph fluid and is another
useful daily activity to support one’s health and ascension. Jacuzzis and saunas are also
useful, but without some physical movement for 20 to 45 minutes, the lymph does not
thoroughly turn. Therefore Mila and Oa has found if they cannot swim that they must
walk and this suffices to assist the body in its requirements for each day of ascension.

45 分钟的游泳将因水的压力而按摩手部和脚部经络。水压也会协助淋巴液的分泌,所以是
有 20-45 分钟的身体锻炼,淋巴液就不会完全分泌。因此 Mila 和 Oa 已发现,他们如果不
In addition to the walk, one may also massage the hands and feet. In the last article
“From the Gum and Eucalyptus Trees”, a recipe for hand and foot cream was offered.
One can take a little of this cream or any lotion one prefers and massage it into the
hands and feet before retiring for sleep. The foot cream recipe will assist in the
dissolution of scar tissue in the form of bunions and calluses upon the feet as well. The
massage will stimulate the side kundahlini channels and organs associated with the
meridians that originate in the hands and feet.

Many have heard of Reflexology. The meridian points earth offers are different from
Reflexology charts. The meridian access points increase in size due to ascension into
the crystalline form. However there are many minor meridians that we have not mapped
as well as lay line junctures that run up the legs from the feet or down the arms from the
hands to many other parts of the biology. If one massages between the toes for
example, one will trigger energy up the lay lines and minor meridians into the neck and
shoulders. If one massages the back of the feet leading to the ankles, one will stimulate
lay lines that reach up to the shoulder blades in the back of the heart. If one massages
the tops of the feet, one stimulates lay lines that reach the breasts and upper chest. If
one massages between the fingers, one will stimulate lay lines that reach the teeth, jaws,
eyes, ears, nose and mouth. If one massages the top of the hands one will stimulate lay
lines that reach the forehead and skull.


Massage is a wonderful way to stimulate all the organs and glands of the biology to
properly function. The problem is that often massage therapists do not always hold the
language of light vibrations as they have not ascended themselves into such a state of
being. As a result, the therapist may run too much electrical energy into the ascending
initiate’s field and meridian system leaving one feeling sore and beaten up rather than
rested and relaxed thereafter. Finding a therapist that is ascending may be one solution;
or for initiates to give each other massages in trade. Another is to massage oneself
where one can, such as hands and feet along with calves and scalp.

Mila and Oa have found that a retractable hand held shower head with massage flow is
also useful. One can use the pulsations of the water to massage one’s back, legs, hips,
chest, feet and hands. Mila and Oa do this each night before retiring if they have not a
large enough bathtub to bathe in their living environment or hotel. This type of shower
head also will massage the scalp before and after shampooing and conditioning the hair,
stimulating the meridians that originate in the scalp each morning. One can also
exchange head and face massage with another, or massage the points of the head

Mila 和 Oa 已经发现,带有按摩水流的伸缩性手持淋浴头也很有用。你可以使用水流的脉动
的话,Mila 和 Oa 就在每晚休息前这么做。这种淋浴头也可以在清洗和护理头发前后按摩头

Most of these points develop in the ascent to 3000 strands. It is the kundahlini from the
aurora that energizes the feet and hand meridian entry points; it is the fire from the solar
sun that energizes the head meridians. It is for this reason that taking a 10 minute sun
bath or a walk or swim in the sun is useful each day in ascension as it energizes the
meridians of the upper body and brain.
大部分这些穴位在提升到 3000 股的过程中产生。正是来自地心极光的昆达里尼,充能了手
部脚部的穴位;正是来自太阳的火焰,充能了头部经络。正因为这样,每日 10 分钟的太阳
浴,或阳光下步行或游泳 10 分钟,在提升中是非常有用的,因为它充能了上半身和头部


在糟糕 的提升日 子里怎么 做

Long ago Mila offered up a “Sun Meditation” to assist in energizing the entire field. We
will offer this meditation up again as a solution in particular to a bad ascension day. Bad
ascension days are caused by karma triggered in the ancestry and following a karmic
encounter with one or more others. Sometimes the experience of a bad ascension day
is one of feeling overly tired or flue-like. The development of a cold is also a reflection of
a karmic shattering that has affected either the head or chest. Diarrhea or menstrual
cramps and bleeding outside of one’s cycles is a sign of a karmic shattering of field that
has affecting the pelvis on a bad ascension day.

很久前,Mila 提供了一份“太阳冥想”来协助充能整个能量场。我们将再一次提供这一份

Why is one shattered in this manner, with entities from the field of another or even within
one’s own field ripping a part at one’s own grid work? Well this has been how humanity
has fallen beloved; the dark have used one another to pull each other a part. The only
solution to this dance is to ascend beyond it through intention. Ascending beyond the
conflict underlying a bad ascension day occurs through intention, and in the piecing of
oneself back together again.


First one must intend to release the karma associated with the shattering including the
original cause. If the original cause is unavailable in one’s own akashic records, one can
attune to the Temple of Karma and pull the cause as known from the future and then
intend to release or forgive it. Then intend to retrieve whatever information was lost in
present time and in the ancestry involved at all times in history that the pattern repeated.
One may also need to return information taken as one’s own ancestors battered another
in the unconscious in parallel manner. One will also need to intend to cease to
participate in the dance oneself and in the unconscious as mirrored in the experience for
an absolute completion with the game into the future. As all components of the
experience are released, understood and forgiven, then one transcends up in vibration
releasing the ties underlying the conflict, leaving one free to continue to evolve.


In the process of clearing upon a bad ascension day, taking a walk, sun bath, swim or
hike in the country or by the beach is very useful. As one physically moves, one can
begin to intend to piece oneself back together again. The movement will foster an
increasing spin of energy field that will quicken the pace that one may retrieve whatever
one lost, whether it be moving energy systems, grid work, chi or information. One may
also require resurrecting one’s guardians and soul or angels if these too become
compromised. Working with the Temple of Soul and Temple of Guardians will be useful
in this dance. (pdf of Healing Temples for printing)

守护者圣殿一起工作,这也同样有所助益(供打印的 pdf 格式疗愈圣殿,)。

Taking a mud bath is also a good way to support the detoxification of the form in
ascension. Sometimes the case of the flu or cold or a bad ascension day is not only due
to a karmic encounter, but also the result of a load of toxins being released in the biology
due to the transmutation of sick or decayed cells. Having a mud bath will pull the
maximum amount of toxins possible out of the largest organ of the body known as the
skin. Mila has used French green clay or white clay (bentonite) for this purpose for five
years now. Invariably the symptoms of the cold or flue disappear in a day or two with
one or two mud baths in a 48 hour period.

Mila 已使用 5 年的法国绿泥或白泥(斑脱土)来达到这一目的。在 48 小时内做 1-2 次泥巴
泥巴浴 治疗

1/2 Cup Clay

1/2 杯泥

3/4 Cup boiling purified water

3/4 杯烧开的净化水

Essential oils as desired



1 Cup Epsom or Sea Salt

1 杯泻盐(即硫酸镁)或海盐

2 Tablespoons Massage Oil of Choice

2 汤匙挑选的按摩油

Essential oils as desired


Mix 1/2 cup clay with 3/4 cup boiling water. Add essential oils as one tests to be
supportive (lavender and eucalyptus are generally helpful). Spread all over the body
(except for the scalp) and allow to dry. Stand in front of a warm fire, go out into the sun (if
you have a private place to do so naked) or wrap oneself up in a sheet and cover with a
blanket and take a short nap.

将 1/2 杯泥和 3/4 杯开水混合在一起。加入你经过肌肉测试为有帮助的精油(薰衣草和桉树


When the clay is dry, one can also climb into a hot bath for 45 minutes or so and allow the
mud to release in the water. The water will pull out even more toxins. When complete
with the bath, wash off the remaining mud with a washcloth in the shower and finish with a
salt scrub. Take a palm sized amount of the salt and scrub the entire epidermis of the mud
and then shower off.

当泥巴干透后,你也可以爬到热浴缸中呆上 45 分钟左右,让泥巴在水中脱落。水将带走更
One can also work with any of the meditation CDs that Mila and Oa have created to
support the recovery from a bad ascension day. One can work with the written formats
of the Synthesis Meditation and Elements Meditation or go into the sun and have a Sun
Meditation. (See Products for more information on the meditation CDs.)

你也可以和 Mila、Oa 所制作的任一张冥想 CD 一起工作,来支持自己从一个糟糕的提升日

阳光冥想(请看产品来获得有关冥想 CD 的更多信息)。

太阳冥 想

1. Sit outside and facing the sun. With the eyes closed to prevent sun damage, look
directly into the sun while shielding the sun with one's eyelids. Do not wear sunglasses.


2. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Allow the sun to enter the pineal gland in the
center of one's head. Imagine the warmth of the sun filling first one's head, and then
spreading down the core of one's spine.


3. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Then imagine the core radiating out to fill one's
entire grid work from head to toe with the vibrations of the sun. Breathe slowly in and out
as this is occurring.

3. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。然后想象从脊柱中心散发出太阳的振动,将你的整个晶格层从头

4. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Move the fire of the sun through each meridian
in the form, opening and cleansing each to the best of one's ability from the bottom of the
feet to the top of the head and through the arms and hands.

4. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。将太阳的火焰穿透身体中的每条经络而移动,从脚底到头顶,穿
5. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Blow the fire of the sun beginning with the
chakras under the feet leading to the aurora in the center of Earth. Imagine an inferno
raging under you as you clear out everything with the fire element that is in the grounding
energy flow.

5. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。让太阳的火焰熊熊燃烧,先从脚下连接到地球中心极光中的脉轮

6. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Now move the fire through the feet knee and
hips chakras, along with the three chakras that sit under the hips. Imagine that you have
an inferno raging from your hips down and clear out everything that no longer resonates.

6. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。现在将火焰向上引到足部、膝盖、髋骨脉轮及髋骨底下的 3 个主脉

7. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Next move fire through the major chakra centers
above the waist through the top of the head. Imagine the upper body becoming an
inferno raging from your waist unto the top of your head.

7. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。现在将火焰引到腰部以上直到头顶的主脉轮中。想象上半部身体变

8. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Now push the fire through the chakras above
the head leading to one's source. Imagine an inferno raging above the head clearing
anything or anyone interfering with your connection to your oversoul.

8. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。现在将火焰压向你头顶上引向你源头的众脉轮中。想象一束烈焰在

9. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Intend to increase the pace of field rotation now
to spin off the density as there is enough fire to do so. Take many deep breaths inhaling
and exhaling as you spin up the field.

9. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。现在意愿加快能量场旋转的步伐以旋掉致密,因为现在有充足火

10. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. As you complete, intend to slow the field back
down to a comfortable pace of field rotation. Now fill the field from the grounding chakras
through the chakras above the head with the element of water to wash away the ashes
of that which was transmuted with the fire element in working with the sun.

10. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。当你完成时,意愿将能量场减缓到一个舒适的旋转步伐。现在将
11. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Now fill the field from the grounding chakras
through the chakras above the head with the element of air to blow away that which no
longer resonates in your life dance.

11. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。现在将从根植脉轮直到头顶上脉轮的能量场用气元素充盈,吹走

12. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Now fill the field from the grounding chakras
through the chakras above the head with the element of earth to connect with a larger
body of the consensus that you are a part of. Intend to allow the global patterning
associated to be pulled off that is not one’s responsibility to transmute as a single

12. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。现在将从根植脉轮直到头顶上脉轮的能量场用土元素充盈,将你

13. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Now intend to synthesize the field into a
rainbow of tones from densest to lightest in color. This will have the affect of releasing
anything remaining that is not your own to clear.

13. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。现在意愿将能量场沿最深到最浅合成为一条彩虹音调。这将释放


塌缩区 隔空间

Another technique that has proved useful to those mastering Bodhisattva level evolution
and in our Group Mastery Program this year has been to intend to collapse the space
between. The space between is the region of domain that sits between the chakras,
between the subtle bodies and etheric body, between the subtle bodies and one’s
dreamtime self.

缩区隔空间(space between)。区隔空间位于脉轮与脉轮、精微体和以太体、精微体和梦想

Often initiates have very tiny little chakras with a load of space between. This creates a
fragile field that wobbles easily and therefore one is more easily shattered. The recent
group at our Hawaii Intensive further discovered that if they chose to inflate the chakras
to near touching and collapse the space between that it created a far more stable field
that the dark could not work through to harm. This was the first absolutely harmless
event SSOA has ever known, and it is now understood that the dark use the inflated
space between to harm self and others.

法再借助它来进行伤害。这就是 SSOA 所曾经历的首次绝对无害活动,现在明白到,黑暗

Therefore intend to puff up the chakras and subtle bodies to near touching and inflate the
lotuses (if you have them open) to the edges of the subtle bodies. This will create a
stronger field that can ascend in greater ease. Often initiates will feel tired. The
tiredness is the result of not enough chi running through the kundahlini energy system;
as not enough chi runs then the chakras slow and collapse in size leading to small
chakras with large gaps in between. In such moments, take four or five deep breaths
and exhale slowly while intending to call back all the lost chi. Then intend to puff up the
chakras to near touching and allow their rotation to reenergize your form. As you do so,
you will feel better and carry on. Then you can begin to focus upon who drained all your
chi away and clear the karma without requiring going to sleep in the process. Here are
some intentions that shall be useful in this exercise. Mila and Oa’s latest meditation CD
“Mastering Dream Weaving” has incorporated this exercise into the first meditation.

缩而变小,从而让彼此间产生巨大缝隙。在这类时刻,深深地慢呼吸 4-5 次,同时意愿召唤
Mila 和 Oa 最近录制的冥想 CD 掌握梦想编织,已将这一练习并入第一个冥想中。


意愿减 小间隔空 间

Attune to the Temple of Grid Work in meditation to receive support in this goal
在冥想 中接入晶 格层圣殿 以获得对 这一目标 的支持。

1. I intend to collapse the space between to 25% of my total energy flow in the etheric

1.我意愿将以太体的间隔空间塌缩到我整个能量流的 25%。

2. I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that suspends my space between more
than 25% throughout my etheric body that is non-karmic or other creational in nature.
2.我意愿将在我整个以太体中将间隔空间维系成超过 25%的、性质为非业力或其他造物的

3. I further intend to release all karma, patterning or thought-form that causes portions of
my etheric body to host space between greater than 25% in size.

3.我进一步意愿释放导致我部分以太体的间隔空间超过 25%的所有业力、模式或思想形态。

4. I intend to collapse the space between to 25% between my etheric skin or genetic grid
work and ascension grid work.

4.我意愿将我以太皮肤、遗传晶格层及提升晶格层之间的间隔空间全部塌缩成 25%。

5. I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that is non-karmic and suspends my

space between more than 25% between my etheric skin or genetic grid work and
ascension grid work.

5.我意愿将我以太皮肤、遗传晶格层及提升晶格层之间的间隔空间维系成超过 25%的、性质

6. I further intend to release all karma, patterning or thought-form that causes portions of
the space between my etheric skin or genetic grid work and ascension grid work to
exceed 25% in size.

6. 我进一步意愿释放导致我以太皮肤、遗传晶格层及提升晶格层之间的间隔空间超过 25%

7. I intend to collapse the space between to 25% between my small, medium and large

7. 我意愿将我小、中、大脉轮之间的间隔空间全部塌缩成 25%。

8. I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that is non-karmic and suspends my

space between more than 25% between all chakras.

8. 我意愿将我所有脉轮之间的间隔空间维系成超过 25%的、性质为非业力的任何机械或模

9. I further intend to release all karma, patterning or thought-form that causes portions of
the space between my chakras to exceed 25% in size.

9. 我进一步意愿释放导致我脉轮之间的间隔空间超过 25%尺寸的所有业力、模式或思想形
10. I intend to collapse the space between to 25% between genetic grid work and subtle

10. 我意愿将我提升晶格层和精微体之间的间隔空间全部塌缩成 25%。

11. I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that is non-karmic and suspends my
space between more than 25% between my ascension grid work and subtle bodies.

11. 我意愿将我提升晶格层和精微体之间的间隔空间维系成超过 25%的、性质为非业力的任


12. I further intend to release all karma, patterning or thought-form that causes portions
of the space between my etheric ascension grid work and subtle bodies to exceed 25%
in size.

12. 我进一步意愿释放导致我以太提升晶格层和精微体之间的间隔空间超过 25%尺寸的所


13. I intend to collapse the space between to 25% between the mental, emotional,
intuitive and creative bodies.

13.我意愿将我理智体、情感体、直觉体和创造体之间的间隔空间全部塌缩成 25%。

14. I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that is non-karmic and suspends my
space between more than 25% between my mental, emotional, intuitive and creative

14. 我意愿将我理智体、情感体、直觉体和创造体之间的间隔空间维系成超过 25%的、性质


15. I further intend to release all karma, patterning or thought-form that causes portions
of the space between my mental, emotional, intuitive or creative bodies to exceed 25% in

15. 我进一步意愿释放导致我理智体、情感体、直觉体和创造体之间的间隔空间超过 25%尺


16. I intend to collapse the space between to 25% between the subtle bodies and
dreamtime self or light body.

16. 我意愿将我精微体和梦想自我或光体之间的间隔空间全部塌缩成 25%。

17. I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that is non-karmic and suspends my
space between more than 25% between my subtle bodies and my dreamtime self.

17. 我意愿将我精微体和梦想自我之间的间隔空间维系成超过 25%的、性质为非业力的任


18. I further intend to release all karma, patterning or thought-form that causes portions
of the space between my subtle bodies and dreamtime self to exceed 25%

18. 我进一步意愿释放导致我精微体和梦想自我之间的间隔空间超过 25%尺寸的所有业力、


19. I intend to collapse the space between to 25% between the dreamtime self and my
light body body-double.

19. 我意愿将我梦想自我和我光体翻版体之间的间隔空间全部塌缩成 25%。(译注:光体

翻版体 light body body-double,在 2006 年年底发现也是被操控的层面而不是真正合法的
层面。故这里 19-21 的意愿可以不用来做。)

20. I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that is non-karmic and suspends my
space between more than 25% between my dreamtime self and my light body body-

20. 我意愿将我梦想自我和我光体翻版体之间的间隔空间维系成超过 25%的、性质为非业


21. I further intend to release all karma, patterning or thought-form that causes portions
of the space between my dreamtime self and my light body body-double to exceed 25%

21. 我进一步意愿释放导致我梦想自我和我光体翻版体之间的间隔空间超过 25%尺寸的所



百分百 运作性能 量
In order to sustain ascension, one must sustain the field and vibration that one has
mastered and then continue to build upwards in chi. Those in Group Mastery discovered
as of late that it was their own tendency to fail to run the sexual energy during the day
more than 40% to 60% of capacity. In reality, the sexual energy should run 100% of
capacity if one is going to sustain one's vibration let alone continue to ascend upwards
mastering the next initiatory level. Retraining oneself to move the sexual energy 100%
of capacity therefore is a good focus.

作其容量的 40%-60%。事实上,如果你要维系振动的话性能量必须运作 100%,更何况要
继续提升以掌握下一个水平。因此,保持自己 100%运作性能量是一个很好的聚焦点。

First we invite those reading these materials to muscle test or pendulum what the
average percentage one runs the sexual energy over the course of the day. Many may
find that the sexual energy runs quite nicely at night, (one may even have the symptoms
of night sweats) but while at work or out and about over the course of one's day, that one
turns the sexual energy down or shuts it off altogether. By late afternoon, one will be
reaching for the coffee and chocolate due to tiredness that really comes from a lack of
sexual energy flow to suspend the rotation of the chakras and energize the field. When
the sexual energy ceases or drops, the rotation of the chakras and subtle bodies
dwindles and eventually will cease to spin. This will lead to excessive tiredness at
certain times of the day as a result.


Sometimes there may be no permission at work or with the family to run sexual energy;
in which case one will intend to break any of such agreements with employers,
workmates or family members and intend the boundaries of the New Consensus for
Ascension into the workplace as well as at home. One may also require addressing
patterning or machinery that shuts down the sexual flow or shunts sexual energy unto
others. As one releases such patterning while intending 100% of ones sexual flow into
the physical plane, then one will be able to push 100% of one's sexual energy through
the field. By in large one will feel better and more energized as sexual energy runs
100% of capacity.

机械装置。当你释放这类模式,同时意愿 100%性能量流进入物质层时,你将能在能量场中
100%运作性能量。大体而言,当性能量容量 100%运作的时候,你将感到更为振作及精力

To retrain oneself to run 100% of one's sexual flow during the day, earth recommends
placing post it notes in bright pink wherever one traverses; on the mirror in the bathroom,
on the computer, upon one's day timer or calendar, upon the refrigerator, and in the car.
Each time one notices the bright pink post it note, one will remind oneself to turn up
one's sexual energy 100%. One can also place a blue post-it note along side the pink
one and each time one sees this, one can remind oneself to puff up one's chakras,
subtle bodies and light body dreamtime self and collapse the space between to 25% of
the overall field. As one does this, one will have more chi running through the field
overall and will not only feel better, but be better prepared to ascend.
要想在白天 100%维持自己运作性能量流,地球建议将它用明亮的彩粉色打印出来挂在你
意到这个亮粉色的便笺条时,你就提醒自己 100%打开自己的性能量流。你也可以在粉红色
精微体和光体梦想自我,而塌缩区隔空间到整体能量场的 25%。当你这么做时,你将有更

There is another gift to the added sexual energy flow; one will have a stronger field
overall when running the sexual energy 100% of capacity making it more difficult to have
one's field shattered extensively in a karmic encounter. This will lead to minimal bad
ascension days and may prevent future cases of colds or the flue. In further collapsing
the space between within one's field, one will have less space for the dark forces or false
gods to manipulate through. In so doing, one will reduce the voices of the false gods to
a mere squeak rather than a roar as they will have less space to communicate; and one
will therefore be able to easily hear the guidance coming from one's soul, oversoul and
source along with earth and nature through holographic communication.

增加的性能量流还会带来另一个礼物。当 100%运作性能量时,你将整体拥有一个更强大的


We hope you have found the information shared in this piece useful in your continued
evolutionary path of ascension. We invite those that feel strongly resonant with what we
share to consider joining us at our annual Masters Conclave event this summer in the
beautiful Canadian Rocky Mountain town of Jasper or upon the Garden Island of Kauai
in Hawaii this fall. These events are designed to support the ascending initiate in
mastering more initiations in a given year than would be possible without the group focus
that the event co-creates. Come join us if you can!

享信息的读者,考虑加入我们今夏在加拿大落基山脉的美丽小镇嘉士伯( Jasper),或是

We also invite those who resonate and feel deeply that it is one’s true purpose to map
carve to Bodhisattva level evolution in this lifetime to consider joining us in our Self Study
and Mastering the Living Dream Programs. We have an exciting new program to be
launched for those in Self Study that has to do with map carving conscious dream
weaving for the human species.


For those who resonate but do not feel that one is a map carver, we have an additional
program known as the Community Studies. This program is test running a 36 chapter
book designed to heal patterning associated with disunity, struggle, fear, pain and non-
love in the life expression. As one comes to a greater state of unity within, the life dream
can then begin to emerge as a joyous dance that fosters a state of inner fulfillment. This
is the purpose of these studies.

该项目正在测试一本 36 章的书籍,设计来疗愈生命表达中有关不统一、抗争、恐惧、痛苦和

Until our next communication, 直到我们下一次通讯,

The Earth Mother 地球母亲

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