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100 topics to be an advanced English student:

1. The importance on a good sleep and benefits of taking

short naps
2. Habits that help you to live better in all areas
3. How to get a perfect skin and hair
4. How to get perfect teeth
5. What should you do to get as muscular as possible.
6. What kind of diet do I have to get in?
7. Best Foods that all human beings need to eat.
8. How to get more creative?
9. What kind of exams do I have to do every year? And how
frequently do I have to see the doctor?
10. Foods all people need to avoid.
11. How to get smarter? Secrets to get sharp and fast
12. The greatest habits to keep a good and efficient brain.
13. How to ger smarter in all areas.
14. Things that lead you to be less intelligent and how to
avoid it.
15. How to get and excellent vision and health eyes.
16. How to get a clean and beautiful voice.
17. How to fix and asymmetric face.
18. how to be more social.
19. Diseases that kill the most in the whole world
20. How to get rid of laziness and be a productiveness

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