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Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Discuss the value of one’s physical image.

2.Identify the varied components of the physical self.
3. Determine ways to care for the physical self.
4.Develop ways to further enhance physical health & image.


Our personality as well as our identity is not only influenced by internal factors such as
one’s brain and emotions, but it is influenced as well by our physique. Our image is a reflection
of our lifestyle and the kind of lives we lead. It is important to remember that what we see may
not be necessarily be accurate but perception matters much. Everyday interaction with people
results in their observation and formation of opinion about our attitude, behavior, practices,
mannerisms, etc. These assumptions, whether accurate or not affect, our self-concept as well as
Evidently, human life and behavior has deteriorated, and many suffer from
counterproductive behavior and disengagement in varied venues such as the workplace. Young
people now have become more susceptible to stress and have become physically weaker with the
onset and utilization of technology which does not entail much physical exertion at home, in the
school and even in the workplace.

The Dynamics of Physical Health

Biopsychosocial Model of Health (BPS)
Physical weakness is caused by a complex interaction of biological, psychological and
socio-cultural factors. It reiterates that physical health is a result of the interplay between
biological, psychological, and social factors rather than purely biological components involving
viruses, bacteria and the like.
This theory shows how three elements influence and affect the overall physical image
and condition of an individual. This may determine how well such individual values a healthy

Personal Hygiene
The physical self is a significant component in one’s image personality. Being clean and
hygienic creates a good image and allows one to feel good about the self. It is always not
necessary to be following the hype in fashion but the requirements to be neat and well-groomed.

Skins a major role in one’s appearance. Aside from functioning as an outer covering, the skin
maintains body temperature as it contains the nerve endings as well that feed the nervous system
with the stimulus from the external environment. Taking care of the skin entails the following:
1. Taking a regular bath or shower
2. Applying deodorant
3. Avoiding oily food
4. Preventing acne by facial cleansing
5. Sleeping at least 7-8 hours per day
6. Drinking 8 glasses of water each day
7. Avoiding too much exposure to sunlight
8. Using waterproof sunscreen with 15 SPF or higher
9. Avoiding sunlight at 10-2 ‘o’ clock pm
10. Taking vitamin C (antioxidant)
11. Avoiding cigarettes
12. Taking vitamin E
13. Moderate use of cosmetics
14. Avoiding harsh substance
15. Using facial cream/lotion to hydrate the skin

Hair Follicle
Hair follicle and root are embedded in the skin. It basically made of dead cells. As new
ones are formed old ones are pushed outward through the surface of the skin and die.
Taking care of the hair entails simple habits and practices which includes the following
daily routine:
1. Brush or comb hair at least twice a day to maintain body shine as it releases natural
oil from the roots.
2. Wash hair everyday with gentle soap and shampoo to prevent dryness.
3. Use enough hair conditioner
4. Have an intensive treatment at least one a week
5. Use your own comb or brush to prevent getting parasites from others
6. Color/perm/rebond hair with salon assistance for extreme care
7. Iron/blower hair occasionally only during significant events
8. Trim hair at least once a month to get rid of split ends

The teeth affect our appearance and our image. Decaying teeth turns off people as it results to
“foul breath”. Indeed, our teeth contribute a lot to our appearance and appeal. Smiling entails a
good set of teeth.
Some ways to maintain and show that contagious smile:
1. Maintain a regular oral care.
2. Brush after meal and before bedtime.
3. Use a mouthwash.
4. Use floss on hard-to-reach spots
5. Maintain a healthy diet especially veggies and fruits.
6. Avoid sugar.
7. Have a regular dental check-up.
8. Avoid cigarettes.

Good Grooming
It is a common notion that ‘first impressions lasts’. It is necessary to take pride in our
appearance and to dress appropriately as those ‘ significant others’ serve as our audience and
critic. Careful grooming and observance of proper clothing in specific occasions is an important
practice in building one’s self esteem.
Here are some tips for ladies and gentlemen:
1. For the Gentlemen
a. Be clean. Take a shower, cut nails, and pamper skin.
b. Select the right wardrobe for the right event.
c. Have a style. Wear clothing that feels comfortable but elegant.
d. Wear clean and shiny shoes that complement your attire
e. Smell good by wearing mild perfume scent.
f. Check your bearing. Properly body posture adds confidence and appeal.
2. For the Ladies
a. Bathe be clean and fresh always as it exudes confidence.
b. Polish nails to add femininity and art.
c. Apply light make-up using colors that match your skin tone.
d. Choose the appropriate attire that suits the event.
e. Use mild feminine perfume scent that fits your personality.
f. Wear clean shoes or sandals.
g. Choose the best bag or clutch that compliments your clothing.
h. Bring only essentials in your bag.
i. Wear a smart face, chin up and keep proper smart posture.

Social Graces
All civilized societies are built upon discipline, since man is gregarious by nature there is
need to practice a little self-denial for the sake of order and control. These are skills used to
interact politely in social situations.
They include manners, etiquette, deportment, fashion, and refinement. This is maintained
through certain unwritten guidelines that maintain the harmony in relationship through etiquette
which adheres to conventional requirement of social behavior.
Good Manners
These reflect one’s education, values, and sensitivity. One’s image is considered positive
and cultured if the following practices especially in specific occasions:

A. Smoking Etiquette.
1. Use an ashtray.
2. Put out the stub.
3. Never throw cigarettes butts on the floor.
4. Never smoke when walking.
5. Never smoke in public vehicles.
6. Be courteous to those who are sensitive to smoke.

B. Drinking Etiquette
1. Be pleasant.
2. Drink in moderation.
3. Drink slowly.
4. Do not mix drinks.
5. Drink coffee for hang over.
6. Call it a day when you have enough.
C. Dating Etiquette
1. Give a gift.
2. Learn to appreciate and compliment.
3. Do not embarrass the person if you do not like him/her.
4. Do not stay late.
5. Inform you parents.
6. Don’t be tempted to drink, take drugs, or do sex.
7. Control yourself.
8. Don’t overspend.
9. Plan ahead.

D. Party Etiquette
1. Plan ahead.
2. Make good food.
3. Don’t over decorate.
4. Dress up well.
5. Receive guests personally.
6. Get conversations going.
7. Play soft music.
8. Arrange party games.
9. Be hospitable.
10. Be on time.
11. Make new friends.
12. Eat moderately.
13. Do not overstay.
14. Thank the host/hostess.

E. Phone Etiquette
1. Learn to greet.
2. Identify yourself.
3. Modulate your voice.
4. Caller should end the call.
5. Be accommodating.
6. Avoid negative statements.
7. Let the speaker finish his/her line.
8. Say thank you and goodbye.

Proper Bearing and Postures

o Composure and bearing affect not only one’s physical self and image but his or her level
of confidence. Standing or sitting upright in a snappy and smart manner creates an aura of
confidence and strength.
o Postures is the position in which you hold your body upright against gravity while
standing, sitting, or lying down. Good posture involves training your body to stand, walk,
sit and lie in position
o Proper posture has its positive effects on the body specially the following.
1. Keep bones and joints in the correct alignment so that muscles are being used properly.
2. Helps the decrease the abnormal wearing of joints surfaces that could results arthritis.
3. Decreases the stress on the ligaments holding the joints of the spine together.
4. Prevents the spine from becoming fixed in abnormal positions.
5. Prevents fatigue because muscles are being used more efficiently, allowing the body to use less
6. Prevents strain or overuse problems.
7. Prevents backache and muscular pain.
8. Contributes to a good appearance.

One must understand that our health affects our performance and compliance in our daily
tasks whether in school or at work. Illness and diseases make us weak physically and
intellectually. This may cause us to underperform or become unproductive.
How should the body be taken care of and how can a longer and productive life span be
assured? Several ways can be considered but this must be religiously observed to develop habits
that will provide assurance that life will be lived with much zest and satisfaction. Such practice
includes the following:
1. Proper nutrition
Diet or what we regularly eat, and drink provides us with the fuel that powers our
body and brain.
Food Pyramid shows that fats, oils and sweets should be used sparingly as it occupies the
tip of the figure. Sodium or table salt should also be avoided.
Major nutrients should be considered on our daily diet as they help maintain our body’s
wellness such that;
a. Carbohydrates provide our body with energy;
b. Protein is necessary to repair body cells and tissues;
c. Vitamins help regulate body functions;
d. Fats serve as source of energy for vitamin storage and body insulation;
e. Minerals strengthen muscles, bone and teeth, enrich the blood and keep the heart and
other organs healthy. and
f. Water 60% of an adult’s total body weight. It helps break down food, carries nutrients
throughout the body, removes wastes and maintains a stable body temperature (sadsad
Healthy choices of food include plenty of grains, vegetables and fruits. The bottom of the
pyramid helps in maintaining healthy eyes, skin, bones, and blood. These food groups serve as
source of fiber such as those which are derived from apple, potato skin and bones. Fiber helps in
waste elimination and prevents onset of cancer etc. twenty grams of fiber should be maintained
to keep digestive system healthy.
2. Clean environment
Humans and environment make up the ecosystem. Human activities over the years have
put many waste products in the air, land, and water.
People are accountable for what they do. It is necessary to engage in activities that will
revive the environment, replenish the lost resources, and revert the original state of our
These are ways to provide us clean air, clean water, and clean environment.
a. Resource conservation a major new industry that requires the use of eco bags when
shopping or maybe reusing an item like food packages. Conserving electricity and water
is also a practice of resource conservation.
b. Recycling this is the process of reusing materials that have been put to waste.
Recycling allows finding new ways to utilize those things that have been thrown away.
c. Reduce pollution whether it is air, water or land pollution, individuals can contribute by
maintaining cleanliness in their daily activities. Reducing smoking prevents indoor pollution.
Initiating carpool or taking a train instead of cars or motorbikes as well as short distance walk
can help in preventing release of more toxic fumes. Moreover, individuals should stop dumping
garbage in rivers and other bodies of water. This responsible behavior can contribute a lot to the
cleanliness of our surroundings.


Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Identify the stages in the unfolding of the sexual self.

2.Determine the difference between sex and gender.
3.Decipher the consequences of uncontrolled sexuality.
4.Determine the ways to prevent the spread of STDs.


The effort to understand the “self” demands a comprehension of the varied components
that make up the identity of the individual. The different aspects involving the physical, moral,
emotional constructs of identity are not enough to explain the nature of the “self” until we
include the sexuality of the person. Sexual identity determines the sexual concept of the
individual. Such can evolve during an individual’s lifetime as a result of experiences whether it
is internal or external. The decision to express one’s sexuality will determine one’s identity as
faced with the future challenges of life.

Brings about the physical changes because of sexual maturity through the signals sent by
the brain to the gonads or sex glands.
The release of sex hormones such the testosterone for the male and progesterone and
estrogen for the females allows remarkable changes such as provided:
1. Extreme difficulty and discomfort due to surge of hormones.
2.A sense of insecurity as development does not happen as expected
3. Self-consciousness caused by the changing body composition resulting from ‘growth
spurt’ gives the individual a sense of awkwardness at this point.
4. Changes in digestion and appetite because of hormonal changes influence the
metabolism of the young adult.
5. Changes in body built due to development of muscle mass make the males become
more muscular while females suddenly have bigger hips and breasts which can cause
awkwardness and uncomfortable feelings due to the new body composition.
6. The development of primary sexual characteristics such as the ovaries for the female
and testes for the male which show that the individual is capable of reproductive
MENARCHE- on set of menstrual cycle among females.
SPERMARCHE- the first release of ejaculation of mature sperm. This makes the adult
male possess the capability of fertilizing female eggs during the process of sexual
7. The development of secondary sexual characteristics resulting from hormonal changes
as the individual sexually matures results in changes in the growth of the body hair as
well as changes in voice quality.
8. As the transforming individual continues to physically mature, they develop greater
skills and precision in manipulating their limbs.

You have read about puberty and the various remarkable changes of males and females through
sex hormones. What is the importance of the changes at the puberty stage for both males and
females? How do these changes influence one's identity and sexuality?

Now, let’s further our understanding about terms related to gender and sexuality through the
succeeding texts:

The Development of Gender Identity

This refers primarily to one’s decision to be masculine, feminine or both. Moreover,
gender should be discriminated from one’s ‘sex’ as the first choice of orientation while the latter
is an endowment from birth. Having the genitals of a boy identified as ‘penis’ differentiates one
from being a girl who has got ‘vagina’ instead.
On the other hand, gender identity pertains to the decision of an individual on how the
individual wanted to be treated and viewed by the significant others as feminine or a masculine
individual or a combination of both.
Remarkably as ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ is often used interchangeably, each has its own unique
SEX is basically a biological characteristic based on the chromosomes of a female which
is ‘XX’ and the male chromosomes which is scientifically termed as ‘XY’. GENDER is a
sociological concept largely pertains to the femininity or the masculinity of the individual as it
connotes certain social roles and cultural expectations determined by social norms.

Before we proceed, I want you to compare and contrast Gender and


Further, this topic also includes the adverse effects of sexuality without responsibility and
sexually transmitted infections. Now, keep on reading with an open mind.
Sexuality Without Responsibility
The expression of human sexuality is a natural process. As stated by Abraham Maslow in
his hierarchy of human needs, sex is a basic need. This urge has to be addressed in a rightful
manner to prevent aggravating the plight of humanity at this point in time. Further, the
unmonitored expression of this drive can result to the consequences that can further destroy the
life and dignity of every human person with the possible proliferation of sexually transmitted
diseases due to promiscuity.

What are the Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s)?

According to medical sources STD’s are communicable diseases that may transmitted
from one partner to another either through sexual activity or unhygienic practice.
STDs which are usually caused by bacteria, yeast and parasites can be cured by
antibiotics and some other forms of medications. However, those STDs caused by viruses, as of
this time, has not found any cure yet. Around twenty types of sexually transmitted diseases have
afflicted varied people regardless of socio-economic status, skin color and creed

STDs Cause by Bacteria

1. CHANCROID (Haemophilusducreyi)

 It is caused by infection with the bacteria HAEMOPHILUS DUCREYI.

 Clinical manifestations include genital ulcers and inguinal lymphadenopathy or buboes
2.CHLAMYDIA (Chlamydia trachomatis)

 Chlamydia Trachomatis is one of the most common STD or infection which is

completely curable.
 It is a STD which spreads through unprotected anal, vaginal, or oral sex with a person
infected with Chlamydia.
3. GONORRHEA (Neisseria gonorrhea)

 Gonorrhea is a common sexually transmitted disease, sometimes referred to as "the clap."

It affects hundreds of thousands of men and women annually in the United States.
Gonorrhea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhea.
 Gonorrhea can be passed from mother to baby during delivery.
 Gonorrhea and chlamydia can be experienced simultaneously.
 If untreated, gonorrhea can increase a person's risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV
4.Granuloma inguinale (Calymamatobacteriumgranulomatis)

 the disease often goes untreated because of the scarcity of medical treatment in the
countries in which it is found. In addition, the painless genital ulcers can be mistaken for
 The ulcers ultimately progress to destruction of internal and external tissue, with
extensive leakage of mucus and blood from the highly vascular lesions.
 The destructive nature of donovanosis also increases the risk of superinfection by other
pathogenic microbes.
5. Lymphogranulomavenereum (Chlamydia Trachomatis)
 Lymphogranulomavenereum (LGV) is a long-term (chronic) infection of the lymphatic
system. It is caused by any of 3 different types (serovars) of the bacteria Chlamydia
trachomatis. The bacteria are spread by sexual contact. The infection is not caused by the
same bacteria that cause genital chlamydia.
6. Syphilis (Treponemapallidum)

 Treponemapallidum is a spirochaete bacterium with subspecies that cause the diseases

syphilis, bejel, and yaws and is transmitted only amongst humans. It is a helically coiled
microorganism usually 6–15 µm long and 0.1–0.2 µm wide. The treponemes have a
cytoplasmic and an outer membrane

STDs Caused by Viruses

1. Genital herpes (herpes simplex virus)

 Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by the herpes simplex
virus (HSV). ... After the initial infection, the virus lies dormant in your body and can
reactivate several times a year. Genital herpes can cause pain, itching and sores in your
genital area.
2. Genital warts (human papillomavirus virus [HPV])

 HPV stands for human papillomavirus. It's the most common sexually transmitted
infection. HPV is usually harmless and goes away by itself, but some types can lead to
cancer or genital warts.
3. Hepatitis B and D, and infrequently, A*,C*, E* (hepatitis viruses, types A-E)

 Inflammation of the liver

 Acute viral hepatitis
 Most common cause
 Viral infeection accounts>1/2 cases of acute hepatitis
Types of infectious Viral Hepatitis:
4. HIV/ AIDS (Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV virus])

 HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. It is the virus that can lead to acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS, if not treated. Unlike some other viruses, the
human body cannot get rid of HIV completely, even with treatment. So once you get
HIV, you have it for life.
 The human immunodeficiency viruses are two species of Lentivirus that causes HIV
infection and over time acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. AIDS is a condition in
humans in which progressive failure of the immune system allows life-threatening
opportunistic infections and cancers to thrive.
 The HIV virus causes HIV infection and AIDS. People who are infected with the virus
may not have any symptoms and may not realize they become infected.
5. Molluscumcontagiosum(poxvirus)
 Molluscumcontagiosum is an infection caused by a poxvirus (molluscumcontagiosum
virus). The result of the infection is usually a benign, mild skin disease characterized by
lesions (growths) that may appear anywhere on the body.

STD Caused by Protozoan

1. Trichomoniasis (Trichomonasvaginalis)

 Trichomonasvaginalis is an anaerobic, flagellated protozoan parasite and the causative

agent of trichomoniasis.
 It is the most common pathogenic protozoan infection of humans in industrialized

STD’s Caused by Fungi

1. Jock itch (Teniacruris)

 Teniacruris, most known as jock itch, is a fungal infection of the skin. ... That's why jock
itch usually develops in the skin around the groin, inner thighs, and buttocks. Jock itch is
most common in men and adolescent boys. The infection causes a rash that often itches
or burns.
2. Yeast infections (Candida albicans)

 Candidiasis. Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by yeasts that belong to the genus
Candida. There are over 20 species of Candida yeasts that can cause infection in humans,
the most common of which is Candida albicans. ...Candidiasis in the vagina is commonly
referred to as a “yeast infection.”

STD’s Caused by Parasite

1. Pubic lice or crabs (Pediculosis pubis)

 The crab louse or pubic louse is an insect that is an obligate ectoparasite of humans,
feeding exclusively on blood. The crab louse usually is found in the person's pubic hair.
Although the louse cannot jump, it can also live in other areas of the body that are
covered with coarse hair, such as the eyelashes
2. Scabies (Sarcoptesscabiei)

 Sarcoptesscabiei or the itch mite is a parasitic mite that burrows into skin and causes
scabies. The mite is found in all parts of the world. Humans are not the only mammals
that can become infected.

To prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s) the following are suggested:

Preventing Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s)

1. Keep a monogamous relationship
2. Practice abstinence
3. Be committed
4. Use caution
5. Undergo regular medical checkups
6. Be knowledgeable about the Causes, Effects and Prevention of STD’s


Intended Learning Outcomes

1.Understand the meaning of materialist concepts.

2.Determine the causes of materialism
3.Identify the impact of materialism and consumerism on the ‘self’.
4.Appreciate unique ways to attain happiness.


Materialism purports that all is found in the universe is matter which is the substance of
nature. It suggests therefore that material possession is all that matters most. Success, happiness
and the essence of individual existence are gauged by material prosperity which one has gained
in a lifetime.
As resources continually become scarce, economists and even environmentalists continue
to reiterate on the need to focus on needs rather than wants and desires. However, as human
nature dictates, we are blinded by the growing consumerism and commercialism around us. Our
self-esteem, as well as self-worth, has been greatly determined by our accumulation of objects.
This behavior is even reinforced by social media as we post daily statuses on buying a new pair
of shoes, to purchasing an overrated coffee and having a vacation of a lifetime.

Reasons for Materialism

Consumerism is motivated by the following reasons:
1. It is alleged that material possessions provide these individuals with a feeling of security as
their money and property provide them with tangible assets;
2. It is alleged that wealth gives them a sense of well-being as they alleged that this material
wealth provides them with happiness;
3. It is alleged that material wealth boosts their self-esteem and self-confidence as they believe
that they possess those assets that not everybody has; and
4. It is alleged that cherished wealth provides an individual with more friends and relationships
through greater interaction

The Concept of Self-Gift

Self- is the primary object of one’s journey through life. It is interesting enough to know
that one desires to work for personal consumption and gratification.
Three factors determine that self-gifts are revelations of an individual’s materialism
1. Materialism is often associated with self-centeredness.
2. Materialists define success according to how much wealth and property was amassed.
3. Materialists believe that happiness results from the relationship between buying and
The Correlates of Materialism
1. Materialism and happiness reportedly do not go well together as it was shown that people who
value possessions and material wealth over other more significant life goals are said to be less
happy and are more prone to depression;
2. Materialism and self-esteem show an inverted relationship.
3. Materialism and financial stability show an inverted relationship as well.
4. Materialism and well-being manifest opposite relationship as individuals practicing this
principle tend to isolate themselves from the significant others as they continue try to derive
gratification from amassing objects rather than interacting with the people around them.
5. Materialism and self-concept prove how insecurity motivates people to work so hard for
material possessions as the same wealth becomes their source of security.
6. Materialism and lack of engagement mean losing one’s ability to empathize with others as
they become callous to other people’s needs.

According to Gregoire (2017) materialism makes people unhappy for the following
1. Consumer culture may be harming individual well-being.
2. Materialistic values are linked to Type-A behavior.
3. Money really can’t buy you happiness.
4. Materialism could ruin your relationships.
5. Consumer cultures may breed narcissistic personalities.
6. Consumerism is fueled by insecurity.

The Pursuit of Happiness

Various Ways to Appreciate Our Own Uniqueness and Be Genuinely Joyous about it
1. Learn to share your blessings no matter how simple it is;
2. Improve your self-esteem and self-worth by engaging in worthwhile activities;
3. Learn to communicate and relate with people around you;
4. Take time to appreciate the beauty of life and God’s creations;
5. Be grateful to those who compliment you by returning the favor;
6. Focus on your strengths and not on your flaws;
7. Stop projecting on media accounts about what you have, and others do not;
8. Learn to let go of things that are not significantly needed;
9. Develop a mantra to counter the negativities entering your thoughts; and
10. Stop brewing on negativities and on hurtful past. Focus on the future and what you can
do to be productive and happy.

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