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This is the study of living and non-living things in our environment to solve human
problems. It also entails studying the natural and artificial things in our environment.
A person who devotes his life to study science is known as a Scientist.

Qualities of a scientist

A good scientist must be:

I. able to use scientific instruments.

II. able to interpret the results of experiments performed.
III. very alert and inquisitive.
IV. quick to record his/her observations.
V. a very good listener.
VI. very observant.
VII. able to use his/her sense organs effectively and efficiently.
VIII. willing to share ideas with colleagues or superiors.

Aims of Science

The aims of science include:

i. To discover everyday problems in our environment and proffer solutions.

ii. To improve our chances of survival and making life more comfortable.
iii. To make life easier through various discoveries.

The Branches of Science

The main branches of science are:

 Physical science
 Mathematical science
 Earth science
 Life sciences
 Social sciences

Science- related occupations

1. Medicine and surgery
2. Geology
3. Physicist
4. Chemistry
5. Microbiology
6. Neuroscience
7. Engineering
8. Computer science
Reasons why we study science
1. It provides with more knowledge about the things around you and how they
2. It provides you with more job opportunities.
3. It develops your problem- solving and observation skills.
4. It gives us the knowledge to develop things that can make like easier for us.
5. It makes the world a better place to live

1. In your own terms, explain the meaning of science.
2. Why should we study science? List three reasons
3. What skills do you scientists needs? Name at least three skills
4. Basic science for JSS covers the following branches of science:
a. medical science, life science, physical science and earth science
b. life science and physical science
c. social science, life science, physical science and medical science
d. life science, physical science and earth science
5. Carry out a research and list five science- related occupations and explain what they


Scientific methods are methods used by science to study living and non-living
things in our environment. It involves investigation, experimentation and questioning to
get a reliable knowledge. Science gather knowledge and record them to provide
answers to various questions or problems which arises every day.

Steps in Scientific Discovery

Learning science involves using the steps in scientific discoveries. These steps include:

1. Identification of Problem
2. Asking Question
3. Research
4. Hypothesis/ Prediction
5. Experimentation
6. Observation
7. Measurement and recording
8. Conclusion
9. Theory
10. Provide solution


1. List three science related occupations.

2. List and explain the steps involved in the scientific method.
3. Design an experiment to answer the following question. Do girls in JSS 1 eat as many
sweets as boys do?
4. The scientific method:
a. Is used in laboratory experiments
b. Is an approach that scientists use to study life on earth
c. Includes the following steps: question, hypothesis, experimentation, observation,
and conclusion
d. Relies on evidence to support scientific findings.
5. The most important skills that scientists need are:
a. Research, observation, problem solving and communication.
b. Problem solving, observation, recording, measurement and theory.
c. Research, interpersonal communication, observation, recording and
d. Objectivity, research, problem solving, observation, measurement, recording and



Cleanliness refers to the state of being neat, tidy and free from dirt or bad smell.
Cleanliness involves maintaining good personal hygiene. Personal hygiene refers to the
practices that are necessary to keep our own bodies clean and healthy.
Ways of maintaining personal health

1. Eating balanced diet

2. Exercise and rest
3. Avoiding harmful habits
4. Maintaining personal cleanliness

Importance of personal cleanliness and hygiene

1. It helps us prevent contracting and spreading diseases
2. It makes the body clean and free from germs.
3. It helps us elongate our lives
4. Exercise, rest and sleep helps our body relax and makes the skin fresh and glowing.
5. It improves personal appearance and boost confidence.
Consequences of poor hygiene
1. It produces offensive odour
2. It attracts infections and diseases
3. It results in general poor health condition
4. It leads to poor physical appearance and lack of confidence.
5. It could lead to death in extreme cases.
Healthy hygienic practices

Healthy hygienic practices involve taking good care of all our body parts and clothes.
Some healthy hygienic practices include;

Body part Healthy hygienic practices

Hair a. Oil, comb and brush your hair regularly
b. Wash your hair with shampoo at least twice in a month
c. Cut/ plait your hair on a weekly basis
Eyes a. Read under bright lights
b. Do not rub the eyes withy dirty fingers
c. Eat food rich in vit A e.g Milk, cheese, eggs
d. Avoid sitting too close to thescreen while viewing
e. Do not gaze directly at electric light, sunlight or lights from
welding machine
f. See the optician/ophthalmologist in case of any swelling or
pain in the eyes
Teeth a. Use fluoride toothpaste in brushing to strengthen the
b. Use a soft bristle toothbrush to brush at least twice daily
c. Floss after eating
d. Do not use sharp object to pick the teeth
e. Visit the dentist once every month
Fingers and toe nails a. Wash your hands before and after every meal
b. Wash your hands before and after using the toilet
c. Always trim your nails on a weekly basis
d. Do not use the teeth to chew your nails
Ears a. Do not clean your ears with sharp objects
b. Avoid using cotton buds to clean the ears very often
c. Do not sit too close to a speaker or use headphones for too
d. Report any pain or swelling in the ear to an otolaryngologist

Some materials used in Personal Hygiene

Cleaning agents Uses

1. Toothpaste a. This is an abrasive used to remove stains and plaque.
b. It used to clean the teeth from germs and polish it.
2. Soap a. it is used to remove grease, dirt and bacteria from our
skin and clothes
3. Antiseptic a. these are chemical substances used to kill bacteria. It
can come in form of liquids, gels or soaps.
b. It can be used to kill germs on our skin, water and
c. Examples are Dettoil, Savlon etc.
4. Disinfectant a. these are liquid chemical substances used to kill
b. it cannot be used on the skin but can be used to clean
our toilet basin, floors etc
c. examples are Izal, Hypo, Harpic etc


1. You use which of the following products to clean your body?

a. soap, toothpaste, disinfectant, scouring powder
b. soap, toothpaste, disinfectant, bleach
c. soap, toothpaste, antiseptic
d. disinfectant, bleach, scouring powder

2. Find the meaning of the following words

i. abrasive ii. Plaque iii. Hygiene

3. Write the names of the specialist doctors that treats the following parts of the body;

i. a doctor that treats the skin

ii. a doctor that treats the eyes
iii. a doctor that treats the ears, nose and throat
iv. a doctor that treats the teeth

4. Having known the importance of personal hygiene, mention three (3) consequences
of poor hygiene.

5. List two healthy hygienic practices for the following;

i. Feet ii. Nose iii. clothes


The environment is our immediate surroundings. Environmental Sanitation are

the ways by which we keep our environment healthy and clean from waste.
Waste can be defined as unwanted substances materials present in our homes
and surroundings. Waste can be divided into;
a. Solid waste: these are referred to as refuse because they are dry.
b. Liquid waste: they are referred to as sewage because they are liquid waste.

Poor environmental sanitation leads to various diseases and infection.

Ways of performing environmental sanitation
1. Sweeping the house and compounds
2. Dusting the furniture
3. Washing dirty plates and clothes
4. Scrubbing and mopping the floor
5. Clearing and burning of bushy areas
6. Draining of stagnant water in gutters
7. Proper waste disposal

Tools used for environmental sanitation

Tools used for environmental sanitation includes:
1. Broom 2.Shovel 3. Refuse bin 4.Rake 5. Dust pan 6. Cutlass
8. Disinfectants e.g Izal, Harpic etc

Methods of refuse disposal

i. Use of refuse bin/ containers
ii. Recycling
iii. Use of incinerator and burning
iv. Using a refuse pit
v. Compost method
vi. Landfills

Methods of sewage disposal

Domestic sewage can be disposed by any of the following ways:

i. Latrines: commonly used in rural areas to dispose human waste i.e. feces and urine
exa-moles are pit and bucket latrines
ii. Disposal of sewage by carriage system (Water Closet W.C).
iii. Septic tanks: The sewage is carried by water to a septic tank that contains bacteria
and a large number of microorganisms which help in the decomposition of feces.

Importance of sanitation
1. It prevents spread of dangerous diseases like cholera.
2. It makes people to live healthy and wealthy lives.
3. It enables the environment to be free from bad or offensive odour.
4. It keeps the environment free from disease vectors likes flies
5. It makes water to be safe for drinking.
6. It makes the environment habitable to plants and animals.

Consequences of poor sanitation

1. Poor sanitation produces offensive odor in the environment

2. Wastes harbor germs and disease vectors
3. Poor sanitation leads to stagnant water which breeds disease causing organisms like
4. Poor sanitation makes the home and environment unattractive and inhabitable.
1. Define; i. Personal hygiene ii. Environmental sanitation
2. Waste is divided into two categories:
a. Solid and liquid waste
b. Toxic and non- toxic waste
c. Biodegradable and non- biodegradable waste
d. Human and animal waste
3. Read about biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes and form a short note on
4. List two methods of disposing; a. solid waste b. liquid waste
5. Explain why it is important to wash your hands after going to the toilet.


Food is an essential part of living. It is required by all living things to keep them
alive and healthy. Food is any substance which when taken by into the body provides
energy and substances that are essential for growth and protecting the body against
diseases. Food provides nutrient for maintaining good health and body growth. The
food we eat and how the body uses it is a process referred to as nutrition.

Classes of Food
There are six classes of food based on the major nutrient contained in the food. They

1. Carbohydrates 2. Proteins 3. Fats and oils 4. Mineral salts

5. Vitamins 6. Water

1. Carbohydrates: They are energy giving food. They are compounds made up of
carbon, hydrogen, and Oxygen. They are found in foods like maize, rice, millet,
wheat bread, yam, gari, coco-yam, etc.
2. Proteins: They are body-building foods because they make us grow. They are also
needed for the repair of worn-out tissues. Examples of foods containing proteins
include meat, fish, egg, beans, soya beans, milk, bean cake etc.
3. Fats and oils: They are also energy giving foods. They also serve as heat insulator and
protect vital organs. They are called fats when solid and oils when liquid. The contain
twice as much energy that carbohydrates have. Your body stores surplus energy
from food under the skin as fat. Foods containing fats and oils include butter, fish,
beef, pork, groundnut oil, melon oil, red palm oil, etc.
4. Vitamins: They are food nutrients needed in small quantity for good health of our
bodies. They protect the body from diseases by fighting against germs. They are
generally known as immune boosters. Some vitamins are soluble in water, they are
called water soluble vitamins e.g. vitamin B and vitamin C. others are soluble in fat,
they are called fat soluble vitamins e.g. vitamins A, D, E, and K. Examples of foods
containing vitamins are eggs, orange, green leafy vegetable, pepper, red palm oil,
pineapple, pawpaw, apple, carrot, etc.
5. Mineral salts: They are also required in small amount for normal growth and
protection of our body. They are also needed for proper digestion of food we eat
and for the formation of bones and teeth. Foods that contain minerals include milk,
okra, iodized table salt, meat, pepper, biscuit bones, cheese, liver, onion, etc.
6. Water: It constitutes about 75% of human body. Water is needed for digestion of
food we eat and for movement of digested food substances into the blood. It aids


Carbohydrate Provide energy Marasmus
Proteins Growth and repair of body tissue Kwashiorkor
Fats and oils Provide energy Weakness, cold
Vitamins Build body immunity Poor and unhealthy growth
Minerals Aids the breakdown of food Anemia, goitre, weak bones
Water Prevent dehydration and aids digestion Dehydration



 A needed for good vision Milk, cheese, eggs Night blindness
 B Needed for breakdown of energy Meat, cereals, Beri-beri
 C Boosts immune system Fruits and Scurvy
 D Needed for strong teeth and Egg yolks, liver, Rickets
bones fatty fish
 E Acts as an antioxidant Soybean, corn, nuts Sterility
 K Needed for proper clotting of Leafy green, Uncontrollable
blood vegetables bleeding

Balanced Diet (Adequate Diet)

This is the diet that contains all the essential food nutrients in their right amount.
If a diet lacks any of the food nutrients, deficiency will occur. For example, a diet with
lack of protein suffers kwashiorkor.

Balanced diet is very necessary for;

 smooth appearance of skin,

 good hair growth,
 healthy nails and strong bone formation,
 growth of babies, children and adults.

An example of a planned balanced diet table of a family for a day.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Jollof Rice, boiled egg and Semovita, ewedu with fish Boiled potato with vegetable
orange juice. soup. sauce and watermelon juice
(Carbohydrate, protein, fats (Carbohydrate, vitamins, (Carbohydrate, vitamins, fats
and oil, vitamins and mineral protein, fats and oil) and oil)

1. What is a balanced/ adequate diet?
2. A lack of protein causes _____________ a. rickets b. night blindness c.
scurvy d. kwashiorkor
3. Some people are vegetarians, how does their diet differ from that of other
4. A boy is suffering from rickets, draw up a meal plan for a day the boy can use to
treat his symptoms.
5. Why is it more important for children than adults to have a balanced diet?


Disease vector is an insect or any other animal which carries a disease from one
organism to another. In other words, disease vectors transmit diseases.
A disease is an illness caused by an infection that alters the normal state of

1. Communicable diseases: : these are diseases that can be easily transmitted from
one person top another. These type of diseases are usually transmitted when one
comes in contact with the sweat, nasal droplets, saliva, touch genital fluids of an
already infected person. Example of such diseases are Coronavirus, tuberculosis,
measles, leprosy, Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS. Some of these infectious diseases are also
transmitted through air, food or water that has been infected by disease- causing
organisms. Examples of such diseases are malaria, cholera, typhoid fever, lassa
fever, ebola etc.

2. Non- communicable diseases: these are diseases that cannot be transferred from
one person to another. That means even when one comes in contact with an
already sick person, one cannot contract the disease. Examples of non-
communicable diseases are mental illness, kwashiorkor, scurvy, rickets, asthma,
cancer etc.


Disease vectors Disease they transmit Type of micro-organism

Anopheles Mosquito Malaria Parasite
Aedes mosquito Dengue fever, Zika virus Virus
Culex mosquito Nile fever Virus
Housefly Cholera, typhoid fever BACTERIA
Tse-tse fly Sleeping disease Parasite
Black fly River blindness Parasite


1. Draining of stagnant water in gutters, swamps etc.

2. Clearing bushes around the house
3. Disposing waste regularly and properly
4. Make use of treated mosquito nets.


1. Destroy their breeding grounds by not exposing feces, refuse regularly.

2. Spray insecticides often to keep the environment tidy
3. Do not leave food and drinks uncovered
4. Cook and eat in a neat and tidy environment
5. Avoid settlements near the banks of rivers


1. Define the following terms; i. Disease ii. Disease vectors

2. State two differences between communicable and non-communicable diseases
3. State any five disease vectors and the diseases they transmit
4. Mention three ways to prevent/control mosquitoes
5. With the aid of a diagram, make an illustrative research about the life cycle of a


Immunization is the administration of vaccines to protect an individual from

various diseases and infections.

Immunization protects people from diseases. When a person is immunized, it

means the person is most unlikely to suffer from the disease. Immunity is the body’s
ability to resist infection by producing antibodies when it comes across an infection.

Types of immunity

There are two main types of immunity namely;

1. Natural immunity: this occurs when a person falls ill from a disease for example
malaria. During the illness, the body produces some antibodies such that when
the body comes across that disease again, those already produced antibodies
fight against that disease such that it does not weaken the body the second time.
The body also gets natural immunity by eating balanced diet and through
2. Artificial immunity: this is gotten through vaccination also known as
immunization. During immunization, a chemical substance, vaccine, is injected
into the body of a person. This vaccine then produces antibodies that protects
the person from the disease.

Immunization schedule for children from 0-5years

Vaccine name Disease it protects against Age of collection




Drugs are chemical substances that make people to feel better and free from pain
and stress when taken. The unit of drug recommended by a doctor for a patient to be
taken at a time is called “a dose”.


1. Licit Drugs: Drugs produced, sold and used legally. They are mostly used for
medical purposes. Examples of these drugs are painkillers, antibiotics etc.
2. Illicit Drugs: Drugs produced and sold illegally. They are taken by users for
pleasant effects produced. Examples are cocaine, Indian hemp or marijuana, local gin,

1. Synthetic Drugs: Drugs produced in the laboratories by qualified pharmacists e.g
antibiotics, some painkillers.
2. Natural Drugs: These are drugs produced from plants and animals. Leaves: E.g
Cocaine is derived from the leaves of the coca plant.
3. Micro-organisms e.g penicillin ointment is derived from a fungus called Penicillum
4. Hormones
5. Food and fruits e.g vitamin C is used to treat cold
1. To prevent or cure different types of diseases.
2. To reduce pain e.g aspirin, paracetamol etc.
3. As food supplements e.g Vitamins.
4. To induce sleep most especially during surgical operations.

Drug abuse is described as the taking of drugs without the doctor’s advice or
prescription. Drug abuse comes in many forms as stated below;


a. Self-medication
b. Drug Addiction the repeated, excessive and dependent use of drug/substance
c. Taking expired drugs
d. Overdose of a drug
e. Purchase of drugs from untrained personnel
Drugs Commonly Abused is:
 Tobacco products e.g. cigarettes.
 Cannabinoids e.g. marijuana (called weed).
 Inhalants e.g. gasoline and ammonia.
 Depressants e.g. valium, alcohol
 Stimulants e.g. cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamine.
 Narcotics e.g. morphine, heroin, opium, codeine
 Legal drugs abused are paracetamol, aspirin etc.

Causes of Drug Abuse

 Negative peer pressure
 Family history of addiction
 Poverty and ignorance
 Diagnosis by unqualified personnel
 Poor family background and upbringing
 Easy availability and distribution
Effects of drug abuse
1. It can lead to emotional and mental disorder
2. Damaged nostrils and lungs which could lead to health problems
3. It leads to increase in crime and terrorism.
4. Psychological disorder leading to poor school performance.
5. It can lead to death in extreme cases
Control of drug/ substance abuse

 Banning of hard drugs by government.

 Avoiding the company of bad friends
 Strict punishment policy for drug abuse offenders to serve as deterrent.
 Government, teachers and parents should constantly sensitize their wards and
youth about the dangers of drug abuse.

1. Write down the definition of the following terms; i. drug ii. Drug abuse
iii. Drug addiction
2. Differentiate between a. legal drugs and illegal drugs b. natural and synthetic drugs
3. Describe four effects of drug abuse
4. Describe three ways you could stop yourself from abusing drugs.
5. Stare the two major drug- regulating agencies in Nigeria.


Tools are defined as materials, equipment and instrument used by people

(professionals) to make their work easier, faster and more convenient.

Types of Tools

There are two main types of tools:

1. Simple Tools
2. Complex Tools
Simple Tools: They are simple to use and helps perform our duties easily.

Complex Tools: These tools combine the functions of many simple tools together.

Advantages of Using Tools

 It saves time
 It saves cost
 It saves energy

Disadvantages of Using Tools

 It wastes time
 It increases unemployment.
 It is expensive

Tools Used in Some Occupations.

 Agricultural Tools e.g. Hoes, Cutlasses, Rake, Fish hook and other machines
(complex tools) like harrowers, tractors e.t.c.
 Engineering Tools e.g. Pliers, Screw driver, Spanner, Car jack, Saw, Hammer e.t.c.
 Medical tools e.g. Wheel chair, Scissors, Steakhouse, Forceps, Thermometer e.t.c.

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