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Physics Vocabulary Test 8


1. Velocity is a measure of displacement over............

A. time B. position C. motion D. orbit

2. When the free electrons try to flow through the…………., they tend to collide with
the outermost electrons of the atoms, which impedes their movement.
A. isolator B. liquid C. gas D. conductor

3. Increasing the length that the electrons have to travel will ……….. resistance
A. decrease B. increase C. block D. limit

4. The total resistance of a series circuit is equal to the ……..of all the individual
A. product B. quotient C. difference D. sum

5. A very important phenomenon of …………particles is that opposite charges exert a

force on each other that tends to pull them together.
A. charged B. nano C. electron D. proton

6. ……………measures how much energy is being transported by the wave.

A. Wavelength B. Wavenumber C. Amplitude D. Frequency

7. ………….materials contain magnetic domains where the magnetic atoms are

aligned with each other.
A. Paramagnetic B. Diamagnetic C. Ferromagnetic D. Antiferromagnetic

8. If an unbalanced force is applied, then the object will………..

A. rotate B. distort C. accelerate D. move

9. …………energy is energy stored in an object due to its position or arrangement.

A. Kinetic B. Potential C. Mechanical D. Chemical

10. A volt is actually equal to one ………per coulomb, which comes from our
definition of voltage
A. joule B. calorie C. electron voltage D. watt

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