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U-turn Performance Analysis Using VISSIM

Software (Case Study : U-turn Jalan Teuku Umar,

Kedaton, Bandar Lampung)
Gideon Tambunan

Faculty of Engineering, Bandar Lampung University

Jl.Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam No.26. Labuhan Ratu, Kedaton, 35142,
Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia.

Abstract— Traffic congestion is a transportation problem that is currently quite worrying in several regions, especially in Indonesia. The increase in the
number of vehicles creates challenges, including traffic congestion, air pollution and pressure on road infrastructure. Road congestion often occurs on
roads, especially on U-turn routes, because the planning carried out has exceeded standard limits.
The aim of this research is to analyze the performance of u-turns on Jalan Teuku Umar, Kedaton, Bandar Lampung, where the road performance
conditions seen visually have decreased road performance. The analysis carried out on the u-turn includes analyzing queues, delays, acceleration and
vehicle speed. The method used in this research uses PTV VISSIM software. The data collected is primary data through surveys conducted in the field
during peak hours in the morning, afternoon and evening.
Through analysis carried out via the PTV VISSIM software, it can be concluded that the queue results on Wednesday, the longest queue value was on
the Jl. Teuku Umar (U-S) section with a queue length of 79.68 meters and the shortest queue value was on the Jl. Teuku Umar (S-U) section. 72.22
meters. On Saturday the longest queue was on the Jl. Teuku Umar (U-S) section with a queue length of 77.84 meters and the shortest queue value was
on the Jl. Teuku Umar (S-U) section of 70.39 meters. The delay results on Wednesday, the longest delay value was on the Jl. Teuku Umar (S-U) section
with a delay of 26.91 seconds and the fastest delay value was on the Jl. Teuku Umar (U-S) section of 25.59. On Saturday, the longest delay value was
on the Jl. Teuku Umar (S-U) section with a delay of 23.26 seconds and the fastest delay value was on the Jl. Teuku Umar (U-S) section of 18.61.
Acceleration results on Wednesday, the longest acceleration value was on the Jl. Teuku Umar (S-U) section with an acceleration of 0.68 m/s and the
longest acceleration value was on the Jl. Teuku Umar (U-S) section with 0.08 m/s. On Saturday, the fastest acceleration value was on the Jl. Teuku
Umar (S-U) section with an acceleration of 0.6 m/s and the slowest acceleration value was on the Jl. Teuku Umar (U-S) section with 0.06 m/s. The
speed results on Wednesday, the fastest value was on the Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) section with a speed of 24.38 km/hour and the slowest speed value was
on the Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) section with 23.07 km/hour. On Saturday the fastest value was on the Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) section with a speed of 24.6
km/hour and the slowest speed value was on the Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) section of 22.85 km/hour.
Keywords — PTV VISSIM, Road Performance Analysis, u-turn, Queue, Delay, Acceleration, Speed.



J Alan is a path or space created, designed, or provided for the movement of vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles from one place
to another. Roads are very important infrastructure in the transportation system of a region or country. Roads are one of the
basic human needs to move from place to place
Another by using a vehicle to meet his every need.
Over time, the number of vehicles continues to increase in many countries, including Indonesia. Some of the factors causing the
increase in the number of vehicles include economic growth, urbanization, lifestyle changes, and infrastructure development.
The increase in the number of vehicles poses challenges, including traffic congestion, air pollution, and pressure on road
Especially on Teuku Umar road, Kedaton, Bandar Lampung, there is an increase in vehicle volume during rush hour which
causes road congestion, especially on U-turns at that location. To solve the problem of congestion due to U-turn lanes, it is
important to plan and design an efficient road system, providing adequate and efficient turnarounds. Thus, the author wants to
analyze and simulate the u-turn of Jalan Teuku Umar, Kedaton, Bandar Lampung, using PTV VISSIM software (Planung
Transportasi Verkher - Verkehr in Stadten Simulations Model) 2023. So that through the analysis and simulation of the u-turn,
a smooth u-turn is created without any congestion.


Universitas Bandar Lampung © 2024

Gideon Tambunan 20311125
This study aims to analyze the u-turn performance of Jalan Teuku Umar using VISSIM PTV software. The analysis to be
carried out is:
1. Analyzing Queues and Delays
2. Analyzing Acceleration and Speed

U-turn microsimulation refers to a type of traffic simulation that models the behavior of individual vehicles and pedestrians in
detail, especially in the context of U-turns on highways. Microsimulations are used to analyze and understand interactions
between vehicles, pedestrian movement, and the impact of traffic policies on an individual level. This microsimulation model
will evaluate several important parameters that actually affect the response to such vehicles in road traffic. Therefore, all
parameters related to modeling are necessary
Note. Microsimulation allows observers to understand how individual decisions, such as when to make a U-turn, will affect
traffic flow in full.

2.2 U-TURN
U-turn or U-turn lane is a location where the vehicle rotates by 180 degrees or semicircles aimed at the vehicle heading in the
opposite direction. An observer of transportation issues who is also the former Head of the Gakkum Sub-Directorate of the
Metro Jaya Regional Police Budiyanto, said that the making of u-turns should be carefully calculated through a field survey. "Or
a study by taking into account the traffic character of a certain section of road in a certain period, connected with the number of
lanes or road area with supporting facilities and u-turn designs to be built." (Budiyanto, 2021).

PTV VISSIM (Planung Transport Verkher - Verkehr in Stadten Simulations Model) or can be interpreted in Indonesian is
Planning Transport Traffic - Traffic Simulation Model in the City.
PTV VISSIM is software from Germany that can simulate and evaluate performance for microscopic traffic, public transportation,
personal transportation and pedestrians. PTV VISSIM is currently a modern software available to simulate multi-modal traffic flows,
including cars, freight transportation, buses, LRT, motorcycles, bicycles, to pedestrians. Users of this software can model any
kind of geometric configuration or road user behavior that occurs in the transportation system.
According to PTV-AG (2011), VISSIM provides animation capabilities with major enhancements in 3-D. Simulation of different
types of vehicles (i.e. from motorcycles, passenger cars, trucks, trains). In addition, video clips can be recorded in program, with
the ability to dynamically change views and perspectives. Other visual elements, such as trees, buildings, transit facilities and
traffic signs, can be incorporated into 3-D animations.



Flow charts are used to illustrate the process, the sequence of steps to be performed in the study. With a flow chart, it can help
explain the purpose of a work step or research to be carried out.

Universitas Bandar Lampung © 2024

Gideon Tambunan 20311125

Data collection (Primary and


Pfimary Data Secondary Data

 Road Geometric  Research
Data Location Map

Data Input and simulation using Vissim

Simulation results (Video or Images)

Conslusions and

Figure 1. Research flow chart


The location of this research was carried out on the u-turn route of Jalan Teuku Umar, Kedaton, Bandar Lampung.

Figure 2. Map of Research Location

Universitas Bandar Lampung © 2024

Gideon Tambunan 20311125
In this study, two kinds of data were used, namely primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained
directly by means of surveys in the field to obtain data on actual field conditions.
The primary data in this study consists of road geometry data, traffic volume data, median opening geometry data, the
time it takes for vehicles to make u-turn movements, the travel time of vehicles that do not make u-turn movements,
queue length and vehicle delay time caused by median openings. Secondary data are data obtained from agencies
related to this study, secondary data from this study are location maps and study results from previous studies.
From the two data above, the data to be taken in this study can be seen in table 1 below.

Table 1. Required data

Data Primer
Data Seconds
Road Geometric Data Traffic Data

 Column width.  Vehicle volume.  Location map.

 The width of  The volume of vehicles performing u-

the median turn movements.
 Median width.



In modeling the VISSIM PTV software, related data is needed so that the simulation to be carried out can be appropriate in
real time conditions / in the field. The data to be collected include primary data and secondary data. The primary data itself
is obtained through surveys conducted in the field. Secondary data is obtained through the studied u-turn location map and
also through Google Earth and Google Maps.


U-turn Road Geometric Data is data that shows the geometric condition of the road along the road and the turnaround
path obtained through field surveys. The geometry data needed is the width of lanes, lanes and road medians that have
been obtained through surveys conducted in the field.

Table 2. Road geometry and u-turn data

Track width Jl.Teuku Umar (U- 7.7 meters

Track width Jl.Teuku Umar (S- 7.6 meters
Long u-turn 8.4 meters
The median width of the 1.83 meters
directional separator


This traffic volume data is obtained through surveys conducted in the field with hourly vehicle units. The survey was
conducted for two days, namely on Saturday as a holiday (weekend) conducted on January 20, 2024 and on Monday (weekday)
carried out on January 17, 2024. The survey was conducted during peak hours with a time interval of 15 minutes, namely in the
morning at 07.00-09.00, during the day at 11.00-13.00, and in the afternoon at 16.00-18.00 WIB. From the data obtained, the
peak volume of vehicles will be taken in 15-minute intervals and per hour on each day of the survey. The volume of vehicles
at peak hours that have been recapitulated on each day, namely Wednesday (weekday) and Saturday (weekend) can be seen in
Table 3 and Table 4 below.
Universitas Bandar Lampung © 2024
Gideon Tambunan 20311125
Table 3. Peak Vehicle Data, Wednesday 17 January 2024

Road Sum
kend./jam kend./jam kend./jam
Jl. Teuku Umar (U-S) 2792 1940 72 4804
U-turn Advent MBK 396 348 0 744
Jl. Teuku Umar (S-U) 2808 1904 76 4788
U-turn Advent
316 336 0 652
Jl. Teuku Umar (U-S) +
3188 2288 72 5548
Jl. Teuku Umar (S-U) +
3124 2240 76 5440

Table 4. Peak Vehicle Data, Saturday 20 January 2024

Road Sum
kend./jam kend./jam kend./jam
Jl. Teuku Umar (U-S) 2656 1732 60 4448
U-turn Advent MBK 372 308 0 680
Jl. Teuku Umar (S-U) 2684 1548 68 4300
U-turn Advent
220 232 0 452
Jl. Teuku Umar (U-S) +
3028 2040 60 5128
Jl. Teuku Umar (S-U) +
2904 1780 68 4752


Calibration serves to adjust driver behavior at each location in the simulation on VISSIM PTV software. Especially in the
VISSIM PTV software, for Driving Behavior settings still use the behavior of the driver of the country where this software was
made, namely Germany. So, in the simulation that will be carried out in this study, the calibration settings adjust the behavior
of drivers in Indonesia. Driving Behavior is the condition or behavior of the driver while driving his vehicle. This Driving
Behavior setting can be done on the VISSIM PTV software on the Menu:
”Base Data” ”Driving Behavior”, then edit on list “Urban Motorized”. Settings on Driving Behavior can be seen in
Table 5 below.

Universitas Bandar Lampung © 2024

Gideon Tambunan 20311125
Table 5 Driving Behavior Settings

Changed e
No. Model Parameter
Before After
Calibration Calibration
Average standstill distance 2m 0,5m
Additive part of safety distance 2m 0,5m
1 Car Following Model
Multiplic. Part of safety
3m 1m
Desired position at free flow Middle of line Any
Minimum distance standing 1m 0,2
2 Lateral
Minimum distance driving 1m 0,4
Overtake on same lane none On left
stop (same as go (same as
3 signal controller Behavior at red/ambel signal
red) green)

Calibration settings in Driving Behavior can be visualized in the simulation that will be carried out before calibration and after
calibration and can be seen in Figure 2 and Figure 3 below.

Figure 2. Before Calibration

Figure 3. After Calibration

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Gideon Tambunan 20311125


After the simulation process using VISSIM PTV software is complete, the results of the comparison of Queue Length before
the calibration process and before the calibration process are obtained and can be seen in Table 6 and Table 7.

Table 6. Queue Length Analysis Wednesday, 17 January


Queue Length (Meters)

Road Sections
Before Calibration After Calibration
Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) 77,07 79,68
Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) 68,44 72,22

Table 7. Queue Length Analysis Saturday, January 20,


Queue Length (Meters)

Road Sections
Before Calibration After Calibration
Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) 77,72 77,84
Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) 69,12 70,39

Based on the results of running queue length through the calibration process in the table above, it was found that on Wednesday
the longest queue value was on Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) section with a queue length of 79.68 meters and the shortest queue value was
on Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) section 72.22 meters. On Saturday, the longest queue was on Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) with a queue length of
77.84 meters and the shortest queue value was on Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) 70.39 meters.


After the simulation process using VISSIM PTV software is complete, the results of the comparison of the length of delay
before the calibration process and before the calibration process can be seen in Table 8 and Table 9.

Table 8. Delay Analysis, Wednesday 17 January 2024

Delay Time (seconds)
Road Sections Before After
Calibration Calibration
Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) 36,99 25,59
Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) 33.91 26.91

Table 9. Postponement Analysis, Saturday 20 January


Delay Time (seconds)

Road Sections Before After
Calibration Calibration
Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) 33,36 18,61
Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) 35,36 23,26

Based on the results of the long running delay through the calibration process in the table above, it was found that on Wednesday
the longest delay value was on the Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) section with a long delay of 26.91 seconds and the fastest delay value was
on the Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) section of 25.59. On Saturday, the longest delay value was on Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) section with a delay
of 23.26 seconds and the fastest delay value was on Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) section of 18.61 seconds.
Universitas Bandar Lampung © 2024
Gideon Tambunan 20311125
After the simulation process using VISSIM PTV software is complete, the results of the comparison of Acceleration before the
calibration process and before the calibration process are obtained and can be seen in Table 10 and Table 11.

Table 10. Acceleration Analysis, Wednesday 17 January 2024

Acceleration (m/s)
Road Sections
Before Calibration After Calibration
Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) 0,28 0,08
Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) 0,88 0,68

Table 11. Acceleration Analysis, Saturday 20 January 2024

Acceleration (m/s)
Road Sections
Before Calibration After Calibration
Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) 0,25 0,06
Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) 0,87 0,6

Based on the results of running acceleration through the calibration process in the table above, it was found that on Wednesday the
longest acceleration value was on Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) section with an acceleration of 0.68 m/s and the longest acceleration value
was on Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) 0.08 m/s section. On Saturday the fastest acceleration value was on Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) section with
an acceleration of 0.6 m/s and the longest acceleration value was on Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) 0.06 m/s section.


After the simulation process using VISSIM PTV software is complete, the results of the Speed comparison before the
calibration process and before the calibration process are obtained and can be seen in Table 12 and Table 13.

Table 12. Speed Analysis, Wednesday 17 January 2024

Speed (km/h)
Road Sections
Before Calibration After Calibration
Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) 24,34 24,38
Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) 22,77 23,07

Table 13. Speed Analysis, Saturday 20 January 2024

Speed (km/h)
Road Sections
Before Calibration After Calibration
Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) 24,63 24,6
Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) 22,85 22,85

Based on the results of running speed through the calibration process in the table above, it was found that on Wednesday the
fastest value was on the Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) section with a speed of 24.38 km / h and the longest speed value was on the Jl.Teuku
Umar (S-U) section 23.07 km / hour. On Saturday, the fastest value was on Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) with a speed of 24.6 km / h and the
longest speed value was on Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) 22.85 km / hour.

Universitas Bandar Lampung © 2024

Gideon Tambunan 20311125
Through the analysis of the road section on the u-turn jl. Teuku Umar used VISSIM PTV software after the calibration process,
obtained the following results:
1. Queue Length obtained:
It was found that on Wednesday the longest queue value was on Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) section with a queue length of
79.68 meters and the shortest queue value was on Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) section of 72.22 meters. On Saturday, the longest
queue was on Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) with a queue length of 77.84 meters and the shortest queue value was on Jl.Teuku
Umar (S-U) 70.39 meters.
2. Delays obtained:
It was found that on Wednesday the longest delay value was on the Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) section with a delay of 26.91
seconds and the fastest delay value was on the Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) section of 25.59 seconds. On Saturday, the longest
delay value was on Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) section with a delay of 23.26 seconds and the fastest delay value was on Jl.Teuku
Umar (U-S) section of 18.61 seconds.
3. Acceleration obtained:
It was found that on Wednesday the longest acceleration value was on Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) section with an acceleration
of 0.68 m/s and the longest acceleration value was on Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) 0.08 m/s section. On Saturday, the fastest
acceleration value was on Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) section with an acceleration of 0.6 m/s and the longest acceleration value
was on Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) 0.06 m/s section.
4. Speed obtained :
It was found that on Wednesday the fastest value was on the Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) section with a speed of 24.38 km / h
and the longest speed value was on the Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) section of 23.07 km / hour. On Saturday, the fastest value
was on Jl.Teuku Umar (U-S) with a speed of 24.6 km / h and the longest speed value was on Jl.Teuku Umar (S-U) 22.85
km / hour.

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Universitas Bandar Lampung © 2024

Gideon Tambunan 20311125
Bandar Lampung © University 2024

Gideon Tambunan 20311125

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