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Class Standard 2 & Standard 3

Subject Science lesson plan

Duration: 45 minutes
Date: 12/ 2/19
Topic Waste & Our World
Lesson Topic Actions Used to Reduce Waste
Learning Outcome Plan for and be able to implement actions they can take to reduce waste. (e.g.,
practice the three Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle, including composting materials.)
Curricular Linkages Expressive Arts- reusing of household materials in arts
-use waste to create a recycling character
Language Arts- express opinions on practicing the three Rs
-view samples of wastes
-write 5 actions used to reduce waste
Mathematics- use calculation to determine wasted water at home


Student’s Previous Students have seen garbage.

Objectives With the use of the game, ‘Talking Chip’ students will be able to:
C-list five ways to practice reduce, reuse, recycle of waste in their community
A-demonstrate a positive increase of awareness towards reduction of wastes in their
P- Create a recycling character using at least 3 wastes
Content What is waste?
Waste is a material, substance that is eliminated or discarded as no longer useful.
For example, types of wastes are:
Plastic waste – This consists of bags, containers, jars, bottles and many other
products that can be found in your household. Plastic should not be mix in with your
regular waste, it should be sorted and placed in your recycling bin.
Paper/card waste – This includes packaging materials, newspapers, cardboards and
other products. Paper can easily be recycled and reused so make sure to place them
in your recycling bin or take them to your closest Brisbane recycling depot.
Tins and metals – This can be found in various forms throughout your home. Most
metals can be recycled. Consider taking these items to a scrap yard or your closest
Brisbane recycling depot to dispose of this waste type properly.
Organic Waste- is another common household. All food waste, garden waste,
manure and rotten meat are classified as organic waste. Over time, organic waste is
turned into manure by microorganisms. However, this does not mean that you can
dispose them anywhere.

Where do these wastes come from?

They come from homes, schools, businesses, industries, factories, hospitals, clinics,

What can be done do to reduce waste at:

1. Use food scraps, yard trimmings, and other organic wastes to create a compost
pile. Adding the compost, you make to soil increases water retention, decreases
erosion, and keeps organic materials out of landfills.
2. Donate healthy plants that you want to replace to community gardens, parks and
3. If you have a wood burning fireplace, save your ashes instead of throwing them
away. Once cooled, wood ashes can be mixed into your compost heap and provide

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