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16 June 2020
Be respect and
polite to each
Today’s lesson

1) Comprehension
2) Idioms
Miss Lam
Read the conversation and answer the questions that follow
Anthony: Jack, why are you crying?
Jack : I had a fall just now. I’m in great pain.
Anthony: Let me have a look. Your leg is bleeding. Can you move your leg?
Jack: Ouch! I can’t move my left leg.
Anthony: I will get help.
(AT that moment, a boy passes by. Anthony asks the boy for help.)
Anthony: Hi, can you please help me?
The boy: Sure, What can I do to help you?
Anthony: Please go to the staffroom to get a teacher to come to help my friend.
He has hurt his leg.
The boy: No problem. I will go now.
Jack : Thank you to both of you.
Anthony: Jack, why are you crying?
Jack : I had a fall just now. I’m in great pain.
Anthony: Let me have a look. Your leg is bleeding. Can you move your leg?
Jack: Ouch! I can’t move my left leg.
Anthony: I will get help.
(AT that moment, a boy passes by. Anthony asks the boy for help.)
Anthony: Hi, can you please help me?
The boy: Sure, What can I do to help you?
Anthony: Please go to the staffroom to get a teacher to come to help my friend.
He has hurt his leg.
The boy: No problem. I will go now.
Jack : Thank you to both of you.
Anthony’s leg is bleeding.
Jack is crying because he is in
great pain.
Answer the questions.
What kind of person is Anthony?

Anthony/He is a kind person.

Anthony/He is a caring person.
Anthony/He is a helpful person.
Does Anthony go to get help himself?
Give your reason for his action.
No, he doesn’t. It’s because he doesn’t want
to leave Jack. He wants to make sure Jack’s
No, he doesn’t. He wants to stay with
Jack to make sure he is in safe hands.
If you are the teacher, what would
you do?
I would bring along a rst aid kit to help Jack.

I would call an ambulance for the boy.

I would inform his parents.
Miss Lam
• very rarely

• a drop in the ocean • a very small amount compared to

the amount needed
• a piece of cake
• very simple / easy
• actions speak louder than words
• a lot of money
• an arm and a leg
• extremely happy/excited
• once in a blue moon
• what you do is more important than
• over the moon what you say, because the things you do
show your true intentions and feelings
Getting my car xed is going to cost me an arm and
a leg as the engine has completely blown, but I have
no choice. I need it for work.
Jan is nally getting a chance to go on her trip of a
life time, a holiday to Australia! She was over the
moon when I spoke to her.
50 cents may seem like a drop in the ocean but if
everyone contributed that much we'd have thousands.
He comes round once in the blue moon .
"You always speak of the importance of charity, but
never do anything. Actions speak louder than
The exam paper was a piece of cake.

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