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by: kry_ingg

Oh, the weight of success upon my shoulders lies,

A heavy burden that I cannot disguise,
For in this world of academia, I must excel,
Lest all my efforts prove futile and unfulfilled.

The pressure mounts, the stakes are high,

Each test, each paper, a matter of life or die,
I strain against the gale-force winds of time,
My mind aflame with anxiety's fiery climb.

But still I push, through sweat and tears,

Determined to reach the pinnacle of peers,
To stand among the elite, to gain my place,
And wear the laurels of achievement on my face.

For if I falter, if I fall behind,

Then all my dreams, all my hopes, will dwindle and decline,
So I drive myself, with every ounce of might,
To rise above the rest, and shine so bright.

But oh, the cost! The endless nights of study,

The constant worry, the never-ending hurry,
The fear of failure, the dread of defeat,
That gnaws away at my heart and soul's retreat.
Yet still I push, for what is worth the strife,
Is the sweet taste of victory, the prize of life,
So I shall press on, through every test and trial,
Until I reach the summit, where I can smile.

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