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Quickly/badly/suddenly 14/06/2022 20:20

A1 Grammaire

Je me teste

Good to know...

Do you sometimes want to give more information about HOW something is done?

Do you know how to do this in English?

Do you know what a verb and an adverb are?

This is where this flashcard will come in handy!

Today you will learn:

- How and where to use 'quickly'

- How and where to use 'badly'

- How and where to use 'suddenly'

- The mistakes to avoid

…and some interesting trivia!

Don't forget!

Quickly, badly and suddenly are adverbs, which means they describe a verb, which is the action.
Quickly is used for speed and means fast.
Suddenly is used for an abrupt change in course.
Badly is used for quality and for something we didn't do well. Page 1 sur 3

Quickly/badly/suddenly 14/06/2022 20:20

Explanations & Examples

Let's start with the verb

A verb is a doing or being word, like eat, go, like, think, run, be or have.

Next up: Adverb

An adverb, to put it simply, gives more information on the verb and how it is done. We can eat [verb] quickly,
slowly, carefully, noisily – all adverbs.

Badly is about QUALITY

It's badly made.

You sang that really badly.
I badly need to go to the supermarket, I have no food! => I really need to go…

Quickly is about SPEED

She runs quickly.

You finished quickly.
Don't eat so quickly!
He drank his coffee quickly and had another one.

Suddenly implies an ABRUPT action

He stopped suddenly.
Suddenly, he stopped.
He suddenly stopped.
Keep in mind:
Suddenly can be moved around, but the meaning may change slightly:
He stopped suddenly when the dog ran in front of his car.
Suddenly, he stopped. He looked at his friend, and said: "Do you know where we are?"
He suddenly stopped texting me, and I don’t know why!

Look out!

LOOK OUT! Be careful WHERE you put the adverb in the sentence as it changes the meaning.
I badly want [something] / I want it badly.
I ran quickly and beat my record / I quickly ran and told him to stop.
The bus stopped suddenly, and everyone fell over / I heard a noise, and suddenly I stopped / Suddenly, there
was a loud noise! Everyone screamed! Page 2 sur 3

Quickly/badly/suddenly 14/06/2022 20:20

Did you know?

In US History, the story of Paul Revere, a colonial militiaman, is well-known. Legend says he heard about the
British army's secret imminent attack, so he quickly jumped on his horse and ran through the night
warning everyone: "The British are coming!".
Unfortunately, this story is only fictional, and when people find this out, they suddenly become
disappointed. As for that surprise attack, well, it ended badly for the colonists. Page 3 sur 3

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