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The 3 Best Exercises to

Build Leg Muscles Fast
February 27, 2018/Jersey Strong

No one wants their body to look

disproportionate. We’ve all seen people at the beach or on the
boardwalk that have muscular, toned upper bodies, but are sporting
tiny, chicken legs and calves. Don’t skip out of Leg Day — leg
workouts can help improve more than just leg strength. It can also help
your core strength, cardio health and help improve overall endurance.
Looking for the best exercises to build strong, chiseled legs? Read on!

Strengthen Legs with these Exercises

The first and most obvious is the Back Squat. This is considered by
athletes and strength coaches to be the best leg workout you can do.
The back squat is one of the most beneficial lifts you can master.
Squatting will not only help you develop leg, calve and hip strength, but
also promote full-body mobility and stability. If you are looking to build
muscle, burn fat, and get strong, adding squats to your weekly program
is a must.
Next up is the Barbell/Kettlebell
Lunge. This strength training
exercise can be done with a
barbell across your back.
Another common option is
holding kettle bells at your side.
This exercise is one of the most
effective and most problematic
leg exercises-if done incorrectly.
It places a lot of tension
throughout your lower body
(knees, hips, lower back, etc.) and
core, while accelerating muscle
strength and definition. The
benefits of doing this exercise
one leg at a time are countless,
you will develop better
coordination and eliminate
muscle imbalance.
Lastly is the Standing Calf Raise.
This specific exercise works the
calf muscles in the lower legs. It
can be done on a calf raise
machine or freestanding using just your bodyweight. Lift your heels
until you’re standing on your tippy-toes. Distribute most of your weight
onto the balls of your feet and keep your legs straight. If you don’t have
access to a machine, you can easily do this at home. Simply step onto
anything that is raised from the floor like steps, books, or blocks.
All exercises should be done correctly with perfect form. Developing
bad habits will lead to lack of progress or a nagging injuries. Many, if not
all the exercises will be new to you. If you have any questions please do
not hesitate to ask one of our training professionals.
Looking for the best personal trainers in New Jersey? No better place
than Jersey Strong!

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