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April 8, 2024

To Whom It May Concern

I have had the pleasure of having Saige Burrola in the Gaucho Marching Brigade color guard and
winterguard for the last four years. Saige has grown into being a very skilled performer and is a
role model to the younger students who look up to her.

Saige has always been very responsible and dependable, skills that would make her an asset to
any employer who is fortunate enough to hire her. Her positive attitude throughout difficult
situations is admirable.

Saige was active in guard all four years in high school, something that can be difficult to balance
with all her academic classes and social life, but she was able to do so without any problems.

I highly recommend Saige for any and all scholarships that could help her achieve her career
goals to care for animals in the future. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further
questions. I would be more than happy to expand on my recommendation.


Maria Brouillard, Director of Bands

El Capitan High School

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