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The Gherkin, otherwise known as 30 St Mary Axe, is one of
the capital's most famous buildings. It's a feature of the
London skyline and home to offices, restaurant and a
cocktail bar. The glass-fronted tower was designed by
legendary British architect Sir Norman Foster. It took two
years to construct and features a distinctive spiral design.
The Gherkin opened in 2004.

The external diagonal steel structure is by virtue of its
triangulated geometry, inherently strong and light,
permitting a flexible column-free interior space.The exterior
cladding consists of 5,500 flat triangular and diamond-
shaped glass panels, which vary at each level.
Repetition: The repetition of rhombus shaped glass element
arranged in a diagonal pattern can be observed all over the
Movement and rythm: The glass windows of darker shade
leads our eye movement from bottom to top of the structure.
Emphasis: The whole structure stands out from its
surrounding due to its design which resembles a gherkin, it
also looks like a standing bullet.
Symmetry: The building with eye catchy design is very
symmetrical in form. it also has radial symmetry.
>>The plans of majority of floors are same but placed in a
spiral orientation.

Manupati Jayanth - 21110022

Vamsi karthik M - 21110034

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