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Most textures were taken from a sprite sheet and arranged by RileyVace.

He did also
make some of his own textures.

Some mobs and textures were done by Audra.

SeanVanPelt did some work on this. I don't know who this is, because I can't find
the user on Planet Minecraft.

Almost all work done past 1.5 was by Iaeyan Elyuex. (That's me!)

CK20XX gave me some assistance with Language Files. I also borrowed the sounds.json
from his pack to look off of. He makes a mean Mega Man pack. Best in the biz. Check
him out.

This may not be 100% accurate, but to the best of my knowledge, it's what I know.

This is NOT an official Nintendo or Pokémon Company product. Pokécraft is not a

substitute for a real Pokémon game. If you like this pack, buy an actual Pokémon
game. Sun and Moon are definitely worth playing. Also, Popplio did nothing wrong.

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