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What would you do if you had to collaborate with a

coworker that is difficult to work with?
We all have had colleagues who are difficult to work
with, and that is completely normal and valid. If I had
a coworker who is difficult to work with, I would first
understand that it is not personal; it’s not about the
person disliking me, it’s about the person having a
different personality, and that’s okay.

I would sit down with this person and first take a

chance at doing some small talk. When people see
we are interested and invested in their stories, they
typically let their guard down. I would then have us
discuss the tasks we have to do and determine who
should do what, and how we will each communicate
about the completion of each task.

2. What would you do if you made a big mistake and no

one noticed? Would you address the mistake even if it
will slow down things or would you ignore it and not
tell anyone?
It’s always important to be completely honest. Even if
nobody noticed, I would definitely address the mistake
I made by trying to solve it and asking for help if I
need it.
3. What would you do if you were asked to complete a
task that you had never done before?
I would be up for the challenge! I would not shy away
from asking questions and researching so I can have
an in-depth understanding of the task at hand. I would
also ask for help if I need it.
4. If a dissatisfied customer confronted you what would
you do?
5. What would you do to make a good impression on a
6. What would you do if you had a heavy workload and
had a deadline in a week?
7. How would you adapt if there was a big change in
your job?
8. If you knew that your boss was completely wrong
about something, what would you do?
This is tricky because I think it is very important that
you never put down a team member or a leader in
front of a group. If I thought my boss was completely
wrong about something, I would probably ask for a
1:1 so we can discuss our opinions. Rather than
finding out “who is wrong and who is right”, I would
enjoy bouncing ideas off each other and seeing what
9. If you knew that a client was completely wrong about
something that he or she was complaining about,
what would you do?
10. What would you do if you were a manager and
one of your team members was not reaching goals
and expectations?
This has happened to me before. Whenever I notice
that someone is not reaching goals or expectations,
instead of automatically scolding them, I reach out. I
like going over what goals had been set for this
person initially. Goal by goal, the person can talk to
me about what they have been working on and I can
recommend ways to work more efficiently. I also like
discussing how the person is doing emotionally. If the
person is not doing well, I like providing support so we
can work through his or her issues together. Being
emotionally stable can improve the person’s work.

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