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Curriculum Connection

Name: ________________________ 80 A3.3

Learn more about Residential Schools by answering the questions below.

Research Answer the questions below

1) How many residential schools were in Ontario?

There were 18 residential schools in Ontario with the last closing in 1996.

2) What was the closest residential school to where you live?

(try searching: “residential schools near me”)

the closest residential school to Toronto was called the mohawk institute in Brantford Ontario south west of us.

3) When did that Residential School close?

it was closed on 27/06/1970

4) When did the last residential school in Ontario close?

Grollier hall, was the last residential school in Canada to be closed in 1997. though it was not a state run school like the
5) How were children at residential schools punished for breaking rules?
List 4 punishments.
the students there were punished and abused on
a regular basis, these included.
1. being heavily beaten
2. being chained
3. being confined
4 being mentally abused

5) Canada is paying each survivor of residential school money as compensation for

mistreating them at these schools. How much money do they get paid?
Each survivor got 10k plus 3k every year.

6) Do you think they are getting enough compensation for the trauma they went
through? Explain.

I do not think this is enough, I think they are
owed much more. they deserve more money and
more privileges, like healthcare benefits, less
taxes, and mental therapy.

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