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1)Explain current project?

2)if we add three employee in set that has id and name properties like new
Employee(1,"ABC"),new Employee(2,"PQR"),new Employee(1,"ABC")
then what will be the size of set.
3)write a program to create Employee class which override hashcode and equals
4)why need to override hashcode and equals method.
5)hashmap internal working.
6)what is difference between load vs get in hibernate?
7)which design used in your project?
8)how to handle many to many mapping in hibernate?
9)how many table will be created in many to many mapping?
10)What is column discriminator in Hibernate?

1) Tell me about your self

2) Java 8 new features
3) Hashset internal working
4) WAP to find second largest number
5) What is the difference between get() and load() method in hibernate
6) real time scenarios for above get and load methods
7) Difference between Singleton pattern and Singleton bean scope

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