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ID : U-1587012-8-2384 (harshil.sanghvi@gmail.

com) [1]

Class 3
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Choose correct answer(s) from the given choices

(1) In a clock, the hour hand is pointing between digits 10 and 11, and the minute hand is pointing at 6.
What is the current time?
a. 11:20 b. 10:30
c. 10:20 d. 11:30

(2) The hour hand takes ____ hours to complete one round on the dial of the clock.
a. 6 hours b. 60 hours
c. 30 hours d. 12 hours

(3) Sachin has planned his birthday party at the time shown on the clock.

At what time is his birthday party?

a. 7:15 b. 8:20
c. 9:15 d. 8:15

(4) Radha purchased a notebook for ₹27.20, a sharpener for ₹5.30, a geometry box for ₹10.20 and
a sheet of plain paper for 80 paise. How much money should she pay to the stationer?

a. ₹41.50 b. ₹52.50
c. ₹43.50 d. ₹47.50

Fill in the blanks

(5) Pranav bought chocolate packets worth ₹43. He gave the shopkeeper one 100-rupee note. Pranav

received the change of ₹ .

(6) Priyanka has ₹27. She goes to Shillong and spends ₹7 on a sandwich, ₹3 on a drink, and ₹10 on

a bag of chips. The money Priyanka has left with is ₹ .

(7) Aditya needs 890 candies for his birthday party. If each pack has 2 candies, then he should buy

packs of candies.

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ID : U-1587012-8-2384 ( [2]
(8) Fill in the time in the form hh:mm

A) 15 minutes past 2 = : B) 15 minutes past 7 = :

Answer the questions

(9) The given container has some bananas. Each banana costs ₹16. What is the total cost of 10 such

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