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1967 _ 1970

.- AS 'eplA'ed by Prof. A~foll:l Ali KhAn'

Prof. Rashid •••.
1 keenly noliud by 1M
(DfCember 2, 1967}. The ch"nge •••.••

l. B. F••••• "PUI". Fel>ruuy 11, 1911; , ••••Iout oorty edlK.illloo.

G<ljrot; "rniooio" 10 Go'O'""""'1 Col"', 1931; B.A. (wIlt!
110"""•• in ["'M). 193$; MA [",1+"', 19J1; • .n<!d 1110tR;h-
•••••••••••• " p¥H •••• UK"- 01 ltlmll" CoIIqf. Uho' •• 1931;
ioinodGo~n_ CoHoS', ludlli.lna, 1931;,.-a"'oncd 10
•••, 1938; joined GooI•• nmonl College, L..".C',
prlfldllol, Go-ti •.••••~1 (,allege, Campbcl~. 1953-1 %4; I',,,,<~
P"l, Go'.rnmonl Collop, R.>wolpind~ 19&4 • 67; Prlnclpol,
QrI,r:aJ T.-ainlria Collop, , ••••••••••••1961 _ 0..:. ••••••• 1961;
Prin<IpoJ, e;.,.,•• .-nt eorr.... l""",.,Dtcen.c.,1% 7 10
Aul;1I".1970; _er of l numb«' 01100:01odIIwlonolll>odin;
momba of '110 Pllnj.ib C ••.il Sono•••• Appol~ T'ill ••••••, ""' ••••••
1912;" pmlifil;"'itnr. "iii" <llId•••• 1""'.
onU_I of '.kI.l"
""" •••.••"1; fI'tlin oonuibulicln b...... ,f't1Jllstan; A "'-'ion,
publM<d IIfl<lor the •••••• 0' [I-!-tomu In Fobrwory. 1941;
" p~ of lhe "." ••••of """k_l~ ••l1li"'ilwnIl" ..,. ",hldl
he "'""I Ih"l tI>o,.,...." ••••••1 iho<Jld b. COndllCtedby ••••••of
Prol, A"hl~ Ali Kh.n '''''ooicd&. ud nol by " m.oll I'l>UP of but_".-all, '''!Pionl
or PrHidM'" mod.I/o, <W!lUndirc 1oKIIe" In AuCUil. 1%1.
Soo, File "'o.9""1431B, (rtf"'""I); 1Ilro RiM, j ••••• ory, 1968.

Gowm••••nl CoIk<Jt,LoIto~ .•7967 - 70 ..••","'l Ali ,a"",
Collei}1!Ga/tlft' .nd Tnt Rolli'. Both ~heorgAns~mired
Ih adminiwative qUi\ilies of Prof. Ri'hid and /!ulog,v:d the
IItl!.ary tall:n15 of Prof. Ashfaq. TM.G":'trt~al"" U'lcd the He, howe~r, made 501Tlr:pltliminary admi"i'd:'aINf
R.ivians 10 co-o~rau: witl'lthe new pllllc,p.l. m'''Kt~nu.Or. Muhammad Ainul,he~ of thedepAn_"1
of Psychology, wu appointed "'udell of the Nt ••. Hoslf:1 in
pllcl! of Dr. Hamid<.l(!.Dln, a wnlo. professor of Phllowphy
depal1llll'nt who w,u prumotw and ~polnted director of
!'duCillKlII, SifJlodha. Dr. S.R. Wasti was made the inch.rge
of tht d~rte crichr tum pfrh~.qulll! again" hi, uue and
temp •.,amcnl.' Asghar Salim, l/tcturer In Urdu, was olPPOlnte'd
the prl'Sidtnt of AfrQ- A5ian Ji, ei.dt of Ille collrge."

The principii .uned ump.aign of clunliness by pick-

ing up pleen of p~er ~nd Hiler th~1 lay K.~llered around In
hedges, I~wns ,md conldars, This had a IOOd effect on the
",udents who 1011oWl:dIhe e •.•.mple sel by their p,lndp~I.'

Prof. "'hAn's urly period ",itnessed "'l1li: olhe' ""l~ble

d~velopmenu. Punlabi "'~S ;nHoduced •• ~nelective wbjecl
~t the inletllll:diate l~el. Pakisun intetwitlll studenlS ~\60ci.
~tion ",n founded. The construction 01 ~ new wing of the
N~••. Hostel ••.as Complcted whkh c~t nine lac of rupees. It
"'~s inauluraled on Febru~ry 10, 1968 by Sheikh Iknmul
Haq, th~ chief Sl'creury. In M¥ch, 1968, the colieF ",as
vlliled by a unlv~n;ily In~ction tum comprising lhe vice.
chancellor, Prof. H¥llid Ahmad "'han, Mian Aful Husain and
Dr. Abdul Ghani Alollhar.They made S(lmr usef"l s"ggrstions
in connection with the leneral uplift of lh~ collog••.'o

7. Pr"'KlusiyOr.W;aslihad b•••n o;>pointedadvi,..,."r oroiln


B s..., fll•• of n. G"""''''mtnr c..11tgt GlZ«fle, ""''''Y -

s. llo•• rrb..-, 1%5.

•s. ~, Int•••.;.,••.••.lIlt KIwl Sohib.

,. \1). The Prin<ip.l.I"Co"-'QI .••" R.pan, April, 1968, p.9.

34 Go••.,,,,,,,,nlCoI~, L<ho~.. 7967 - 70 A.9tf<lq All Kh<m J5

ColJeqt GoJefU' ~nd Tht Rovl'. Bolh ~neorgans ~mired

Iht administ'ollive q""liHn of Prof. R~hid and tulog'-ed the
literary till:n~ of Pmf. Ashfaq. TIN..G":'trt~alw u'&I'd tile tie, however, m.ldt lOme plth""nary adminiu.ali><t
Ravia", 10 co-o~rUt with the notw pllnclpil. man~tmtnu.Dr. Muhammid Ainul, hud uf tile dtpirtment
of PsydKllogy, WiUappointed •••.arden of the Nt •••.Hoslelln principal h;td studied and l;wglll here ~or many r place of Dr. Hamid••d.Oln, a ~nlor profes!OJl" of Philosophy
yeus. He had scw:,,11friends and a dozen of old pup,ls among depmmenl who wU prorrlO\1Id ind appoinlW dlr«lor of
the tuclling snff. rducition. Sargodhi. Dr. S.R. Wasti was made the
uf lilt deg~e crkket te= perhilllS""ile agairnt hiSliUle "lid
lempe,a_nL' A!.gl>arSalim, Ieuu,,, In Urdu, \It',,", 'lPP01nt!'d
lhe pr•.•idenl of AffO.Asi~n Ilter~ry (irde of th~ colley."

The prlnclp~( $U"ed i umpiign of clunlineM by pick-

ing up piece of pOlperind Iitler thit lay Katt~red around In
h~dges, lawns ind cOfTidol'i. This hid a ,ood effect on the
",udem, who followed the • ..ample \:et by their principal!

Prof. Khin', early period wlm.s\:ed iOmr olher notable

d~velupmenls. Punjabi was intm<iuced as an elective subject
~t the inlermec iat~ If\'el. Pakistan Interwl"ll stU(!ents llosud-
~tion wn founded. Tile construGiion of a neW W'''ll of the
N~w Hmte\wili completed which COSInine lac of ru~es. II
"'~s in~ugurued on Febru~ry 10. 1968 by Sheikh Ikramul
Haq, tile chief secretary. In M~rch, 1968, tile collell" was
visited by a univer-;ity ln~ction ttam comprising lhe vice-
cha""ellor, Prof. Hamid Ahmod Khan, Mian Aftal HUuln and
Or. Abdul Ghani Asghar. n",y made 50me useful su~i1ions
in connection wjllt lhe HeMral uplift of lhe collej(f. ,.

1. Pr••.io••••V ~,Wllli hid hom oppointed ••M••, "for ••. n

",",dents Afr••.•.••

, a 5«, me< of 110t Go""mmMr

O«.mb ••.•I961:1.
CoJIt'1't GlIlcm, Ilnu ••.y -

•s. 9. 'nt.",it •••witJI Kh.n •••~ih_

o. \0. Thol"I'in<ip.r',CofMX4llonR."en, ApliI,I968,p9.

The 381h tonygcation of I~ colleg~ was hdel in the menl CDIIeg"lyallpur (Faisalabacl).MuhammildKhiliidKhan "
Bokhari audll<>rlumon Aplll 20, 1968. flda Has.iln,the aoo I<>ok<>vcras ",n;or proffS60fof E"Rlishit Gowm""nt
ac!yiWlr to plesld~nl Ayub Khan, was lhe chi~f g...,SI.69 M.A. Coneg" Hyderibild. Dr. Muhammid Sa.leemof lhe dePMt-
M.x. cmdkbtn ,mel)75 aladuat~s _r~ awarded degrees.II rrn:nt of Zoology be(:llme (utalQr of the: museum of ItIt:
Himselflin old Ravian,the chiefguest, Inhis addr~" eulogl5ed Universilyof Engi",,,lng ind Ted",o!ogy, lahore. Dr. A.H.
[h~ grUIlle"S of lhe college, He tried to highlight [he role Khayal (English) returnld to the college iftet a Sli)' of o""r
the Ravians pllly~d in Ih~ makiOlland cgnsolldatlon of 1M two yea~ it th, Unll'!'n.ltyof London. Dr. M, AhSolnAkhta.
nlllion befor, ilI1daflf;r Indep,nde",e, Then lie called upon obtained Ph.D. degru from Ihe Uni""rsily of GlaS(lo"and
the studenu to discipline th,it Ii""s. H~ said thllt Itlosc who rflUrned to his p<m In t~ deparlrrn:nt of cm-mistry,
had imp05eli~triet disciplinegn therm.lycs had b~n sueu:ss. Muhammad HlIfeez CllITIIback 10 the Muhfllliltiu elepil1-
ful in lif~.11 menl alur complellng his M.x. from Southampton Unlver.
lily. Dr. M,A, A1:lm (Chemistry) ••.•~ appointfd fellow of
Prof. Khan, in his annulll"port,r.toUnlf\l the a~hleye. Paklsu.n Audemy of Sciences, which wa~ the highest dis--
""nu and lIctlvltin of lho college du,ing the lIClldcmlCy~ar tinction for iI sclentist In our (OUntry," Abdul Qiyyum
1967 _ 61 lind pllrliculllrlyIfferred \l;Ithe acoommodUIOrl Bull, i distlngui~hl:'dschoillf of Arahie, retired from goyern-
problem in Ih~ coUegt and gaye an indlut;on llut the We~1 ment ser.iet (January 14, 1968).
Pakistan chlff wc~tary, Sh.ikh lkramul Haqu<, was of the
opinion thai Ihe silulltion could be ""I by having a goyem- The numh" of students ••as 1800. Of these 1119
nl coll~gc 11which could be lou.ll'd in tM open SlJhurb~ ~re in tile intermedlau c1••se~, 1037 In lhe d~grre c1a,,,,s
of LatlOr~,maintainin~ a liaison with the ok! place. "Under i1nd638 al the M.A./M.Sc. and honoun; Ie",,1.Among Inc-se
~ c!rcumstancos" the J)rlncipalsaid, "this !>NmSto be Inc- ~bout 200 were girl "OOenu, About 30 ~tOOenlSwere from
must plausible way of lTlC'etin,; lhe challenge of ~~pansion neighbouring (QUnt,ies of Iran, lordan, Kuwail, South
and progrrss"u Bul the idea ,of establishing GC II •..••• cr Alrin, Tilnzilnyaetc. 785 WIrescholarship holden;."
Th, college millnulned il~ academic d;stinelion~ al all
During the p~riod 1967 • 68, 1M numbel of staff level•. Pa"1'ercenuge al eilCh leyel ••u high. AI M.A.I
mcmben; ro'" to 160.'" More lhAnten ITlI!rnbersof I'" staff ~tSc, le'Ytl, the first posillons (n the subi"l~ of English,
proccedld abroad for further study. Of tile", lWO••ent t~ tconomlcS, Physics and Zuo~y were ~e(Url'd by the
Canada and eight 10 Britain. Nine leCluren; resIgned 1M." Rudenb of this college."
pMU and thlrt.~n new appointmenb ••e~ made, Raf,q
Mahmood look 0"'" as ",nior p,ofes.sorof Englishat Goyem- The 'IIOI1s aelMty i1lsocontinued su<:cessfully.Two
IS. IbkI.[II>.1.J.
1\. T_ •• ""'~ 1\, p.l ,Col•. S . 6.
1M I'rJI!l<Ian
16. Ibid.p. J. Therewereabolll700.tud..,,, in [hewllesein 1931
\1. ~ for Flda'sAddr•••, 1M Mill..,. Tim••• ",..M11, pp. S - 9, ..-henProf, AshfaqAll Khanl<linedlhe ",\leg. as I fhl: y_
I J. GGJc/leSpecIlJlSuppicment, Priodp"" Ann •••••Reporr, Apra, ""denl.
1968,11.4. 11. Giuetu SpecIqI5upp~_nt, Princlp-al',AnflflQ/R.pwt, ""'II,
14, Ibid. I%S,~.4.S.
35 Ga';<tffll1Wnt O>I~, [;,tn: /967- 70 As/If"'lAII K1uln

The 38th CC1nvoc<tl:ion of tM college w.s held In the m~n1CoUege,lyallpur ( Moo.4mmadKhalld Khan
Bol<h¥1 auditorium on April 20, 1968. Filla H.wn, the ,Iw look Oweras 'itnior prole""", of E'1!li5hal Government
adv;.;,;r10 prel;ldentAyub "han, wn the thief g~n. 59 M.~, CoUrge, Hyderabid. Dr. Muhammad S-ileemof the depil1l'
M.~. cilndiduel;.nd )75 gradllileS were .WlIrdeddegr~ •. ment of loology b~e curalOr of the mu'itum of the
Him•••lf in old Itlvian, the-,hlef gUrl-l,in hi•• ddress eulogl""d Universityof Engirleerlngitld Technology, lal>on!. Dr. A.H,
the greatnC"Uof the Gollege.He tried 10 highlight the role Khiyil (Engli'lhlrell.l,nedto tile oollese dtu i stay of o~,
the Itlvi.ns played in lhe ITllIklnll.rid ron""lldition of the I••.•
' yun.l the Unlwnity of london. Dr. M. Atuan Akhu.,
natiQn before .nd after independence. Then he nlled upon obu.,ned Ph.D. degree from tile UniVtlrsityof GI.4sgowand
lhe studenl. lO diSGipll~their Ilvu. He ••id th.t too•••who returROd to ilis pas{ in tile dePUlmenl of ChemiSlry,
h.d Impo....:!mitl discip1i~ on themselveshad been SUG~U' MuilammadHafeel Qrnt back 10 lile Matilematk:. dep.rt-
fulln life." ment after CORl'~tlng his M.Se. from Southunpton Unive,.
lity. Dr. M.A. Alim (Cilcmlstry) wloSappointed fellow of
Prof. Khan, in hi•• mllul report, rerounled the a~hieve. P,kiuin At.4demy of Sclencfi. which w.u tile higllest dis-
menl. ",rodactivities of the college during the aGiJdemlcyur tirKti"" fo, a 5tienllst In lltIr coontry." Abdul Qayyum
1967 _ 68 and particularly retCHed10 the lltwmmod.tion BUll, i distinguished Khol~r of Ar.biG, ~tired from lavern.
problem in the college and pwe an Indi",t"'n that lhe West ice U••••.•ary 14,19681.
Pakisu.n chief •••cretitry, Sheikh Ikramul H~~, WHof lhe
opinion thaI the siluition could be mu by hivilll a govern' Tilt number of mldents was 2800. Of Ihese 1119
menl collegt II which oould be located in Ihe open ~bUrbS we,e In the inlermediile doUses,1037 In t/le degree cb_.
of ~hore, lTllIintiininga li.i""n w'lh the old piace. Under ind 6)8.t the M.A.{ honou" level. Among the'it
the Glrcumsun~" the prin~ip.l •.•id, "Ihls seems 10 be ~he about 200 we'e girl studtMS. Aboot 30 students were from
most pliUsible way of mte[jn", the challenge of up.nrwun neit;:hbourlngcountries of tran, Jord.n,, South
illd pf<>grcs."u But the idu .of establishing GC 11 never Afrlia, T,nuny. etc. 78S werescholar9>lpholden. II,
The college maintained 1" ac.demiG distinctions .t.lI
During Ihe period 1967 • 68, the number of suff le~ls. Pns1'ercentage it uch level wu high. At M,A.'
members rust tQ 160." Ml>fethan ten member. of the naff ~I.St. level, the first positions in the subjects of Engil5h,
p~ed ibroid for further sludy. Of the••• t--:o ",ent '? [conomlcs, Physics and Zoology we,e secured by the
Can.di and eight to Briuin. Nine lecturers rt\lgned therr students of this college.IT
po." and thirtten new loPPOintments"'ere mide. Rafiq
Mahmoodt(HIkove' loS senior profe!>Wrof Englishit Govern. The sports iClivily .Il"> continued successfully. Two
IS. IINI. pop. 2. 3.
t \. "" Pdlrbun r_ •• AprH 21, pol. Col,. S • 6.
16. Ibid.p, 3. n",n "''''. ~I 700uudon!>in \liewIle•••in t911
12. s.c lor rid." Mdt ••" ~ PIlIrIsrQtl Tn-So AprH 2t, pop. a. 9. whenProf. A!hl,,! All KhanjolRtdthe (011qJeU l rhl y__
13. Glume Sp«/Q/ 'i<>pplrmrnl, Principlll'.Annwl f&p<JrI,
April, >ludem.
1%8,p.a, 17. &no". SpodQISupp/,mu!I, hin<ip;oJ'.kmuttl H."."" April,
14 //Hd. t968, pp. 4. S,
AJhftlq All Khwr

clicht pl.yen, W<lq.r AllrNd ."" MoIjid J.ll.ngir ""ele briltd Sh.h Huwin diY ",ltllll'ut enlhllSii5m. Tilt Pernin
selecled to pl.y in interwnity ch.mpion~ip~. Tiley .150 ",defy ceiebr~ld ~oroniUion uremony of Shih 01 lrin.
repleoenled in • ~rin of m.tet"ls in U.K. M~id !'olitic.l Soceincesociely ob"' •..•.•d HUm.ln RighU Diy. The
l.ll.ngir ll~ ttle distinction of being IIIe skipper of tlle furKliort "'oilSpresided over by CII, Zif.'ull.1l Khn. Judge 01
I".klst.n combined unl""Bily e\eVlln .gainst 11M:Common. Inte,n;llion.l CoUll of lustlr;e.llTlle G.rreftllisloriC<lI society
""ultll Tum in Ille m.lcll pl~yed In Lilhore. Mun."".r lqb.l lisu .rr ;lnged l number of eHension If<tures. Rich",d Symond •
• 00 H~roon R~llim loured E'1lI.nd ~nd Russi. 10 pl.y ill emlrtem Briti'" ",hol.r, visited Ille d.p.nmem .nd Ilid
~.rious fi><lulesin tennis." discuWon ",jtll til. of hi'lory." English Ilterity
~"k: "'U In tile forefronl of llle ,ollege ",Iivllin. Under il~
During the ll'SWon under r••••.lew, the studenl5' union luspi<:n. s"fd.r Mir .Ii", I'no.nd Iia Molly-utl.dln addrn .
retmined busy n usu.l. It Ileld fourleen maior functions. ••d Ill. Sluden, •. 10 Dr. livid Iqbillliw ~ brief ulk on the
Tile outst.nding future ""'" oiln extempore prlLe deb.llll bfe .rod "'ork 01 his illustrious h,I1ltI. AII.mi Muhimmid
.00 .n U.troilOrdin.ey 1-k>tJ-eof Commons Slyle deNte whicll Iqb.1. Prof. Erll: Cyprj.n g.Vt .n iIlumin.ling .nd compte-
"'.s conducted In Irllingu.1 medlil I.e. in Engli""'. Urdu and hl:n"ve talk on "Tile Trigl< Hero", He com.nded Ill., t'ill"" Tile proposilion "dop.~ed by lile lloose "'.s he,o "I. of three kinds: of higll mimetic lIilledy. lo",er
,-J!A--------i,-..-t. "l:-'l;.ff "TlIe elution of mimtlic tr.gedy lnd ironk Ir.lXedy",H ROVf'1""outs Cre",
unfVllRe Is in Inieresl!ng""ioke."t5'~;'ng Ihe \>eulon. Itle union wn il", very l~liv. during Illi. stssion, A tninlng ump ""••
b"ll&ed68 lrophies brukingl11e pre~lous r«ord.:IO Tile union held al W.lton •••d .nOlll., n MU'Fft ltill. in Ill. wimer.
lleld AU-P.klUoiln mushtllra In ""lIicll eminenl poets of For Ihe fi,st ti""" BoildenI"o""ell <Loy••.•••uiebr.l.d In ,he
P.klS\Ml p.r1iclp"led. Tile number of 50cictirs "nd clubs rol~ge."
ro~ 10 soY Tiley held m(!flings, .rr.nged ullibilions,
symposia "nd wmpetltkms. Invited lu'ned "Pukers fmm Tile principal enrourotged cultur.l.rod stlldy lours both
",illlin lIN: country .nd from .brooild.:l>I"unl"bl m.ills (fie. in ind outside tile counuy, The Gi"tll llistoriul ~iely
mide. study tour of [iiSt P.kist.n (Much 28 _ April 10.
1968), 1Owhich wa•• ponsurtd by Pakisun council. SimiI.rly
18. ItmI, PI', S.6 oIP'lOthe.r
group of students under Prof. Siddique Killim, loIler
prin<lp.1 of the college. visited [is! p.kiSlln.'f The studenn'
19. Puni~i .n ••••••'/ d•• ~ lho ",,>Ion und••. I""n. II
.•••' Introduced.1 inlerm«!iollte1e",,1I""ugh GI••••• in Punjlbl 22. Ibid. 1'.8.
o<"a1IVu.,od In 1975. A Pun~; "'ljli•••••• 1•••orpniood• 23. rhr RVo'I, ) ••••• v, 19611,pp. 108 .110.
••hio:h>tMledII>lul>Cliorn..P•••joilbl .1-.;..1'
••' ••••• 'he'."". 01 24 "'- RVo'I, ~.1968.p.92
2S. rhr Rf1I!l.J ••••.•• V.1968,p.l08.
20. 1M RtNI. M.v. \%8. p. 9\.
21>. rho Go..,rnment CDn.1/OGaltn., FobfUifY IS. 1968. PI'. 2.3;
21. So"" "" •••.••
I«ielin .ho tnJ,"",DOmed in 1968.An inler.u. Fobfllorv 29. p. S.
"8 lO<iolV"''' ,he ""••u.r "Ud••..lS. ",,;elV". h •• im •••• :the 'II. r1>f fMoI, M.V. I %/I. p. 93,••• t.blhhmen, of • <•••••1 world, In ,,,,,lt~ •••• : 'Llf.
i. for "' ••••1, 10r•• ukif. ""'u di.". TN GDwrnment QH~ 2$. r1>fG<:wt.CDIIe". Gtlrt,ft. iIl>ril 18. 1968. W. ;\ • S.
G<um., MM<h7.1968.p.S, 29. Ibid. 1'.6.
Go•• ,m""n' CoI'*'JI. llJilMf .• /967 - 70 A1Irf"'l All Khllft

crickd players, Wiq;t. Ahnud ud Mijid JahMlg;r •••• e~
~lecled to play in lnterversily championVllps. They al'lO
bWw Shah H" •.•l" day with I'ut emhu,lnm. The hl'Sian
IOcitly celrb.ated coron.lion c.'emony of Sh.h of Iran.
reJIre'ICnted Paki••un In a serb of mate"'" In U.K. Mijid Poill,cal Sce'nce soc;itty observ.<J Hum.on Rlghls Day. The
lahangir h;od thoe di'tinction of being the skipper of the function wu pre.idw o"er by Ch.I.luullah Kh.n. Judge of
Paki.tan combined univer\,ly e~"en agair>S1,1M:Commun- Intun.I'Orial CoUll of IUSlkeYThe GnretthiSiorleal society
wultll Tum in the: mald\ played in LIlIore. Munawar IQbal ilso arrangw a n"mber of enemton k:,turu. Rich"rd Syrn<Jnd,
and Hamon Rahim loured E"4lland and Ru.~1 10 play Ml .minent Brlt,Y\ schol"r, VNted the dep.lrt ••.•.• nt and had
dlo;cussion with the .tuden" of hi'>!ory.'" Engli5h litelary
"ario". 'idurn In ttnnls."
"rcle wu in the forefronl ollhe ,ollege .lu._itks. Un<JerIt.
During lhe lIl:"ion under .nit •••, the ~lldent.' union auwiees. Safdar Mi. ,lia, leno and II" Mohy .ud .din wdr ••..
rcmoined bu"Y as \1",.1. It held foun~n maio' funnlon •. sed the students." Dr. J.vid Iqbal ga~ ~ brid t~lk on lhe
The oulSlIndinll future ",;os an extempore prize debate life and work of hi, iliustrious (;athef, Allilma Muhamn1.ld
.mel an el(1r;1ordinary House of CommonHlyle debate which Iqb.1. Prof. Eric Cyprj~n ll~••e an illuminating and eomp'e-
wa. COOOlKted in trilingual mdia I.e. In Engiiv" Urdu aOO Ite~",,~ talk on "The Tragi' Hero". He ool1tend.d that HAgie
Punjab!." The proposition idop'.ed by tM house w,u hef1) "is of Ihre~ kinds: of high mimetic Irog~dy. lower
~ J(;,-,....!,-'i ." L;:{~ "The erulion of
mi_tk lfiljledy and Ironic tragedy ••.•• Rover scouts erew
",n ~Iso ~~ry "Cli~t:"during Hils ,,",Woll. A tr"ining calflClwu
unr~r", k in In~ltre.ITng'j;;ke.'.t5".j;lng the ",ssion, Ihe union
bagged 68 trophies b 'CdklnllM pre_lOlls rerord. "" The union lteld at Wahon "nd anolher al Mutree hills In the wintef.
held AIl.f'.I<iSlan musJIIJlrQ in which eminent poets of For the fit'>! lime, B~Jen Pow~ll day ••••• s celebru~d in Ihe
PdklSlan p.rtlcip.led. The numner of so,'eties .00 ,lubs cotlegt'3'
ro'-' to 50.lL Tney held "",etinIS. a,,,,,,ged uhibitioni,
The prln<;lp,J./~rn:our'llw wltural ~nd study tour~bolh
sympo<la MId compelitions, Invited lurned ",ukers from
In and outside the oountry. Th~ Gartett hi~torlcal society
within Ihe country .nd from abroad.:> Puniab; IThIliiscele.
m,d~ a ~Iudy tau. of h.1 Paki,tan (March 18 - April 10,
1968)," which waHponwnd by Paki,tan council. Simil•• ly
another group of '>!udents under Prof, Siddique K"lim, tuer
prlnclp~ ofthe eoll~ge, ••isited East P.lki~Un,'" The Sludent~'
19. Punj.t>1~t1aintdpopo!.ity d•• ing tho >hOIonund••• ev>tw.II
l:l Ibid.p.8.
"'., inuoduced .1 ;"l••medi.ou """""though ,10"". 111Punjabi
~lu.lIv "arnd in 1975. A fl'w,ili.",as ~I""<><1.nitod, n. The RM, J •••••• y, 1%11. 1'1'. lOB. 110.
hi<h -..10<1II<luna""". r""jobl .In 1!Ie1o'1l"oge01 14 n.. RtM, May.1968,1'.92.
debolt>. 25. The RoYI, Jinu.y. 1%8, 1', lOB.
20. ThoR•••••M.y.19611,p.91. ')t;. n.. GoMrmmtnrCol. Gaun<. February I S, 1968,PI'. 2 . 3;
21. So"," l'IO"",m,i.ol""lelie •• h"mu"'roonit<l in 19611.An In~.'" FobN ••.•••29, p. S.
"'I ""dety w•• the ".,.",.1 students' ."d.,y". h. aim w•• ,\lie l1. The R"".M.y,1968.p.91.
uKlmlle ...ublill>mont01 a u",al """Id. h. mollo "'U: 'lh
28. Tht G<M. Colle" Ganr/<. 1>p<1118.1968, I'P. 4. S.
•• for COl",al" '" 'egul ••.• """" die". The Go!¥rn""ml Ccllqt
(;,In,u, Mrn:K7.1%8,1', S. 29, Ibid, 1'.6.
6<>","''''''"1 CoII#gt, LtJIlrn, /967 - 70
,ped.1 nurnben in recOld tIme to mark IIIe'ocu.lon.
lugu~, • cullunll body, made. \ludy 10<1'of AfRllani~lan,
I'im and Tu,kty,'" T1J<,movemenl rr>f the revival of parl~mentlfY demo.
".cy had gained momenlum lO.••uds the end of 1968.
Tile lutorial ~y\lem .••.a' fl,~t Inlroduced in lhe college The poliliul agitalion was intensified. The students, the
in 1902 dUTing lite principill..tll$l of Rob'ion." The ~ludenls "angu,lId of Il>.emovemenl, had Iltromt uncoRtroliable aOO
er~ divided InlO ten groups. EacllllrouP .••.u pul undtl llle in No"emOef, the llO"ernmenl was «>mprl1ed 10 clolr IIlr
care of a profe.~r wOOaCled '" 'coll'1letuIOl'lo Ille .luden" ooUejrs ror an ind.fini,r pe,iod, The conditi<ln> bUIJI'If
of 1Ii\ g.oup. This brouglll proff''''''s and sludent'; inlO .••orse in ll>.rearly montk. of 1969.J' Pandrmonlum pl ••.•aile<:l
clo~. I'O/1tacl, and enabled tacll prore,,,,,r 10 e""rt I more ltlro",ghout tke ,ountry. Oemon'ltt'iltions, r,r"ion 144 and
powerful ar>d p"rmanenl Inftuenee 0" IIIe' ,hl'aCler of hrs uOilfary arrfiU Ila<l become the order of the day." So
pupils, In ma"y Ca'ie' profe,o;ors look a ""iou. view of Ille!, Vahya Kh••n, llle ~ommaOOer..jn-clllt-f of Pakistan, imposed
du lit. and rt'l'onslbilll,", and the 'nullS of tho 'yslem wert marti ••1 I••.••.on M•••.
ek 24, 1969. Prewrnl AylJO Kllan .••..os
excellent. The e""mple ~1 by GC In Ihi~ mall'" was follo .••.ed ouSled. Law aOOordtr w••••restored. The coll'1ltS r.-opeRed
by ITl<>\I of otll •• coliege. In Ill" provlnce.'l Prof.kllan paid In April, 1969,
'l'eelal atlenlion 10 lhe .y.rem. H" wa, fully con"lnced of In
This year (I.e. 1968 .69) IWO mON: tuea,,11 journal.
importance aOOUIllily. I.
..ppured. The }oo.ool of Cconom/(S appured undtr the
In Oclober, 1968, r.M. Ayub's regime rompleltd ten edltorsllip of Prof. Flll-llr.Rehman, head of lhe department
years of lIS rule, lilt l>«M:le of Rtlonn. and Prog''''' .••. a. of ECUfI(Imlcs.J' C~plQl'rlflom.a journal of Engli'" dep ••n.
officially ob'iCrved all ove. lhe country. The eduu.liorW menl, ume 01,11 unde' the editonhlp of Prof. Siddlq...., Kalim.
in\lilUlions .1"" p"nicipaled In tile. D«ade celeb, allon •. GC II' purposr wu 10 e"plaN: rlfw I«,Ullrn of Utt~I •••.• and
celelHaled Ihe decade of prog«'ss - roueall"" w~l - critici.m. ,.
Oct"l>t. 21Q O<;lob., 8 Willi g«,al R",IO."

But mo,e conS/ruClive and "aluaole ,",rk wu done: by )S. !>Iefor detail, , Ill. RatlqlfO Abo!, f'rJJ/I/OIII'<1n~ '" """1st •• ,
III editorial board, Qf 1M COllfl}" Garette and 1M Ralli. 19~1t• 19~9 _ r,rI II, hJ•••••bod. 1987,pp. 175 . 209.
They worked round lhe c10cl and 'lUc«eded In producing 36. ""'RIM,SepI~ •• ,I%9,p,86.
31. .".,., n..RoM (ERli,,o,l,Sepwnb", 1969, p. 93-
Rob",n .••a. III< princip.1 of lhe college from 1898", 19\2.
l8, n.. RIM (E"III"'), Sq:>~_, 1%4, Pll. 94 • 96. The fI", i_
of ,~ •• u,,1r>nzr1oM conllinod Oft,,1Mwr~1fJtl b~ •••••1nenI r.l"' ••
n. H.LO. Cmelt.A Hi,to/)' of 1M G_m_1I1 CoII.~,\O'e, ION """~ ••
1914, p. 12&. no. Eq/(J(arloll< .•••• li"td •• BowIrrr', 11I1."wr_1 ftt/od/ctll

B. ~ G.-rn"","1 wlkge~,It (Erelklll. 0<1.000 11, 1968, Di"rtory ond &"' ••n a p.r ••••""'" ulOlolfu. n",nb•• by lhe
libJ..-y of eo •••"". (USA).The l"I'O>dern laf@~•••• A"",iolion
of """,,rica d f>l>'ibul.e'110ton~nu to I" ",.".ob,•••• mo'. Ilion
).4. SH, Tilt G<Wl". Q>I~ GaRtt., s.:...•• n;,. Supplmntnl: Dee_ 10 tountrin of Ik. "",rid.•••••, only lhe •••••1,"""I •• bullor ••iIf'l
r>! Dew!opme'" Qnd R#fr>rmJ, On. 10, 1961l; ~ RIM (Dcud. ,,~olon .lfo ..,ntribu," .1 •..1•••10 ,II;, •••••••;no. In'•.••••••. illl
<>'•••••OcIr>ber,1%&). Prof. R•••f Ani",m.
speci.a1numb"" in recotd time 10 mark 1M ocusian.
lugue, a rullu'.1 budy, made a r.ludy lou. of Aighan;~tln,
han and Tu.key," Tht mowlTlf:nt fur tM revivil of ~arliamenlOly d=o'
""'Y hid gilned momenlum IOwards the encl of 1968.
The tlHo.ial ~ystem WiI' fi.~t IntrodUCeC!in I~ college The polilical a&iUliun was inten.;lied. The students, the
in 1901 during the p,inti~ll5hip of Robson." TIIr ~ludenl~ vanguird of the movement, hid become uncorotrollable and.
were dividod into ten group~. EKh g'oup WI~ ~•••t unde. I~ in Nc>vember, the lovernment .••• i~ compellec! to ~lo" the
care of a profes!Or who I"'~ oK 'collegelulor'to the ~••••
den\~ coll~g'" ror in Indefinile perlQd, The conditions became
of his l'oUP, Thi~ broulht profes~s and studenu into ••• "l"<C In the urly months of 1969." 'Olldemoniurn
clow. contlCl, In<! eroabled uch profes"" 10 e~ert a more lhrollghout the country. Demon~tFiltiuns, ","ion 144 and
~owerful Inri pe'INntnt Influeroct on lhe chuacttr of his arbllfary Ilresu hid become the ord.r of the day.'" So
~u~ils, lro maroy u""~prolH",," look alotriotJ\ v~w of their Vahya Khan, the comnund.r.ln..:hitf of ,.kl,u.n, imposed
dulie~ and rtloPon.;bm!It~, and tht rHulls of the sys,em ~re mirtiil I.w on MilCh 14, 1969. Pre~ldent Ayub Khan wiS
e~celltrot. Tht eumple SCI by GC;ro Ihis muter wa~ followed ollSled, Law onll order wlS rHloreO, The colleges re-opened
by must uf other college~ I" the province." Prof. Kha" paid in I>.;Jril,1969.
special aUe",ion 10 Ihe system, He was fully convin<;ed of its
importJtlCe .nd u rllily. )J This year (I.e. 1%8 . 69) IWO more ruurc.h journi"
appe.rt!d. The-jourffll/ of Economics appeared ••• nder the
In Oclol>et, 196il, F.M. Ayub's regime completed Ill'll edilorship uf Prof. Flza-ur.Rehman, hud of lhe d~artment
yn" of its rule, 1M Decide of Reforms and PrOllre16,•.•s of hlJf\Omles.I' E~pIOilltiom, a jour nIl of Enlllisll depirt.
offlclally ob"" •.•.ed all uVe' the country, The ed •••~lionll menl, eime oul under the editorship of Prof. Siddique Kalim.
inSiitulio'u also participated in tnt Dccadeceleb.alioflS.GC Its pllrpose wlS to explore new Irei$U't~ of Uteralufe ind
«lebrned Ihe decade of progress _ c-duc.lian week - criticism.'"
October 1 to Oclober 8 with g~.t lfU~lo.,lOl

Bul more constfueti~ and valuable work wlS done by J5. ••••• rOf dO'toli. , M. RiflQuo Al:zal, 1'bJ1I/C411't1n1a •• /WIlY •• ,
th editorial b<u.tds of TM College Garette and The RaII/. 1958 • 1959 _ Pin II, I\lomobad, 1987, pp. 175 . 209.
They worked round the dock and ••••cc"ded In produdng 36. ThoRiM, Seplernber,1969,1'. B6.
)l. !>eo, Tho _ (EllIlithl,S<pten'b••, 1%9, p. 93,
30. Ibid. 18. Tho RVoIi(Encllfl1l.Sop,embK,1%9, 1'1'.94 . 96. The flnl 1_
31. Roboo" "'a, lhe principolof III< <ollof,elrom 1898 \Q 1912. of tloeE~pionlt_ """laine<:!••••1tI•••-..' ~\tft b~ ••••lncn! Plk••
32. H,l.O. Gar.ell, A Hj,rof)Jof ~ G_mmtnl G>11o~,Lohore, l Wli Kh<>~•.
Tho ["Plot_10m "' •• li9.ed In Bo ••*tr~ /nltmofionrrlf'<rlDdial
1914,p. 128.
B. TM G_mlntnl G>IWgt~tN (["Ihlll, October 11,1968, DiftCtory and liven 0 p••"",ntltl Cilo!oCl'. IVJmllerby the
libr..-y of (:onere•• lUSAI_ The rrx><l.rn Lo""'lInA""cilrion
01 Americadiwibllle' ito<onltnl< \Q lISmember, In mo.e thon
.l4. ~, 1110Co""". Ceil. Gfu"", Sw'enir Sul'l'lement: D«:#<k 70 counu;•• of ,ll. _nd. Nol enly lhe I_I tchol•.• bill fore'"
of DM-Iopmtrrl _ R.Jumrt, oa. 10, 1968; "" Rowf [O.:ocl. ",1H>l1"Ill•• <ontribute ••tir.~ lOIhi'tnIjiline. In•••.•••••willi
." •.••••, Oc1ob •• , 1963). pror. R•• I Anjllm.
A"""'1 A/i Kh",

The Sandhi lr~nsl~lion sociely playt'd a The Rowing dub, ho_', ••.itneWO lOtm' p'<Jg,eYo.
role. It undert""k ~n ..-nbll;"u~ venture. Under Its auspi.:elo T••.o new bOits'Ashfa(j' Ind 'AJim'were added to lhe fleet of
the ,rllkal ankl« of ""~ eminent ea~tern and ""'''ern Ihe dub .nd Ihe membership ,o~ to Iwo hundred. A 'Pedal
lherary ,rltic~)O of the Iwemlf{h cenwry were tr~",lated wu,se for girls was organiSil'd, 1969). Simil.r1y tm
into Urdu by a number or ~hol~Tl' of the coliege, wllich were R..vlan cadet corps mAinnined A rUloOnible .moont of
complied ~nd edlled in a book-form by Prof. Siddiq\IC Kalim uti.ity tllmughoul llle loC~ ••on. The nu;n future waS lhe
wilh the u'>lst~nce of lahur-ul.H;>q Shaikh, ~ promising Ir~ining of one hundred students In 303 ,ifll: WUfloC.For thor
first time in Ihe dub's hi~lory, ~I<I~were .1';0 included.<
Rivian of tile pe,lod The collecl;on was ~bli~d In "by,
1969 under Ihe caption. "Nai Tanq«d". (modern litcr~,y
crltlcllmj .••• The No! TOIfqecd received conskler.blt publkity TIle academic loe~wonof 1968 - 69 also continoed 10
.nd ••.is r..ourably ""iewed In The Rl;1vi Ind The Col/e'l" wilMS'>cha"ges In the cullelO".talf. Dr. L.M. Ch.wal •• the
hud of the Mathem.tics dep.r1menl took over iii Ii'll' p.inci.
poll of Cenual Training College. He w'~ wcceeded by S.M.
,he Rovl m.nilgl'mcnt changed hand •• Dr, Imdad YAWnwho returned 10 GC aller ,haut~" yu~. Dr. AhSinul
Huuin" (Engil'" ,.ction) ••••
as loUccetdt'd by Prof. Skldique hbm returMd from lo;brN;bad 10 i1'lSU~ tht headship of the
Kalim, Kh.wala Saeed (Urdu ,.ction) ••as repl.ced by Zoology departmenl in plll;e of N•• lruddin ":00
Mun~wl! Mirza. Under Ihe new man~gement, 'M R"'"
r;.;lme R...flq Mahmood who su",eeded Df. Imdad Husa,n as ~nlOr
out with two 'PC'c1alnumb<:!r5,n.mely ,M Ghaflb Number profmor of English wtnt bad, 10 Lyallpur (Faiulabad)
(April, 1969), StwJ Nomah Iqbal (September, 1969). EmiMnl after. sLay of fivc months. His r.ucce""r wiS Khalid Kh~n,
$Chola.s contributed 10 tllese loPCclalnumbe~. ,~ GhtJlib ~nolher old teachel of this dcp~rtment.-
Numb" Wi. highly' apprecialed .nd widely revle"",d in the
nalio •••1press." Thc 39111 convouti"" of thc college was held in the
Bokhari .uditorium on October II, 1969. Shamsul Haque,
The martl.l law iuthoritlH Imp$td restrict~s on .:ennal mlnl~lcr of eduullon .nd $Cien<c",•• Ihe chief gue~t.
hulding mectin~. So there was littlc room for ~Iivity in Dcgrct\ werc wnlerrcd on 351. M.A./M.Sc. and B.A.{B,Sr;.
the college KJcielles. Similarly, ~ns lOurl\il11enlScould not elC. Sludcnu; mcdals wetC awudcd 10 15 students for lhorh
bc held (du,ing April _ Seplembcr) parli.lly because or the oUllunding aciderrnc periorman<:c and dln,n<:livc position,
heal ~nd partlaily due to the p.welty of funds ..•• In VU;OUIuniver5hy uarrnnalion.; cerlifiUles of merit "",re
gi'lcn 10 19 ~tudentS; 117studcnl~ were plAet'd 1~ lhe Roll~
39. MootlyIhe lOC~iotunk,.ne! lI"n~." ~iWtl. of Honou' for acadcmic di!otinctiuns, c"tr •. cu."cul •• and
40. l1tc R...-IE"IliO<hl.
September.1969,PII.90 _91. .thletit' activities."

4l. ThoRxMlU<du), ~wrb •• , 1%9. p. 171. Dellvl:fing his <o""ocalion addre •••• lhe chief guc.t
41. Or. Imdod Hu••;n •••••. ed ., the m"""llorof TIl. Rqv/ for .bout emph,.is on re~ureh and urged Ihe teachers 10undertake
8 . 9 y•••.•. 0Ur1•••hi, m.rugemonl,hopro""'led tho:lhin~•• ~nd
anI ••• ultnl, .""' •.• Iho:Rro;.n,. 45. TIItt1bwI, Mordt, 1970. pp. 60 • 62.
43. 5<10,
l1tc RM (E•• IWI).Seplemlt«, 1%9, pp.145 .163. 46. TIlt RtM, (E•• lithl,S<c>temb
•• , 1969,p. 98,
44, "'" Raw, Sept_or, 1969,p, 97. 41. 11>tG/>own"",nl CoII¥ GoBrte, <kIobe< 16, 1969, p. 1.
The Sondhi "ans/dlilln soci~ly playw a diSlinClift The Rowing club, however, wil~"Cd lOme progre"'.
.ole. It unde.ll>o~ an .ambilious venlure. Under lis ••u~lu" Twu new boal,,'A,hrlq'IOO 'Alim'wtre ..Jdtd 10 Ih~ fleel of
lh~ Crillcal drtkles of wme ~minenl e<15lem ~nd weu~rn lhe club Ind Ih. memb.",hip fl)~ 10twa hundred. A \peeill
lil~'''y trilles" of lhc lwenlielh cerllury .••ere Iranslalcd wu'''' for W.1' o'lllni",d (April, 1969). Simll••rly lilt'
into Urdu by a number lIf .a.olMl' of lhe coll~&C,which wcre R.vl ••n C<>delCOIP' malnlained a ' •••••••.• able amounl of
eompll~d <lOO~dlle" in ~ book.form by rroF. Siddiq ••••.• Kllim auivily throughoul the 'IoCs!oion. The
feature Wa' tt.
Wllh th~ assisl••nc~ of llhu,.ul-H~q Sh.1ikh, I promising lIiinlng of ont hundl.d Siudents in 303 rifle to",se. For the
Ravlan of lh~ perilld Tllr ColieClion "'.1" Ilubli!oh~" in ~\ay, firsl lime In lhe club's his lOry, wCre .1'00 lno;luded"
1969 under lhe callI ion, "Nli TiflQce"". (modern litewy
cillici,m I....
The Nal Tanqeed received consider ab'" pull lieity
The Icwemic session of 1968 • 6'1 <lIse continued 10
wllne'ioSchange, In lhe colletle ~H.Dr. L.1lIl.Chawili, Ihe
and w<15fa,ourably ~viewed In The Ravl and The Colleqt
Gaurte." . hud of Ihe Malhem"I;CS depirtmcnl look over is Ihe prir>ci.
pal of Cen"al Trilining Coliege. He wail sunff<lcd by S.IlIl.
The RQvl malUit'ment ehinsed hands. Dr. Imdid Yasln who relurned to GC ••ftc, ihQul"j~ YUfl. Dr. AhSolnul
Hus"in'l (Engli!oh seCllon) was ""ceeded by Prof. Siddiqlll: lslilm 'elumed ffQm l!oIimabad '" •••••me the hud!ohip of lhe
Kalim. Kha_ia 5.1eed (Urdu section) "'u replaced by loolugy depolf1mcnl in pl<lte of Ni\!;lruddln who relirl!<l.
Munaw••, Min:1. Under rhe new mafllgcment, TIw RINI came Itoflq M.hmood ",ho """ceded Dr. Hus.lin n ~nior
oul with 1'10'0 special numbel'1', umely HI' Ghallb Number profes~. of EIl&\Is/1 went bick to lyallpur (F;dSollaba.d]
(April, 1969), Sao! Nwnah Iqbal (Seplember, 1969). Eminent ifler I ~y of nve monlhs. His ""cesso' wlS Khllid Khln,
scholal'1' conlribuled 10 these special numbtfl. The Ghallb Inolher old teac:hc, of Ihis departmenl."
Numb" wu highly "PPred .•'ed and widely reviewed in lhe
nalional p ••.•••.•• The 39th convo'alion of the ,ollege wu held In lhe
lk>khilllludilOrlum on O,,,,bel 11,1969. Sharmul H-.que,
The manlil I.•••.luthotities Impo<ed restrict!ons on cenllal mlnl",er of eduutlon and .dc-nce Wi. the ,hlef gues!.
holding meetin~. So there WiS liltle room for actiYity in Degree' were conlerrC'd on 352. "'.A.IIlIl.S<:.Ind B.A./B,x.
Ihe r;.ollegesocielles. Simll.u1y, lopOrlstourn.unenu eould nOI ele, studcnll: were IWlrded 10 15 sludentS for their
be held (during April _ September) parllally bec;lllst of lhe outsundlng ",..Jemie performance irld distinction posllions
hut and pin lilly due 10 lhe pludt y of funds ..•• In Ylrious unM.l'1'ily eumlnali.;ms; «rllflcales of meril were
givc-n 10 29 students; 87 .lud~nlS w.r~ pllct<! In lhe Rolls
39. MaRly the "",ialiS!<,~it,
.nIl 11lIn~e"(t<l11O<l. of Honour for academic distincilom, ntll.culliculi' 100
«). 1htI RwllE nglioh). ~I.orb••.
, 1969, PlI. 90 • 92 • a1hlelic actiYilles."

.( \. 1M RrNf llkdu),Soptomb••, 1969,p. 271. Dellyering his corwoutilln addrt'ioS, the chief gunl
41. Dr. Imdod Hu••in •••••ed a, tllo nIINIt""lIf 1htI RwI for abuul llid emphasis on re~arch md urged the leachc", 10undertake
8 . 9 yean. CUI"i hi, m',h. promot.d tllo lhlnk•• u,;l
•••• liv.t,.).nt, 'mo"lllhc R;rvl~._ 4$. "'" RwI, Marcll, 1970,pp. &0 . 61 .
4l. Soc, 1htI Rwi (E,.liohJ,So!>temb
••, 1969, PlI. 14S. 1~3. 46. "'" RavI, (£rell"'l, ~let'No••, 1969, p. 98.
«, "'" RwI, Septemblf", 1969, p. 97. 41. n.. Gooorr,,,,.••nt CoII~ Gc<rorre,Oclober 1~, \969, p. ,.
AshflJil ,1,/1K/NJr>

p•• ised lh •.•collel •.•.SJ Tile chief I •••..

". a ma"lal la;wm;niSle,.
tht ta<k of organi!.ing and planning lnlellKtu~1 endeavour. alw tpUke hi&h of demlXraoy. He said, "pr •.•.
Refettlng to th•.•dfai~ ofGC, It. pflr>clpal•• id ,000 •••ruo ••ding suppuse. certain bask v~lu~s. ",rlain ba<ic tradllions for
wn the main probl •.• m and many runctions of higher educa. which m4nklnd h•• mid •.•'iO much SM;;rif'i<;e over along p •.•
lion were lOing by defaull dlHl to grtat rush of 51udC1lt~ of struggle (0 •••• t.iblish. free life in. free society .•••
In thk conn""Uon, he ~ggnted thlt go'itrn •.•••nt should
ocquh •.• 100 OCf1l'lof land in Ihe city for COn'\ltuctl"1l another Th•.•p,lnclpal s;Ud in hi•••.•port that GC "is on •.•of lhose
go~emment colleg•.•.•• in~lilution. which Iik•.•tile National School it 0' the
s of O~ford and ~brldl'" In Gfut Britain aI•.•
1M union eleellans """e held In ~urOOet. 1969, ~PPo\oed 10 b •.•the 'iOurcc a.nd fountain"'.~ of the best
The InStallation ceremony was a grand 4fbir. Air MaMal nalion~l tapa.l>ilities". st
lRetd.1 M, Nur Kh.n, J<!vernor of W~I Pakistan. was tho!
chl •.•f gu•.•st. This function was follo_d by a union •••.••.•
k During this session. the numb •.•r of the I•.•
a.ching .taff
which W4Sstudded with ~arlou. d•.•b.t", aro:la qlfTIt compeli. rose 10 170. Sufi lia.-<JI.Haq. he"'" 01 the department of
tionS.The Irilinguar Hou,,", of Commorn "y ••..d•.•bat•.••••• a1tho! Arable. S.M. Ya!.in. head of the d.pMtmenl of Math•.•mallcs,
ben. Th•.•union Sf:Jlttums 10 rtpr""nt the colleg •.•al ""veral Or. Munff.ruddin, professor of rsychology. Dr. Sullan
debates ind other funniorn. NumeroltS prites and trophies Ahmad h•.• ad of th •.•department of Botany and D•. M.A.
were bagged. The union .Iw tried to sol~e problems such as A,zim. hl;ild of Ihe department of Chemistry, r•.•tired from
paymcnt of fee •.• 'itt}' !.i~ months and pro~i'llon of fund'llo ••
government !iCr~'cc.
The College Galffr •.• , which ••••as also bankrupt. The union
urg•.•d the principal 10 "Ol~e these problems. Aft•.•r along and
heated dl'ICu"",n ••Ith th •.•principal, all the d •.• m4ndsln this
Th•.• ~Iud.nt.' union .nd Vounl Speaken'unlon
snowed good performance during Ih. yu' under ",.iew.
conn •.• 49
ction wer•.• ;>eCCpled. TM u~.! coll•.•ge .ctl~ltles, TMWl bodies h.ld sev.ral me"'lings. d.bat •.••, symposia and
r.dld nOi Slart till lanodfy, 1970.
IK>w•.•••.•.• COffllelll;Ofl, of good ~andard. They al<." <;cnt particl.
The 40th con~ocation of lhe colleg•.•took plae •.•on July pa.nt. 10 d •.• s, symposia and muliwiro. ofJIanivd by other
bal •.•
7, 1970.'" G,W, Chaudhury," commundatlon minister in H n.e RiM. (EJlItII"'I,Oou_, 1~70,p. 82.
Gen. Vahy.'s WUJl(II, wu the chief guest. Abuul300 .tud •.• nls S4. rJrt RJWI (E"ll\lll. ~«, 1~lO, p, 84.
w •.•re awarded degrees and a•••• d•.•
mic rolls of honour "nd
55. 1M RwI,>er.1970, 1', 86. p, 74, (Siom,I ••Iy.,," .nother
"•.•nmc"'es of merit." In his convocUion i'dt"e», Choudhury occ.'>ion.lit spok. h'lh of lho '01., fie •••id "Go-- ••nmenl
-la. 1"" PtJItItt<1<OT_ •• Oct,*"", 12. 1989. pp. 1, 9, Coli",. I. 0"" of lilt ••.••1 "",..,." of .".lIen"" and"hlp.
Its role ••••~ b. oo"'l'orcd 10 I,,"' nf O.lord, H>rv.Ifdor the
49, n.e RIM (I:"lf"'I,"hr,h, 191(1.p. 55.
';olbon"". It producedleader.01••••0 ",110"'••.•endowed",Ithu.e
SC, In Old•• to comp••..
le lilt tQur.uof Itud~. lilt •••• t;,lla ••• ,..,n. I~" oftlb«.IIvn,pr ••.•i<aldV,re....,nablene" and GOnfOk""eIn
n! hod ro<l""edthe ",mmer •• taL""" to 1_ ""'nih •. TIli. lIIe~ •••~il~ 10 "OP< ••~h .n~ ,;lUation. np t~ ""I ••.•• , tho
~•..,.the 'aUtion JUned !fom July 24. ion,...t numt.. of adminimat;". ~'ir>n. in lhe lo" ••.••••••.• nl. of
tile ",I><,.ot•••nl. thlt I. 10 "'llnd ••• nd P.~;•••••, "'••.•IItk! b~
51. Chubm W••hid Chwdhu,y, Ea.t Pakl",,", P"'f•••.,.. of Pol~i<.ol
Ike ••••mnlof thk .:olloM •.••
So:iencc_ .nd .ulhor of •••••__ of •.••••••
roh'<'Ofk.onP.l ••••n.
56, 1MRwi. ~mb ••.•1910,1'".75 .16.
52, Thtt f'r1IrlmmTimes, July 8. 1970, p. 4, Col•. 1.8.

p,.I,,4 the coUege.OJ The chief gllfU •• martlll lawminiSfel,
Ille tnk of org~ni~ng and plannirlll; inlellKlual endeaYQ\lr. .llQ ~ke high of He said, de..-.xruy "pre-
Refer,ing 10 the affairs of GC, II><pr;n<; ~i11, ,o~ercro•••.
ding suppo,",s cerllin basic v.luu. certlln b••• c tr.dition, for
wa. the main problem ill'd miny hmclions of higher edUCiI- ••hitll mankind hlS mlde 10J much sacrifice over • lore period
lion Were soing by dd'ault due to grut ruloh of swdenU. of struggle to eSl.ltlislt I free life in. free wciety .•••
In lh~ conllKlion, ht loUggnted Ihil government should
..:quil1' 100 ilCre!lof land in lhe thy for conmunlng Il101"", Tile p,incip.1 Slld In his report Ihit GC "is one of tl\ose
go~em~mwlleg.,." inslitutions whkh like the NatlOi'1l1School It Paris a. the
unr.ersities of Oxford. .nd Colmbridge in Grelt Brillin are
The uI'llon elections were held in [)c,«mbC'f, 1969. suppo~d to be Ille source .nd founUin .••ud of the bell
The In~II.lion ce~mony w,n a I"and .Ib.i •. Air /\llf1hiJ n.tional capabilitie's"."
(Rtld.l M. Nu' Khan, go~etnor of WO:SIPakinan, Win ,I><
chief guest. Thh furn;tion was followed by •• uni<;>nw«k During this ~i\.ion. the ••••rrber of the leiChing staff
which .••.U 'luddl'd wllh various debalr1 II'Id a qlrat ((''''petl. ro", III 170, Sufi Zi••.••• I.HiIq. head of the department of
tions, The ltlilngual HQU~ of Commom style debUt was lhoe ....rable. S.M. V•••n. head of the dep.rtment of M••thematics.
best. The union sent It am<. 10 ttpl1''i('nt the college at 'i('ver.1 Dr. MUllffuuddin, professor of Psychology, Dr. Suilin
debate. and otl>l:, funcliUM. Numerous prize'S oIl1dtrophies .•••
hm.d Ilead of ~he department of Bouny ••nd Dr. M,A.
were bagged. The union alw tried to wlw problems "-Icll is Allm head of the dep.rtment of Chemistry, retire4 from
piyl'Mnt of f",
every six months and provlsiOi'1of funds to gOYe'r~mentservice."
r~College Gl1ur/e, which was abo bankrupt. "The union
urged Ihe principal to solve tM~ probleml;. After a long and The ltUdenlS' union .nd Young Spe.ken.'unioo ••Iso
heated dlscus\.ion with Ihe principal, all the demands in Ihi, showed good pt'rformllnce during th~ YUI under re'o'lew.
connection were aCCeptw." The usual college actlvitiCi, TMloe bodies held ",.eral mnling~. deba~", 'Yl\'l'osll ••nd
however.did not Slart till January, 1970. col'I'C'uitlons of good <t.ndlld. They .1", ",nt partici.
pants to debate<, .ympo ••••• nd mu$holros'olt'dby othel
The 40Ih convll'ution of U~ college look place on July
1. 1970." G.W. Chaudhury," communc~tion min,~ter in n n.e RIM (Enaliohl.Oe<emb ••.• 1~10. p. 82.
~n. Yahy I'S council. w.iS,"'" chief gue". About 300 Sludents
we~ awarded drgrees Ind uidemlc rolls of oorlOur .nd
S4. n., RIM IE,.li.tol, ~ ••., 1910.11 84,
IS. T/t~RI1V/, Oe<o<nber,1970. p, 86.1'.14, (S•.••,I.,I\o,on .,..,ther
certificates of merit." In his convocation addr~.Chuudhury
occ~lon. he >jXIke~'1h til lroocollew<.He Slid ''Goo.-.,nm""f
48, ~ I'>1kl1l<11l r_J, 00:1<>brtI 2. 1989, I'll' I, 9. Colle&.i. " ••• of tho lrell "~".rle, of .x«lIen« .1Idleadtt.t1lp.
I" role ••••y b. co"", ••rd to that of O,lord, H••.•••d or 1M
rM JW..IIE"Ili..nI.M ••<h. 1910, 55.
49 p.
~<too"M. It p,oductd Iead•• ~.,f"",n ••.1>0 ••• ,e enOOwed
••.ith ,lit
SO. In or<l•• 10 comple« ,•.••<01,1('" of "udy, <henur t;oji••• "''''rn. lift. of'''eoJ;''''.IH"Ktic.lity. roa""nable••••• and rorlfilknc. In
ment lwei roduu:d the """"lOt
.""'tion '" tWOmonth•. Till, tho;' aIId~¥ ID ""'" ••~h "'v ••tUilion. TIll UI<!' ••I•••. tM
yw I"" •••.•Uon It.ted from IU/124. lo"""t numbco'or 4llmini,uoti•• po';, ••", ,n tho &0"<''''''''"'' 01
the ",Ix""tinonl. th.t I, 10 '"1 Indiaand P.k;\Un. "'ere held bv
51. Ghul4m W.hid Clla>dhury.E••t rakiUln. Prof,,_ ofPolilOW
lilt oIumniof thk.col\ef.• ."
xitnce - and author of • numb<fof '••••""'h work, on "kina ••.
52. n., Pr1k1rt"" Tim"" july 8. '970. p. ", Col,. 7 .8.
Sfi, "",RoM,~mber.1970.W.7S.16.
colleges and I,lnn.erllties. As usuil lhey annued Kores of
trophies.•.• The !IQei•.lle" .00 clubs ""til' .lso active during
thi, yeu. English ljte~ry cittle arranged a coupl•.of leclull''S
of critics like Er,'; Cyprian. Gartut Hlstorlul !IQ,icly mad •.
numerous ~lldy toun TM FrenclHociely,afltt a span of
four yun, organiSl'd an inaugural function in which M.
Calvilido, di'e<;lor, French wlluul cenlre, wn Iht gunt of
llonOln'". ~ funCllon of !>Ott.y reading in Punjab!
by Dr. U"'lq Bab,c •. and lIS lraM!.I;"" into Fll'nctl by M.

The coll•.~ hostels also showed some cultural and

Uler<IJYactivltie-;. 8um~.N;lllr. a Illeur.,. body of Ihe New
Hollet, fim foundfd In the memQry of Dr. Nulr Allmad In
November. 1967. was revived. Thr Palros, • litefary journal
•.1,SIJrted in the memory of Ahm.od Stull Bokhiri
of this 1>051
all", Panu, on Iht eve of 11>1'centenary celebr~tlons in 1964,
rupPfufd, TM IIlemy c1rc~ of Ihe lqb~l hostel •••. 01.5 ~I..,
re~l\'ed. The lourn.1 of this hoslel, flnt pubtlshed In 1959
.nd Ihen In 1966 under Ihe n.llllf of "Qu.dr.ngle" no•••.
• ppured under Ihf n.llllf. TM Iqbal. in the memory of lIS
illustrious ~sldenl, All•."., Muh~mmad IqNl."'

During th~ 'fS~n, the !>pOrto .ctlvlties ~150continued

succnsfuUy. Some individual distinctions ""frc made. Agh.
Arshad .nd Ll~quat Hus.ain~presenled Pakistan In the AsIan
g~mes held at B~ngkok.Mun••••. ar Iqb.l •••.
on lhe ndtionallitle
'n lawn tennis. played In the D.vis cup and was selccled to
represent Pakistan it Wimbledon (london). Muhmlmad
Aful Chohan •••.••decl~red lhe best gymnast of Pakist.n.
Sarm,>dMir won distinction at the Asian boxing Chlo"""ion.
!ihip. Soidaq.' All wa. chose-n10 C~tain t/lf Pakistan youth
tum In volleyball, Shahlda Khan wu declared the bN
oman lolhleteof WCSIPakistan, Two of the college •••eight. 60. 1M RiM. "'.th, 1970,!'P'6! .
S7. Ibid, pp. 77.78. 61. Khalid M•••••.••d <)),"",,1.

S8. TM RiM. (Ef1;li<IlJ. 104..-<1\, 1970, n. Sf>.57. (,2 Interv.,,,, ",i1h Kh..->Sahib.
S9., ••••••TM 1QbQl. 1970 ltd iIorlal _ Urdul. 6). 1M RiM,, 1970 Iodil", •• I)

-- •• 7
Alhfwl An K/",,,

" r;o..mmtnl
Coll~,~: 1967 _ 70

coll~ges and unlversilies. As llSUoJlhey anne~~d SConi of llhers namtly Muhammad Afli I K.ill. "06 nd Muh"""m"d
tmphlr •.•• Th~ !<lC1~t;~.aOO clubs w,,~
oJ.., active during ~Ioe';'. UUled new Inu,,,, nl~rsily
this yur. Engli5h 111~rarycircle arranged a cOllPl~of leclures
The ~Won 1969.70 .Iso wliRnSfd Ctlilngein the manage-
uf crilics like Erl': Cyprian. Garr~u HI'lorical iOC;ely mad~
_nt of /he Colle~e GiUerte. B.A. Chllhly "'n lransferred.
nu_ro'" itudy to •••.
~. The Fr~nchl<lClt'ly,afler a span of
four yu~, organl",d an inaugural fun"ioo in which M.
K.M.Qu~stli" look over.
~I~alido, director, french cultural cenlre, Win the gunt of P f Alhfiq Ali Khin loft t~ colloge 0" AuguS! 18,
honOllf. The funCllon consiSled of poflry reading in Punjabi mid the memberof the
1970 is he Wi' promoted and ~o nle .
by Dr. La«q Babre~ anodilS Ir.nslalion Into ftel'lCh by M.
Civil Appdlite Tribunil,u During hi. le!\llft o~ OffICC,
Coltnlldo .••
•. 11 e ,n\'pile of political dllOlurbancc, conllllued 10
1,,( co es • . - nd dubs
maionin ilS IIldlllo" •. The tolle~ SOCietieSi f
The coll~ge hostels al••• ""ow~d some cultural and uti,f ~Iorilv. Foreil" tour. were Ufanged .f,,:qu~nty.
IIlerary a"I~It~. Batm~.NOllr, a IIt~rary body of Ihe N~w
The inlelle"u",l and cullu, II iCtivillu f\()l,lfllhcd dIS\lnGllvely.
Ho.I~I, first found~ In I~ memory of Dr. NOllr Ahmad in
The liten.y ind reseu\;h efforts were encouriged. But Ihl.
Novemb~r, 1967, wu revlv~. rllt ParfllS, a literary jOllrnal
~riod .Iso witne~d some unpluynt tendffll'lrs amon~ 1M
of this hostel, itaned in the ••.••mory of Ahm.od Shah B"khafl
alias Palras, on lhe e~e of lhe c~nlen.ry celebrations in 1964,
Slu.dent~ The collqe students develo~
;t Ie"'''! .hall'l
.•• o,.~ Inls"nd innull txam,nillons 'ol'roously.
reappeared. Tke literary circle of the Iqbal hostel wa' also nolla ,ng '''~" _
re~l~ed. The juurnal of this hailel, flrsl publlshed In 1959
and Ih~n In 1966 under the name of "Quadrangl~" now
appeared und~r 1M narne, r~ Iqbt1I,ln the memory of Its
ilTuilrious resld~nt, Allarna Muhammad IqNl!"

During this ,",swn, the sporn actlv1l~ al", conlillUed

suc<e.sfuily. Some Indlviduili dlninClions ~re made. Agha
Arshad and Uaqual Husain represenled Paklslan in lh~ Asian
lamel. held al Bangkok. Munawar Iqblll IVOnlhe nalionallitle
in 11Iwnlennis, pillyed In th~ Da~ls cup and wos selecled to
represent Pakistan 1I1 Wlmbledoo (london), Muhammad
Allal ChQhan was declared lhe best gymnast Qf PaklSllln.
Sa.marl Mir "un distin"ion at the Asilln bo~lnl ~mpion-
ship. Sad;lqal Ali wa. chawn to cllPllIin the Pakistan youth
tum in ~oUeyball. Shahida was declared the best
woman athlct~ of Wei! PuiSlan. Two of lhe a)!Ielte weight. 60. rho R<tvI, ~.,h,1970,PlI.6!.
51. Ibid, pp, 77. 7a, 61. Khol'" ~.,!I'I."j Q,o-e</li.

58. n.. RavI, (( ~Ii<tol, "h.""" 1970. 1'9. S6 . 57. 61

In•.•••.;"••.••.ilh Khan Sahib.
n.. R<tvI, M.,h, 1970 ledito.ial).
59,. Sot, 1M 1qb<JI, 1970 !odilOdal _ URI••).

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