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Presented by: WinWin Team
Lecture: Phan Anh Tai & Nguyen Van Anh

How might we create backpacks

to transport pets that are
convenient for traveling?
POV 1:
We met:
A young married couple at the pet cafe who currently have a
dog because they are learning to live responsibly with pets
before having a baby.
We were surprised to realize that:
They saw many pets suffering from heat stroke when being
outdoors for too long and the transportation bags were poor
quality, not being able to provide timely emergency
treatment, leading to death.
It would be game changing to:
Products with temperature balance or cooling function and
low price
POV 2:
We met:
A girl at a pet cafe who lives alone and adopted 1 cat to avoid feeling
lonely. She often goes out alone or with friends and takes her pet with
her because she feels insecure about leaving her pet at home alone.
We were surprised to realize that:
she wanted people to be able to see her pets and pets to be able to
seesighting landscape during transportation and also wanted the bag
to have UV protection.
It would be game changing to:
Create a product that is made of transparent hard plastic that is
scratch-resistant and has UV protection.
POV 3:
We met:
A married couple at pet service who had a son and decided to adopt a pet to train their
child to have an animal-loving personality because they believe people who love animals
are very emotional and moral.
We were surprised to realize that:
They did not have much time to deeply clean their bag transportation and because the
bag quality was poor led to skin diseases that spread to everyone in the family.
It would be game change to:
Creat a product to have good materials and be easy to clean.

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