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Ques 1. Define OOPS.

Answer : In Python, object-oriented Programming (OOPs) is a programming

paradigm that uses objects and classes in programming. It aims to implement
real-world entities like inheritance, polymorphisms, encapsulation, etc. in the
programming. The main concept of OOPs is to bind the data and the functions
that work on that together as a single unit so that no other part of the code can
access this data.
OOPs Concepts in Python
 Class
 Objects
 Polymorphism
 Encapsulation
 Inheritance
 Data Abstraction
Ques 2. Define Object.
Answer : In Python, an "object" is a fundamental concept that represents a self-
contained unit of data and behavior. Objects are instances of classes, which serve
as blueprints or templates for creating objects. Each object has attributes (data)
and methods (functions) associated with it. Here are the key characteristics of
objects in Python:
 Instances of Classes: Objects are created based on the definitions provided
by classes. A class defines the structure and behavior of objects. Objects are
instances of a particular class.
 Attributes (Data): Objects have attributes, which are variables that store
data specific to that object. These attributes can be accessed using dot

Methods (Functions): Objects have methods, which are functions associated with
the object's behavior. Methods are called on objects to perform specific tasks.
 Identity and State: Each object has a unique identity, meaning no two
objects are exactly the same in memory. The state of an object refers to the
values of its attributes at any given moment.
 Object-Oriented Programming: Objects are fundamental to the object-
oriented programming (OOP) paradigm. In OOP, you model real-world
entities and their behavior using classes and create instances (objects) of
those classes to represent individual entities.
 Encapsulation: Objects are encapsulated, meaning they bundle data and
the methods that operate on that data into a single unit. This encapsulation
provides data hiding and allows objects to have well-defined interfaces for
 Abstraction: Abstraction allows objects to represent real-world entities
while hiding the complex details. Users of objects only need to know how
to interact with them through their methods and attributes without being
concerned about the internal implementation.
Objects play a central role in Python, and they are used extensively in creating
and modeling software. Python is an object-oriented language, and many of its
standard libraries and third-party packages are organized around classes and
objects. By defining and using objects, developers can model and manipulate data
in a way that's more intuitive and organized.
Ques 3. What is Function?
Answer : In Python, a function is a block of reusable code that performs a
specific task or a set of related tasks. Functions are a fundamental concept in
programming and play a key role in organizing and structuring code. They allow
you to encapsulate a sequence of statements into a single unit, which can be
called and executed multiple times with different inputs.
Here are some important characteristics of functions in Python:
 Function Definition: A function is defined using the def keyword, followed
by the function name, a pair of parentheses, and a colon. The function
definition specifies its name, parameters (if any), and the code to be
executed when the function is called.

Function Call: To execute a function, you call it by using its name followed by
parentheses. You can provide arguments or inputs to the function within the

Parameters: Functions can accept zero or more parameters (also called

arguments). These parameters are placeholders for the values that you pass to
the function when you call it. The function can use these values within its code.

Return Statement: A function can return a value using the return statement. The
returned value is the result of the function's computation, and it can be assigned
to a variable or used in expressions.
 Function Reusability: One of the primary benefits of functions is their
reusability. You can call a function as many times as needed with different
inputs, which promotes code modularity and reduces redundancy.
 Scoping: Functions in Python have their own local scope, meaning variables
defined within a function are not visible outside of it. This supports the
principle of encapsulation and helps prevent naming conflicts.
 Built-in Functions: Python provides a rich set of built-in functions like
print(), len(), input(), and many more. These functions are available for
general use and provide essential functionality.
 User-Defined Functions: In addition to built-in functions, you can create
your own custom functions to suit your specific needs and to perform tasks
that are not covered by built-in functions.
Functions are a fundamental building block in Python and are crucial for writing
organized, maintainable, and efficient code. They allow you to break down
complex problems into smaller, manageable units and promote code reusability
and readability.
Ques 4. What is list.
Answer : In Python, a list is a versatile and fundamental data structure that is
used to store a collection of items. Lists are ordered, mutable (changeable), and
can contain elements of different data types, including numbers, strings, other
lists, or any Python objects. Lists are defined by enclosing a comma-separated
sequence of values within square brackets []. Here are some key characteristics
and operations associated with lists in Python:
 Creating a List: You can create a list by enclosing a sequence of values in
square brackets.

Accessing Elements: Elements within a list are accessible by their index, starting
from 0 for the first element.

Modifying a List: Lists are mutable, which means you can change their contents.
You can assign new values to specific indices, append elements, remove
elements, and more.
Ques 5. How is the python program executed?
Answer : The execution of a Python program involves several steps, from
writing the code to running it. Here are the main steps in the execution process of
a Python program:
 Writing the Code: You start by writing your Python code in a text editor or
an integrated development environment (IDE). Python code is typically
written in text files with a .py extension.
 Editing and Debugging: During this phase, you can edit, test, and debug
your code to ensure it functions as expected. Many text editors and IDEs
provide debugging tools and features to help you identify and fix errors.
 Saving the File: Once you are satisfied with your code, you save the Python
file with a .py extension. This file will contain the source code of your
 Python Interpreter: To execute a Python program, you need a Python
interpreter. The Python interpreter is a software application that reads and
interprets your Python code and executes it.
 Running the Program: You can run your Python program in several ways:

Command Line: You can open a command prompt or terminal, navigate to the
directory containing your Python file, and use the python command followed by
the filename to run the program. For example:

o Interactive Shell: You can enter Python code directly into the
interactive Python shell (also known as the REPL - Read-Eval-Print
Loop) by typing python or python3 in the command line. This is
useful for experimenting with small code snippets or testing
individual lines of code.
o IDEs: Integrated development environments (IDEs) provide a user-
friendly interface for writing, running, and debugging Python code.
IDEs often have built-in run and debug buttons.
 Parsing and Execution: When you run your Python program, the Python
interpreter parses your code line by line, executing each line as it
encounters it. The interpreter translates your Python code into machine
code that the computer's CPU can understand.
 Output and Interaction: During execution, your Python program can
produce output, which is typically displayed in the command line or
terminal if you use print statements. Additionally, you can interact with the
program by providing input through the command line or other input
 Termination: Once your program has executed all its statements or
encountered an exit condition (e.g., an exception or reaching the end of the
code), it terminates, and the Python interpreter releases the allocated
 Error Handling: If errors are encountered during the execution of your
program, the Python interpreter generates error messages, which can be
used for debugging and identifying issues in your code.
 Result: The result of the program's execution depends on what the
program was designed to do. It could be generating output, performing
calculations, interacting with the user, or any other specific task.
These are the general steps involved in executing a Python program. The process
may vary slightly depending on the development environment and tools you use.
Python's simplicity and readability make it accessible for both beginners and
experienced developers to write, test, and run code effectively.
Ques 6. How expression is used in python
Answer : In Python, expressions are fundamental components of the language
and are used to represent and evaluate different operations or computations. An
expression is a combination of values, variables, operators, and function calls that
are evaluated to produce a single value. Expressions can be simple or complex,
and they can be used in various contexts within the code. Here are some common
ways expressions are used in Python:
 Arithmetic Operations: Expressions are frequently used for performing
arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
and more.

Boolean Operations: Expressions can also be used in boolean contexts for

comparisons, logical operations, and conditional statements.

Function Calls: Function calls are expressions that can return a value, and they are
used to perform specific tasks or operations within the code.
List and Dictionary Comprehensions: List and dictionary comprehensions allow
you to create new lists or dictionaries using expressions that operate on existing
String Operations: Expressions can be used to manipulate strings, concatenate
them, or extract substrings using slicing or other string methods.
Conditional Expressions (Ternary Operator): Python supports a ternary operator
for conditional expressions, allowing you to write compact conditional statements
in a single line.
Bitwise Operations: Bitwise operations can be used to manipulate binary values
at the bit level, and they are often used in various low-level operations.
Ques 7. What is Datatypes? explain its types.
Answer: In programming, data types define the kind of data that a variable or
object can hold. They specify the size, format, and operations that can be
performed on the data. Python, like many programming languages, supports
various data types. Here are some of the fundamental data types in Python:
 Numeric Data Types:
o int: The int data type represents integers, which are whole numbers,
both positive and negative. Example: 5, -42, 0.
o float: The float data type represents floating-point numbers, which
include decimal fractions. Example: 3.14, -0.5, 2.0.
o complex: The complex data type represents complex numbers with a
real and imaginary part. Example: 2+3j, 1-2j.
 Sequence Types:
o str (String): The str data type represents text or character sequences.
Example: "Hello, World!", 'Python'.
o list: A list is an ordered and mutable collection of items. Example: [1,
2, 3, "apple"].
o tuple: A tuple is an ordered and immutable collection of items.
Example: (1, 2, 3, "banana").
 Mapping Type:
o dict (Dictionary): The dict data type represents key-value pairs,
allowing you to store and retrieve values based on their associated
keys. Example: {"name": "Alice", "age": 30}.
 Set Types:
o set: A set is an unordered collection of unique items. Example: {1, 2,
o frozenset: A frozenset is an immutable set. Once created, its
contents cannot be changed. Example: frozenset({1, 2, 3}).
 Boolean Type:
o bool: The bool data type represents Boolean values, which can be
either True or False. Example: True, False.
 Binary Types:
o bytes: The bytes data type represents sequences of bytes and is
immutable. Example: b'Hello'.
o bytearray: The bytearray data type represents mutable sequences of
bytes. Example: bytearray(b'World').
 None Type:
o None: The None type represents a null or absence of a value. It is
often used to indicate the absence of a return value or as an initial
value for variables.
 Type Objects:
o type: The type data type is used to represent the data type of an
object. It can be used to check the type of an object.
Python's dynamic typing allows variables to change their data type dynamically.
For example, a variable initially holding an integer value can later store a string or
any other data type. However, you should be mindful of the data types used in
your code to ensure proper data manipulation and avoid unexpected errors.
You can use functions like type(), isinstance(), and casting functions like int(),
str(), and float() to work with and manipulate data types in Python.
Understanding and correctly using data types is essential for writing reliable and
efficient Python programs.

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