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Title of project: "What is the nature of media coverage surrounding the health inequalities

faced by the LGBTQ+ community?"

Aims- To explore media content about health inequalities among the LGBTQ+ community

1. -Evaluate the diversity of LGBTQ+ subgroups represented in articles to assess
inclusivity and focus.
2. -To identify the types of health inequalities faced by the LGBTQ+ community as
reported in media coverage.
3. -To explore the tone and framing of media coverage surrounding LGBTQ+ health

Theme 1: Structural Inequities and Discrimination in Healthcare

Sub-theme 1.1: Health Inequalities and LGBTQ+ Communities

Quote: "LGBT+ advocates and public officials condemned the mass shooting as an act of
hate-driven violence, highlighting the ongoing violence faced by the LGBTQ+ community."

Quote: "Florida health officials have barred Medicaid recipients from accessing gender-
affirming healthcare, revealing discriminatory practices against LGBTQ+ individuals in
healthcare settings."

Sub-theme 1.2: Discrimination's Impact on Mental Health

Quote: "Our safe spaces continue to become places of grief, trauma, and sorrow due to gun
violence, underlining the detrimental impact of violence on the mental health of LGBTQ+

Quote: Parents do not always know what is best for their children. Being unable to be your
authentic self among blood relatives can exact a profound human toll, and non-biological
queer families are often there to pick up the resulting emotional pieces. Jane is transitioning
as a woman but feels unable to come out to family and is dreading Christmas. “It’s a bit like
going in disguise as the person they think I am for a few days,” she explains. “The risk of
being found out will dampen the Christmas cheer.”

Theme 2: Media Representation, Advocacy, and Impact

Sub-theme 2.1: Media Framing and Tone

Quote: "They pretend any discussion whatsoever of violence against women, and what
policies we should have about woman-only spaces, ignoring the complexities of LGBTQ+
Quote: "The Liberal MP Bridget Archer said she would nevertheless oppose the bill, telling
parliament on Tuesday evening she was 'horrified' and 'utterly distressed' the government
amendments excluded children that identified as transgender, highlighting the emotional
response of lawmakers."

Sub-theme 2.2: Advocacy Amid Media Backlash

Quote: "The former swimming champion Ian Thorpe said on Tuesday that parliamentarians
must do everything they could to protect trans youth, who were the 'most marginalized'
voices in the debate, showing a call for protection in the face of adversity."

Quote: "Jones implored the government to do more to protect LGBTQ+ youth for whom
'love and acceptance of family and friends weren't enough', illustrating the need for
comprehensive support."

Theme 3: Socioeconomic Disparities and Barriers to Care

Sub-theme 3.1: Access to Healthcare Resources

Quote: "For his elusive appointment that are usually only be booked online, Dunn needed
two cellphones...four different chances to sign up for the shot...precious time away from his
job, demonstrating the challenges of accessing healthcare resources."

Quote: "New York City only has 79,000 monkeypox vaccines available, with the US
distributing less than one-third of the estimated 3.5m it will need, highlighting the shortage
and limited access."

Sub-theme 3.2: Impact on Marginalized Communities

Quote: "Data from 28 July showed that of the 4,600 reported US cases of monkeypox,
Hispanic people accounted for 31% and Black people 27%, despite only making up 19% and
13% of the general population respectively, exposing the disproportionate impact on
marginalized communities."

Quote: "Currently, men and members of the LGBTQ+ community are the groups most
affected, though anybody can contract the virus, emphasizing the vulnerability of specific

Theme 4: Advocacy, Empowerment, and Systemic Change

Sub-theme 4.1: Advocacy for Inclusivity and Policy Change

Quote: "The AMA plan calls for more than diversifying its staff and adding members who are
from Black Hispanic Indigenous and LGBTQ communities, highlighting the multifaceted
approach to change."
Quote: "The nation's largest doctors group Tuesday released a comprehensive plan aimed at
dismantling structural racism inside its own ranks and within the U.S. medical
establishment, indicating a holistic strategy."

Sub-theme 4.2: Empowerment through Entrepreneurship and Community Support

Quote: "Emilie Lavinia founded EKHO Wellbeing to address healthcare inequalities, focusing
on women's reproductive, hormonal, and sexual wellbeing, showcasing entrepreneurial
efforts for change."

Quote: “In the first two nights I was there,” he tells me, “they showed more care for my
wellbeing and interest in getting to know me as a whole person than my parents had shown
me since childhood.” He’s now surrounded by a “chosen family” who offer a “joyous

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