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1.1 Background

The LGBTQ+ community, comprising individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, queer, or any other non-heterosexual and non-cisgender identity, represents a
diverse group with varied backgrounds, including race, ethnicity, age, religion, and
socioeconomic status [NHS]. However, members of this community often face social
marginalization and encounter multiple forms of discrimination, such as prejudice, stigma,
and harassment, leading to adverse health outcomes.In recent years, there has been progress
in raising public awareness and acceptance of the LGBTQIA+ population, with significant
achievements in civil rights protections and legislation defending them from discrimination

Nevertheless, social prejudice and stigma persist, contributing to health disparities.

Health inequalities, referring to avoidable, unjust, and systematic disparities in health among
various groups, have become a significant global public health concern [1]. Within the
LGBTQ+ community, health disparities are particularly evident due to the disproportionate
health challenges resulting from societal stigma, discrimination, and marginalization. Even
within this diverse community, subpopulations, such as people of color, face additional
barriers to healthcare access, resulting in increased rates of mental health problems, substance
use, HIV/AIDS, and other health disparities.

The role of media coverage in addressing LGBTQ+ health inequalities is of paramount

importance, considering the historical complexities between media organizations in the
United Kingdom and the LGBTQ+ community [1]. Newspapers with massive readerships,
such as The Sun, The Mail on Sunday and more have historically published articles that
contained derogatory slurs and negative stereotypes targeting LGBTQ+ individuals [1]. Even
influential figures like the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson,
contributed to this issue by using discriminatory language [1]. While some progress has been
made in recent decades, with more positive representations reflecting legal and social
advancements, concerns remain regarding discriminatory content in media representations of
the LGBTQ+ community [1].

A survey conducted in 2021 indicated that a majority of respondents who identified as

LGBTQ+ witnessed negative and unrealistic portrayals in the media, with news platforms
being particularly responsible for such content [1]. Harmful stereotypes and discriminatory
language in media coverage can have far-reaching consequences on the health and well-being
of LGBTQ+ individuals, who remain a marginalised group. Media coverage plays a
significant role in shaping public perceptions, attitudes, and policy discussions concerning
LGBTQ+ health inequality. Addressing this issue is vital to ensure that future media
representations promote inclusivity, reduce stigmatization, and foster a more equitable
society for the LGBTQ+ community [1].

To bridge the knowledge gap and inform policy interventions aimed at reducing LGBTQ+
health inequalities, a critical examination of media coverage and its impact is essential. By
identifying knowledge gaps and understanding existing biases, this research paper seeks to
contribute to ongoing efforts in addressing health disparities within the LGBTQ+ community
[1]. Ultimately, this research endeavours to promote social justice, equality, and improved
health outcomes for the LGBTQ+ community in the United Kingdom.

With a comprehensive analysis of media coverage surrounding LGBTQ+ health inequalities,

this research aims to shed light on the impact of media representations on public perceptions
and health outcomes for the LGBTQ+ community. By advocating for positive and inclusive
media portrayals, we aspire to contribute to a more equitable and accepting society, where all
individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, can access quality
healthcare and lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

1.2 Critical Assessment of the Relevant Literature

According to a survey commissioned by Stonewall, which sheds light on the prevalence of

mental health issues, self-harm, unequal treatment, and discrimination experienced by
LGBTQ+ individuals in the UK. Additionally, three significant reports are discussed, namely
"Hidden Figures: LGBT Health Inequalities in the UK," "Hidden Figures: The Impact of
Covid-19 Pandemic on LGBT Communities in the UK," and "Stonewall Report: LGBT in
Britain - Health," which provide comprehensive analyses of the health disparities impacting
the LGBTQ+ community.

The survey commissioned by Stonewall is a crucial source of data that highlights the
alarming mental health challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in the UK. It reveals that
52% of LGBTQ+ people reported experiencing depression in the last year, indicating the high
prevalence of mental health issues within the community. Furthermore, the survey brings
attention to the distressing rates of suicide ideation among the LGBTQ+ population, with one
in eight individuals aged 18-24 (13%) attempting to take their own life in the past year. The
data also indicates that almost half of trans individuals (46%) have contemplated suicide,
along with 31% of LGB individuals who are not trans. These figures emphasize the urgent
need for targeted mental health support and interventions for LGBTQ+ individuals to address
this concerning crisis.

"Hidden Figures: LGBT Health Inequalities in the UK," published by the LGBT Foundation,
provides a comprehensive assessment of the health inequalities faced by LGBTQ+ people at
various stages of life. By adopting a life course approach, the report highlights the cumulative
impact of these disparities on health and well-being throughout an individual's lifespan. It
identifies higher rates of homelessness, domestic abuse, and sexual violence experienced by
LGBTQ+ individuals, indicating the increased vulnerability of this population. Moreover, the
report reveals poorer health outcomes, including lower rates of physical activity and
significantly higher instances of mental health issues and drug/alcohol dependency.

"Hidden Figures: The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on LGBT Communities in the UK" by
the LGBT Foundation focuses on the specific health inequalities exacerbated by the Covid-19
pandemic for LGBTQ+ communities. The report highlights how the pandemic has further
marginalised the LGBTQ+ community and intensified existing disparities. It draws attention
to the need for targeted support and resources during and after the pandemic to address the
unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals, particularly concerning mental health and
well-being. This report underscores the importance of media coverage in raising awareness
about the pandemic's impact on LGBTQ+ health and advocating for comprehensive support
to mitigate the adverse effects.
The "Stonewall Report: LGBT in Britain - Health" sheds light on the health disparities
experienced by LGBTQ+ individuals and their interactions with healthcare services. It
provides valuable insights into the prevalence of unequal treatment and discriminatory
remarks by healthcare staff, impacting the willingness of LGBTQ+ individuals to seek
medical care. The report underscores the urgent need for more inclusive and sensitive
healthcare practices to ensure that LGBTQ+ individuals receive equitable and respectful
treatment. Media coverage of this report can play a crucial role in drawing attention to these
issues and advocating for positive changes in healthcare service delivery.

In conclusion, the literature reviewed presents a compelling picture of the health inequalities
faced by the LGBTQ+ community, with a particular focus on mental health challenges,
unequal treatment in healthcare settings, and the impact of media representation on shaping
public perceptions. By recognizing and addressing these health disparities, society can work
towards fostering a more supportive and inclusive environment for all individuals, regardless
of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

1.3 Rationale for the Study

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