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Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of P.E. in high school.

In Georgia's high schools, Physical Education (P.E) is vital for students' health and learning. As education
changes, there's a debate about having P.E in high school. In Georgia, P.E not only keeps students fit but
also boosts their brains and social skills. This discussion explores the positives and challenges of having
P.E in Georgia's high schools and its impact on students.

First of all, studies show that well-planned and implemented physical activity improves students'
concentration, increases their creativity, and raises self-esteem. Moreover, it develops decision-making
skills and independent problem-solving skills. Additionally, in addition to athletic skills, students are
given the opportunity to test their leadership, take responsibility for their own actions, and show
respect for others both on and off the field. Sports education instills a sense of discipline in students,
helps them achieve personal and team goals.

On the other hand Students with different physical abilities may excel individually or be motivated
differently in competitive sports. Besides, Physical education programs may not serve students with
special abilities well, leading to exclusion. from another point of view , the average school schedule is
often tight, leaving little time for academic pursuits. P.E. may be sacrificed as a time-cutting measure,
which could otherwise be utilized for essential academic subjects.

In conclusion, I would say that teaching sports in high school is not appropriate, because it is followed by
many other problems besides the ones mentioned above. Although this is done for our benefit, I do not
believe that sports should be taught in boarding schools.

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