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LEVEL: 1.2






QUESTION:”Compare and contrite roles and functions of the United Nations

Programmer (UNDP) and International Labour Organization (ILO) in addressing
socio-economic challenges and promoting inclusive growth in Zimbabwe.”
The United Nations Development programs(UNDP) and international labor
organization (ILO) play a crucial role in addressing socio-economic challenges and
promoting inclusive growth in Zimbabwe by complementing each other and focusing
on different aspects of development .The UNDP mainly emphasizes on sustainable
development, government and capacity building whereas ILO prioritize labor rights,
decent work opportunities, social protection and employment creation .These
organisations have similarities and differences in their roles and functions.Hence the
essay shall give in detail the difference and similarities as it unfolds

The UNDP and the ILO is their focus on capacity building. Both organizations have
recognized the importance of building the capacity of local organizations and
communities to address socio-economic challenges. The UNDP has done this through
its Capacity Development Facility, which provides training and support to civil
society organizations, and the ILO has done it through its technical cooperation
program, which provides support to governments and other stakeholders. O'Brien
(2013) argues that both organizations have adopted a similar approach to development
, focusing on the important of building the capacity of local organization. Therefore is
has also helped in addressing socio-economic challenges and promoting inclusive
growth in Zimbabwe

Both the UNDP and the ILO have focused on promoting decent work as a means of
addressing socio-economic challenges and promoting inclusive growth. The UNDP's
Decent Work Country Programme and the ILO's Decent Work Agenda both
emphasize the importance of creating decent jobs, protecting workers' rights, and
ensuring social protection. This has helped so much in the socio economic challenges
being faced by Zimbabwe and Also promoted inclusive growth ,it Also contribute in
poverty reduction due to the creation of decent jobs and protection of the workers
rights . O'Brien (2013)"both UNDP and ILO have worked to promote decent work
and social inclusion with particular focus on empowering women and other
marginalized groups .Thus both the UNDP and the ILO play a very crucial role in
addressing socio-economic challenges and promoting inclusive growth in Zimbabwe

The UNDP and the lLO in Zimbabwe play an important role in poverty
reduction .The UNDP helps to design and implement policies and programs that are
aimed at reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development, and fostering
inclusive growth.While ILO advocate for labor rights that every worker should be
paid right and in time and efforts on job creation , by this it contributes to poverty
reduction because every worker is being paid right and they is job creation . Sithole
(2009) he talks about how the UNDP has been successful in reducing poverty and
how its providing Small organisations that supports Small scale development.Murisa
(2014)talks about the effort of the ILO in job creation and the rights of workers.This
also shows that the UNDP and ILO plays an important role in addressing socio-
economic challenges such as poverty thereby promoting inclusive growth by
complementing each other

The UNDP and the ILO in addressing socio-economic challenges and promoting
inclusive growth in Zimbabwe is their approach to addressing inequality. The UNDP
has a more holistic approach, which includes improving access to education and
healthcare, as well as economic opportunities. The ILO, on the other hand, has a more
targeted approach, focusing specifically on improving labor conditions and promoting
decent work.By this both will be promoting inclusive growth using different
approaches.Fuentes ( 2008) talks about the works of the ILO in number of counties
including Zimbabwe in promoting work decents and social justice . Therefore the
UNDP and ILO have a different approach in addressing socio-economic challenges
and promoting inclusive growth in Zimbabwe

Moreover ,One of the major difference between the UNDP and the ILO is the level of
involvement they have in the implementation of development programs. The UNDP
tends to take a more hands-off approach, providing support and resources to national
and local organizations that are already working on the ground. The ILO, on the other
hand, has a more direct role in the implementation of its programs, working closely
with governments and other stakeholders to ensure that its policies are implemented

In conclusion,the roles and functions of the United Nations Development

Program(UNDP)and the International Labor Organization(ILO)in addressing socio-
economic challenges and promoting inclusive growthin Zimbabwe go hand in hand
with each other by focusing on different aspects of development as explained in the
essay .The UNDP focuses on sustainable development,governance, among other
initiatives whereas the ILO prioritizes labor rights,decent work opportunities,social
protection,and employment creation.Through their collaborative efforts with national
stakeholders,the UNDP and ILO contribute significantly to advancing socio-
economic progress,inclusive growth,and sustainable development outcomes in

Chikolus T (1990) The development of Africa

Fuentes M (2008)"The international labor organization: Working social justice,

development and peace"

Murisa T (2014) "The international labor organization and poverty reduction

Sithole l (2009) Poverty alleviation in Zimbabwe

O'Brien M (2013) "International development and developmental state"

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