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-Ali Yusuf WEF & WSF

WEF – World Economic Forum

WSF – World Social Forum

- Who are they?

- What are they?
- Why were they established?

World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum is referred as International Organization for Public-Private
Cooperation, it is a non-governmental organization located in Switzerland. The Forum
works with the most important figures in politics, industry, and culture. They were
designed to inspire creative thinking and provide ideas for bettering the world's
international cooperation structure in a variety of fields.

World Social Forum

The World Social Forum is controlled by members of the alter-globalization movement, also called
“the global justice movement”. They were established to join each other to coordinate global
campaigns, create and share organized strategies, and inform each other about movements from
around the world and their particular issues, such as human rights, environment, labor, youth and
women activities.

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