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STUDENT ID- 0164720


Question 1

A. Population C is likely to grow (increase) slowly since it has a broad base indicating high

birth rates but also a large elderly population indicating higher death rates.

B. Population D will tend to decline (decrease) over time since it has a narrow base

indicating low birth rates and a large elderly population indicating higher death rates.

C. Population A is likely to grow (increase) rapidly since it has a very broad base indicating

high birth rates and a relatively small elderly population indicating lower death rates.

D. Population B will likely remain stable as births keep pace with deaths since it has a broad

base indicating high birth rates but also a sizable elderly population indicating higher

death rates.

E. Population C best represents a less-developed country based on its broad base and large

young population.

Question 2

a. Rate of natural increase for Country B:

Crude birth rate - Crude death rate

= 48 - 19
= 29 per 1,000

b. Country A is likely a more-developed country for the following reasons:

 Lower crude birth rate

 Higher life expectancy

 Lower infant mortality rate

 Higher urbanization

Question 3

Two reasons death rates are high during the pre-industrial stage:

 Lack of modern medicine and poor sanitation lead to more deaths from diseases

 High infant and child mortality rates since children are more vulnerable without modern


Question 4

Percentage of diet A from animal sources:


Plant sources - 75.5%

Animal sources - x%

Total = 100%

75.5% + x% = 100%

x% = 100% - 75.5%
x% = 24.5%

Question 5

Total ecologically equivalent calories for diet A:

Plant calories: 1000

Plant ecological equivalent: 1000

Animal calories: 1500

Animal ecological equivalent: 15000 (1500 x 10)

Total ecologically equivalent calories = Plant + Animal

= 1000 + 15000

= 16000 calories

Question 6

Ecologically equivalent calories for 6 months on diet A:

From Question 5, total ecologically equivalent calories per day is 16000

For 6 months (180 days):

16000 calories per day x 180 days

= 2,880,000 calories.

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