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Liberty University

Jacob Ernest Quansah Kyei

CHPL 598

Spiritual And Professional Development of The Chaplain (D03)

Student's Log: Worship and Evangelism (Romans 12:1-2)







God created humanity to know him, love him, and worship him so that when

our days are over, we will return to him, fulfilling our destiny. Loving God and

worshipping him always draws us closer to him as his children so that we can enjoy

life here on earth as well as eternal life in the future. As pastoral counselors, we live

this life of worship and preach it to others to come and enjoy the goodness of the Lord,

so that we can all gather as God's people to give thanks and worship him as the

Psalmist tells us in Psalm 107:1 Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his

steadfast love endures forever! Oh, that men would thank the Lord for His goodness

and His wonderful works to the children of men! For He satisfies the longing soul and

fills the hungry soul with goodness. This helps us to develop a spiritual discipline that

transforms us into the image of Christ. Below is my spiritual discipline of worship

and evangelization.


Worship is focusing on and responding to God by opening the heart, soul, and

mind to magnify the worthiness of praise1. In this act of Worship, the soul before God

bows in humility to acknowledge God as everything that we are not, fulfilling the

peace and love that completes everything. Angels and saints yearn in heaven and on

earth as they praise and adore God, focusing on his greatness, power, authority, and

magnificent glory as the lamb of God2. Being brought up as a disciplined catholic

faithful in the faith of the church, my most beloved time of Worship is always the

moment of the "Holy Hour exposition of the blessed sacrament," where Jesus is

adored and worshipped with songs, bible readings, a moment of silence, a meditation

Whitney, S. Donald, Spiritual Discipline for the Christian Life. NavPress, p 54, 2014.
Murray, Andrew, Humility, Fig books, 2012.

on the life of Jesus with Praying the Rosary and meditation on the stations of the cross.

It is a fully active and conscious participation of both body, soul, mind, and heart.

This type of spiritual discipline is encourage from the Bible in Romans 12:1-2 which

says "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, given God's mercy, to offer your

bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, this is your true and proper


My daily Worship is always guided by Wittman's spiritual directions (2023),

which explain that true Worship of God should involve purity, humility, absolute

surrender, total praise, and, ultimately, personal life as explained below. He speaks of

examination of conscience and invitation of the Holy Spirit to make me whole in

humility to surrender myself, family, future plans and hopes in trust of God. This

makes my worship and praise extols God's wonders and excellence. Praises then has

become my lifestyle to live it before God publicly and privately as Psalm 63:3-5 says

"Because Your loving-kindness is better than life, My lips shall praise You. Thus I

will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name. My soul shall be

satisfied as with marrow and fatness, And my mouth shall praise You with joyful



Evangelism means preaching, announcing, or communicating the gospel of

Jesus Christ, who came to die for our sins out of love. In doing so, He ensured eternal

life for anyone who believes. As we are told in John 3:16, "For God so loved the

world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not

perish but have eternal life." Again, as Jesus tells us in John 14:6, "I am the way and

Wittman, Calvin, Spiritual Discipline series - Worship - Revelation 4-5. Lifeway Publication 2014.

the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Accepting that

good news and then telling others about it so they know, too, is the definition of

evangelism. Whitney (2014 p 66) also adds that evangelism is presenting Jesus Christ

in the power of the Holy Spirit to sinful people in order that they may come to put

their trust in God through Him, receive Him as their savior, and serve Him as their

King in the fellowship of His church. The power of the Holy Spirit is given to the

minister called to evangelize like the disciples to go and make disciples of all nations

for God (Matthew 28:19). In this mission to evangelize also lies the call to love God,

who calls and loves those sent to evangelize.4

In evangelization, the mandate belongs to Jesus, who knows whom to call and

send to preach his message of salvation, so the purpose of evangelism for me is

spreading the gospel of Jesus for the salvation of souls. As the Bible tells us, Jesus

came so that we may live. Jesus wants everyone to know this truth so they, too, can be

part of God's holy kingdom. In Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus tells us, "Therefore go and

make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son

and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

And surely, I am with you to the very end of the age." This means that evangelism is

expected and empowered by the Holy Spirit, who comes upon us to bear witness to

Jesus Christ (John 20:21)

As a minister of God, my work and mission to evangelize must be a daily life

of discipline where I become a light to shine for others to see Jesus and salt to

preserve the gospel message of truth by sharing my faith with others (Matt 5:16) . So,

in the line of duty to evangelize, I pay more attention to being a compassionate and

multiculturally oriented chaplain to acknowledge the religious and cultural differences

Ibid., Whitney, S. Donald..

of others so that I do not give the impression of imposing Jesus Christ unto the people

but help them to make their own decisions since not all uniform personnel may be

Christians and even be ready to accept Jesus Christ. But I will always love to share

my faith in all seasons and at all times. This spiritual discipline to evangelize help me

to conduct myself with morally so that others will see Christ in my actions. In so

doing, I always try conform my life with that of Christ who has called me to



The world is gradually becoming a plurality community with different

religious faiths and beliefs. As pastoral counselors and ministers called to evangelize,

there must be a conscious effort to be multiculturally and religiously knowledgeable

and prudent to bring the gospel message of truth without undermining the faith and

belief of others who do not share in our faith to maintain harmony during faith

differences. This calls for true worship based on our Bible and Christian faith so that

the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will always be praised in our spiritually disciplined

life as followers of Christ.


Murray, Andrew, Humility, Fig books 2012.

Wittman, Calvin, Spiritual Discipline series - Worship - Revelation 4-5. Lifeway

Publication 2014.

Whitney, S. Donald, Spiritual Discipline for the Christian Life. NavPress, 2014.

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