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University of Luzon

Perez Boulevard Dagupan City

School Year 2023-2024


Shiela D. Cruz
Janice C. Carlit
Chaira Maridon Gutierrez
Brent Joshua Soriano
Serg Kenneth Cruz

Woodworking is an age-old decorative art in the Philippines. It is

more than just an indigenous art form in our country. It’s a testament to the
country’s rich cultural heritage, the creativity of its people, and their deep
respect for the natural world. The art of wood carving goes back to pre-
colonial times and reflects the deep connection of indigenous peoples with
nature. The woodcarving tradition is still alive and well, particularly in the
Ifugao and Mangyan communities.

In addition, wood has a natural warmth and beauty that can enhance
the atmosphere of any space. It can be easily transformed into different
shapes and designs, making it versatile for a variety of furniture styles.
Wood furniture can also be repaired and refinished, extending its lifespan
and reducing the need for replacement. Furthermore, wood is
biodegradable, making it environmentally friendly at the end of its life cycle.
Wood furniture and woodworks offer a sustainable and eco-friendly option
for interior design, providing both functionality and aesthetic appeal while
minimizing environmental impact.


One of the most famous types of furniture from the Philippines is the
"narra" wood, which is known for its durability and beautiful grain. Other
popular materials used in furniture making include mahogany, acacia, and
indigenous materials like abaca and rattan. The art of wood carving in the
Philippines encompasses a wide range of styles and techniques, from
intricate relief carvings and decorative panels to functional items such as
furniture, religious sculptures, and household objects. Many traditional
Filipino homes and public buildings are adorned with beautifully carved
wooden elements, such as doors, window frames, and ceiling panels.

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