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Anduyan, Arvie M.





1. Addressing these issues is crucial to maintaining a positive work environment. Discussing

Joseph's schedule and situation with Kate and the team, along with addressing resource
and training gaps, can help improve productivity.

2. It's important to explain to Gio about Mia’s reasonable excuse for an appointment being
important. Suggesting that he should focus on improving his own performance and
become a reliable employee rather than criticizing others.

3. I will lead the rest of the team to prepare for the major conference and address the issue
with Brielle later. Brielle’s tardiness should be resolved and remind him the importance
of punctuality and the impact it has on team morale.

4. Ensuring the selection process between Joan and Kathy should be conducted to ensure
fairness and impartiality, and any concerns should be addressed openly and honestly.
Individual problems ought to be resolved with the assistance and resources offered.

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