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Once upon a time, in a small town nestled between rolling hills and strolling streams, lived a girl with a
garden in her mind. Her name was Lily, and she was unlike any other girl you had ever met. The
magical garden in her mind and her hair blossomed with the most beautiful flowers, each telling a story
of love, joy, and hope and dancing with colors as vibrant as Lily’s imagination.

Lily could close her eyes and envision worlds beyond worlds, each more enchanting than the last. She
could summon castles in the clouds and make sparkling rivers flow. Her imagination danced like
shooting stars that paint the night sky with shimmery glitter dust.

Every morning, Lily woke up to a symphony of chirping birds and the gentle whistling of leaves
dancing in the morning breeze. As she opened her eyes, her mind's garden would come to life, and the
flowers in her hair would bloom in harmony with the waking world.

Lily got the magical ability to weave wonders with her imagination from her mother. Her mother, Sara,
was her best friend. They both had gardens in their minds with flowers in their hair, whispering tales of

Sara would always tell little Lily, “My sweet, little daughter, your mind is a powerful place, a powerful
garden. Like a real flower garden needs sunlight and water, the flowers in your mind garden need
confidence and positivity. The more confident and positive you are, the more beautiful your mind
garden becomes.”

Lily heeded her mother’s advice. Whenever her mind was bathed in the colors of confidence and
positivity, her powers grew and the garden transformed into an even more magical realm.

One day, as the sun set, filling the sky with pink, gold and orange hues, Lily's powers grew even
stronger. With a gentle wave of her hand, she could make the petals of the Blooming Starflower unfold,
showcasing its pretty petals that shone like a starry nights.

“Mama, look what I did,” Lily cried out in glee.

“Beautiful,” Sara clapped and cheered Lily. “You can do anything you set your mind to do.”

Lily noted her mother’s words and promised herself to always think happy and positive thoughts.

Lily's thoughts were like beautiful birds flitting around the garden in her mind, laughing with joy as
they flew from one flower to the other. The birds, the Humming Harmony birds, chirped a melody of
peace and joy as they flew about the garden, a melody similar to the joyous beats of Lily’s heart.

Yet, Lily's greatest masterpiece was the Radiant Rainbow Bridge that arched across the garden. It
connected her heart to the hearts of others, inviting them to cross over and experience the beauty of
embracing the magic of love.

Lily’s powers reached beyond the garden and touched the lives of those around her, inspiring them to
be creative and to dream beyond the ordinary.
One night before Lily’s fifteenth birthday, Sara told Lily that her powers and her positive imagination
were not just for herself, but they were a gift to be shared with others to bring out the extraordinary and
the magic in them.

“Promise me you’ll always think happy, confident and positive thoughts.”

Lily nodded. “I promise, Mama.”

The next day, Lily turned fifteen. It was supposed to be a very happy day, but something tragic
happened. As Lily’s youth ripened, her mother passed on.

Grief loomed over the garden in Lily’s mind. Our precious Lily, whose heart overflowed with laughter,
joy and the teachings of her mother, was down mourning. Her mother had left behind a void lalmost
impossible to fill.

Her grief turned the once-vibrant flowers in the garden dark and dull. Her positive mind was overcome
by negative emotions. The radiant Sunshine Rose with golden petals that shone like the sun dimmed.
The jaunty Azure Forget-Me-Not petals drooped as if weighed down by an invisible sorrow. The
Embrace Orchid that glowed with warmth and love withered under the weight of grief. The Laughter
Lilac lost its sparkle, and the Whispering Willow's leaves seemed to sigh with sorrow. The Blooming
Starflower, a celestial canvas for Lily's positive imagination, closed its petals, hiding the cosmic
wonders it once showed. The Humming Harmony Birds, once the messengers of joyous melodies, now
emitted sad tunes, mirroring the gloomy notes in Lily's heart.

The negative emotions took root, quickly sowing Shadow Thorns - dark, grey and prickly, with
terrifying vines that twisted and snaked their way through the garden. Each thorn represented a
negative thought, a sharp pain that pricked at Lily’s determination. The Shadow Thorns didn’t come
alone. With their prickly presence came the Murmuring Mist, a chilling fog that whispered doubt and
uncertainty, the Echoing Echoes which recited supernatural whispers of past regrets throughout the
garden, and the Shattered Reflections which showed distorted images of her self-worth.

“Promise me you’ll always think happy, confident and positive thoughts.”

Lily’s mother’s words returned to her. She couldn’t break her promise to her mother and she knew she
couldn’t let the Shadow Thorns, its friends and the negative emotions take over her garden, else they
would ruin it. Lily had to protect her garden, and to protect her garden, Lily embarked on a quest to
face the manifestations of negativity that threatened her precious sanctuary. The first obstacle on Lily's
path were the Shadow Thorns.

Brave and fierce, she put on gloves made of threads of strength and carefully untwisted the thorns one
by one. The flowers shivered under the touch of the Shadow Thorns, closing their petals in self-
defense. Lily, however, stood determined. She lit a lantern of self-belief that pierced through the
Murmuring Mist with its warm glow and dispelled the shadows of insecurity.

Lily also confronted these echoes, acknowledging them as part of her journey but refusing to let them
dictate her path forward. Each echo transformed into a note, joining the Harmony Birds in a symphony
of acceptance and growth.

As Lily moved deeper into her quest, she had to face the shattered reflections head-on. And she was
able to mend the fractured pieces with the threads of self-love .

Lily found a renewed strength in the process; the shattered mirrors turned into reflective pools, and the
garden which was once cloaked in shadows now basked in the spotted light of her determination.

Now that Lily defeated the threat of negativity, the garden returned to its vibrant nature. Amidst the
blooming flowers and the rejuvenated Radiant Rainbow Bridge, Lily reflected on the invaluable
lessons her journey had revealed: protecting one's mind was the key to nurturing creativity and love.
The vibrant garden wasn't just a testament to external challenges conquered but a reflection of the
internal battles won—the battles waged within the delicate folds of her thoughts. The flowers now
represented newfound wisdom.

In the quiet shade of the Whispering Willow, Lily reflected on all she had learned.

Like a gardener caring for flowers, Lily came to understand that having happy thoughts , like seeds of
gratitude and joy in her mind, was important. Just as weeds can harm a garden, Lily learned to get rid
of negative thoughts like self-doubt and fear before they could ruin her happy thoughts. Lily also
realized that, like taking care of her garden, she should also love and care for herself. Embracing her
imperfections made her strong and helped her mind bloom. Lily’s belief in herself was like a lantern
guiding her through challenges. She understood that positive thoughts could clear away doubts and
make her see things with optimism.

Lily also learned that it’s important for her thoughts and actions to go together, like creating a beautiful
symphony. This made her true to herself and her values. The whole ordeal taught Lily that life was a
beautiful journey with ups and downs. Just like celebrating reaching a destination, she learned to enjoy
every step of the way, making her life a masterpiece.
As Lily thought about these important lessons, her garden grew with colorful flowers, love, and
happiness. The magical Radiant Rainbow Bridge grew brighter with various colors and connected
everyone’s hearts, reminding them that positivity could bridge the distances between individuals,
fostering connections that transcended the garden’s boundaries.

A gentle breeze carried some of the lessons Lily learned across the garden and over the Radiant
Rainbow Bridge to anyone willing to cross the bridge.

Can you hear the voice of the wise Willow in the garden?

"Dear friend," the Willow murmurs with its leaves rustling with the weight of its wisdom, " Lily's
journey has taught us a precious truth. The mind is a garden of thoughts and emotions that shape the
world within and around us. You should protect your mind like you protect a garden. Just like you
can’t protect a garden from storms, you can’t shield your mind from ups and downs, but you can
choose to remain hopeful even in storms. Let positivity be the sunshine for your thoughts, and face
challenges with strength, just like Lily did. Love is like a special flower that holds memories of joy and
sadness, making life colorful and rich.

"Protecting this garden isn't about shielding it from every storm but producing an environment where
positivity can thrive. Just as Lily learned to tend to the blossoms with love, creativity, and resilience, so
too can you nurture the garden of your mind."

The Willow also talked about a magical bridge, the Radiant Rainbow Bridge. It’s a symbol of
connection and shared experiences. The message was clear: invite others to join you in creating a world
filled with love and creativity. In your mind’s garden, let positivity be the guide, and spread the beauty
of love and creativity everywhere.

So, dear friends, take care of your mental garden, and let it bloom with love. The story reminds us that
we can create a world where love and creativity connect hearts, like a universal dance. It’s time to
awaken, and kids can learn this through nurturing, like a mother’s love. The key is to love yourself, so
you can share that positive energy with others.
And that’s the end of Lily’s Garden of Love, leaving us with the wisdom to protect our minds and sow
seeds of a world filled with love and imagination.
Discussion Questions

1) Dear reader, have you ever been overcome by grief or other negative emotions?
2) Do you think the garden in your mind is blooming? Or is it overcome by Shadow Thorns and
Murmuring Mists?
3) How can you make the garden in your mind bloom?
4) What kind of thoughts are positive and happy thoughts?
5) What do you do when you are sad and angry?

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