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Withdrawal method (81% to 96% effective).

It involves
the man’s ability to withdraw the male organ prior to
ejaculation. Withdrawal prevents pregnancy by avoiding
the meeting of the male sperm and the female egg. The
problem with this method is the high failure rate of four
to 19% in the first year of use, depending on the man’s
ability to control himself. Although the method is not
perfect, there are an increasing number of couples who
practice it with success.

Condom (96% effective). A condom is a plastic balloon-like

material that is worn over the male organ to prevent the
sperm from entering the vaginal canal. Aside from birth
control, condoms have the advantage of preventing AIDS and
other sexually transmitted diseases. There is a female version
of the condom called diaphragm.

Contraceptive pills (97% effective). The pill works by

preventing the brain from secreting hormones (called
FSH and LH) responsible for the production of the
female egg. There are older and newer generations of
contraceptive pills. The newer pills have fewer side
effects and use substantially lower amounts of estrogen
and progesterone. Minor side effects include nausea,
breast tenderness, mood changes, fluid retention, and
weight gain.

Injectable shots (97% effective). Medroxyprogesterone

(brand name: Depo-Provera) is an injectable birth control
hormone that can prevent pregnancy for up to three
months. Possible side effects include loss of menses
(which isn’t necessarily harmful), weight gain, and bone
loss. Injectables are convenient and effective, and thus
are preferred by some women.
IUD or intra-uterine device (97% effective). These small
plastic or copper devices are relatively safe and
commonly used worldwide. The IUD is inserted inside
the woman’s uterus and prevents conception mainly by
preventing the sperm from reaching the egg in the
fallopian tube. An IUD device lasts between five and 10
years. Side effects may include menstrual changes,
weight gain, headache, and abdominal pain.

Ligation in females (99.5% effective). These last two items

refer to permanent methods of birth control. Ligation
(medically called bilateral tubal ligation or BTL) is a surgical
procedure, which involves the tying of the woman’s
fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes serve to connect the
ovary and the uterus. The female egg is formed monthly in
the ovaries and passes through the fallopian tube where it
could meet the male sperm. By blocking the fallopian
tubes, pregnancy is prevented in 99.5% of cases.
Complications with surgical ligation are rare in the order of
0.1% or one in 1,000 cases.

Vasectomy in males (99.8% effective). According to Dr.

Eduardo Gatchalian, past president of the Philippine
College of Surgeons, vasectomy is a simple, safe, and
effective procedure. It involves the cutting of the tubes
where the sperm passes through prior to ejaculation.
These tubes (medically called vas deferens) are located
beside the male testes. Vasectomy can be done as an out-
patient procedure for 30 minutes and under local
anesthesia. Side effects are rare and there is no change in
the man’s sex life. The male will still experience normal
erection and ejaculation of seminal fluid. The only
difference now is that the fluid will not contain sperms.
Compared to ligation in females, vasectomy is safer and
easier to perform.
Family planning – artificial family planning methods

Many couples choose to delay or give up having children. Some couples choose to use natural family planning
methods, such as the fertility awareness or abstinence method. Many others choose to use artificial family
planning methods. When choosing a contraceptive method, it is important to consider the effectiveness and
health risks that may apply to each method. Talking with your doctor can help you make the best decision in
your specific case.

Contraceptive methods:

Barrier methods of birth control physically prevent sperm from reaching the egg. Condoms, the diaphragm,
spermicides, and other barrier methods would fall into this category. Male and female condoms can help
prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV, herpes, gonorrhea, and chlamydia.
Condoms and spermicides for men and women are available in any pharmacy and in many stores, they are
relatively low in price. Diaphragms are available only by prescription.

Hormonal methods. Some birth control methods work by altering a woman’s hormones to make pregnancy
unlikely or impossible. The birth control pill, birth control shot, birth control patch, vaginal ring, and some IUDs
are examples of hormonal family planning options. All of these require a prescription and medical examination
before use. Hormonal contraceptives are very effective when used correctly, but some women cannot use
them for health reasons.

Permanent methods. Surgical birth control is considered permanent, and it is only for people who do not want
one or more children. Men can have a vasectomy, which is a procedure performed on an outpatient basis in a
doctor’s office. Women can have a tubal ligation, which is done under general anesthesia in a hospital. A
newer method of non-surgical permanent sterilization for women is called Essure. This procedure can be done
in the doctor’s office in many cases.

Emergency methods. If you are not using birth control, or if your birth control fails, you have the option of
using emergency contraception in the days immediately following unprotected sex. This usually consists of
taking a large dose of hormones found in many births control pills, but only in one. Some brands are available
over the counter at your pharmacy, and others are available only by prescription. But this type of pill should
not be a regular because abusing them can be seriously harmful to the health of women.

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