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DNA Activation & Wingmaker Atonement Level one about:reader?

DNA Activation & Wingmaker

Atonement Level one

7–9 minutes

DNA Activation Of The Wingmaker

Wingmakers Atonement Level One

As we all know the human instrument carries a standard two

helix DNA strand in order to make the change to the
wingmaker light body we must first clear out old habits left
over from past lives and awaken the inner light being that
awaits within each and everyone of us.

This activation brings us into balance with the wholeness

navigator within each of us and aligns us with the first source
creator of all universal life, As we begin this activation the light
encoded helix of the light body we begin to understand the
universal wholeness as a vast fields of energy, and our own

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DNA Activation & Wingmaker Atonement Level one about:reader?

source and that of the higher fields of vibration that flow

throughout the universe. It is at the cellular level of the DNA
that this change takes place.

First we must learn to work with angels and the higher self and
understand the need for cutting cords and healing ones self
first. Both of these techniques can be found in the pages
cutting cords and spiritual healing within this site.

Source codes are embedded activators of the resonated imprint

left behind by the first source at the point of our creation and carry
the universal code of light and love of the first source, creator of all
universal life and it is here that we find our individual uniqueness
or source.

DNA Activation is a process of expanding the two helix DNA into a

4 helix strand and doubling it again into 4, then 6 and so on till it is
a 12 strand helix. It is here that we heal our genetic code with light
and love.

Once the healing process has taken place then we can move
forward. Archangel Michael would be a good choice for the
healing part of this process and you'll need your higher self as

Wingmakers Atonement Level One

24 helix DNA Activation

Physical Meditation
To prepare for this technique you'll need to be familiar with working
with the angelic realms of the first source and your Higher Self.
Make sure you study this technique thoroughly before attempting
it. when you are ready find a nice quite place to sit down where

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DNA Activation & Wingmaker Atonement Level one about:reader?

you will be comfortable and relax.

Step One
Now I want you to close your eyes and visualize a pure white light
flowing over you then I want you to visualize a double pointed
termination crystal with one point one foot above your head and
the other point about one foot below your feet.

Step Two
Then I want you to visualize that there is another double pointed
termination crystal around the spiritual heart or thymus chakra
between the heart and throat chakra.

Step Three
When you feel you have preformed this part correctly visualize
that the two crystals are spinning around you and moving them
faster, as they move faster see your body filling with light.

Step Four
In your own time I want you to visualize that your body is getting
smaller and till you are a small as a atom and when you have
done this move the smaller version of yourself into your body and
move it into the cellular level of your DNA and focus on one cell of
your DNA Strand and move the smaller version of yourself into
that cell and blend with that cell.

Step Five
Now once you have blended with the cell see that cell spiting into
two cells of the same portion and fill them with light.

Step Six
Then in your own time see the two strands spiting into six strands
of the same portion and fill the Six strands with light and love. Let
there be light, Let there be love.

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DNA Activation & Wingmaker Atonement Level one about:reader?

Step Seven
When you have done this see the six strands spitting again into 12
strands of the same portion and feel the love, feel the love, feel
the light. and stabilize this new cellular structure with light and
love. Feel the love, Feel the love, feel the light.

Step Eight
Then in your own time encase the new twelve strand helix in light
and love and double it again so that there are 24 strands in this
cell. and blend this new 24 strand helix with your DNA and see it
encoding with the other cells of your DNA strand making them 24
helix cell as well. Feel the light, Feel the light, Feel the love.

Step Nine
Now I want you to call upon your higher self or Archangel Michael
and ask them to activate the first atonement of the wingmaker in
this new 24 helix code and heal any imperfections in your genetic
structure due to past life tumour or present life tumour that might
be present in your genetic structure. feel the light, feel the light,
feel the love, feel the love.

Step Ten
Then visualize that there is a beautiful light radiating just above
you and see that pure white light move down the hara line through
the crown chakra opening all the chakras as it moves down to the
base chakra and ground this energy into the earth star and say out
loud I awaken the ability of Clairvoyance Now, I awaken the ability
of Clairaudiance Now, I awaken the ability of Clairsentiance Now.
Feel the light, feel the light, feel the love. These are the only three
abilities to be opened at the first atonement.

Step Eleven

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DNA Activation & Wingmaker Atonement Level one about:reader?

When you are ready thank your higher self or Archangel Michael
for the first atonement of the wingmaker and thank the first source
as well. Remember service through gratitude. Then in your own
time move the smaller version of yourself out of your body and
return it to normal size and ground yourself to the earth. feel at
one with the earth, feel the love feel the love, feel the light.

Step Twelve
Now in your own time open your eyes but don't rush you may feel
light headed so take your time. for the next couple of weeks as
this process takes place you may feel tired, sleep when you need
to and drink alot of water as you may feel warm from the
transformation process. This is natural and the DNA activation can
take time to adjust to.

Your higher self or Archangel Michael will know what to do at the
first atonement so leave them to do their business and enjoy the

From The Wingmakers Equinox written 1986

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