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Nama : Muhammad Wahyu NurFirmanSah

Class : IC-08
English Conversation Journal
Topic 1 : Introduction
My name is Muhammad Wahyu NurFirmanSah , I am the first of
two children. I was born in Padang West Sumatra, Juli 1st 2002. I live in
Perumahan Terang sari D8 number 22, Karawang, West java.
Speaking of a hobby, playing badminton,playing
football/futsal,reading manga, I can a play musical instrument namely
the guitar, and now start like haiking and first mountain I climb is the
mountain Burangrang
I including a person,Ambitious achieves desires, I have 1 sister
sibling who are still in elementary school,for my family including happy
family for financial problems there is no problem,My father was bron in
Banyuwangi Earth java,My mother was born in Padang West Sumatra,
motivates study in LP3I is so that my goals can be achieved and not
become dreams.

Topic 2 : My Daily Activites

I start the day from 06:00 am starting begins jogging or cycling
next, shower then breakfast. In the afternoon I usually use it to watch
TV, watch movies on the laptop or take a nap. then I played ball in the
field near my house with friends, after I finished showering then prayAt
night I usually go to hang out with friends to play badminton, chat at the
guard post, or play games together. after finishing I go home before
going to sleep I wash my face first then I sleep

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