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The intention of the British, in launching this war in Asia, is to reduce the worlds population from the order of now, seven billion people, to less than one. That is the purpose behind the British organization of an intended war in Asia. That is the only intention. -Lyndon LaRouche, November 8th, 2011.
On Saturday, October 29th, to a group of leading associates, Lyndon LaRouche described the process by which the world would be lead into a new World War III, modelled on a new, Middle East centered, new Balkans. Using World War I as the example, Lyndon identified the British Empires intention all along: population reduction. At a recent Royal Society of Arts meeting, with the Duke of Edinburgh by his side, the disgusting spokesman of the empire, David Attenborough, delivered the empires intentions: It remains an obvious and brutal fact that on a finite planet human population will quite definitely stop at some point. And that can only happen in one of two ways. It can happen sooner, by fewer human births- in a word by contraception. That is the humane way, the powerful option which allows all of us to deal with the problem, if we collectively choose to do so. The alternative is an increased death rate the way which all other creatures must suffer, through famine or disease or predation. That translated into human terms means famine or disease or war over oil or water or food or minerals or grazing rights or just living space. There is, alas, no third alternative of indefinite growth. On the contrary, as LaRouchePAC has documented thoroughly, the only limiting factor of our human species, is the ability of our species for never-ending, scientific progress. We need only to look at the physical economic power now being exerted by the Asian, Pacific-centered nations, such as China and Russia, to see what the British empire fears so dearly. They would destroy any nation which does not submit to their genocidal environmentalist will, to reduce a now 7 billion human population, to less than 1 billion in a very rapid, short period of time. Yes, this is what we are saying. The British Monarchy and related monetary-financial organizations of the empire, intend to kill, in a genocidal fashion, most of the human beings on the planet, for no other reason than they think it is their oligarchical right to do so. It was for exactly this reason that Barack Nero-bama was installed (with the help of British drug money) as president here in the United States. He will, on orders of the empire, ignite a new World War, centered in the Middle East, with the ultimate goal of nuclear world war. Let the assassination of Gaddafi, and the regime change in Libya be a small taste of whats to come domestically and internationally, if Obama is not removed, peacefully, from the office of the presidency, NOW. This is the stark reality; nothing less.

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Paid for by the LaRouche PAC, P.O. Box 6157 Leesburg, VA 20178, and Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidates Committee

On Saturday, November 19th, LPACTV will be hosting its first ever, Live Basement Webcast Town Hall event. Beginning at 2 oclock EST on the LPAC site, two members from LaRouches Basement Team will deliver opening remarks on what is the real universe such that you exist, then will field questions from gatherings in Seattle, Boston, Los Angeles and a number of other locations throughout the nation tuning in to join the discussion. Anybody viewing the presentation can participate in the discussion by forwarding their questions to We convene this event during what may be one of the most definitive moments in the history of our species. Historically, it has been only the significant, fundamental scientific breakthroughs, specifically in economics and the role of mankind in the universe, that has ever effectively outflanked the historic and destructive commitment of the oligarchical principle to keep the population of man limited to a negligible number manageable by imperial means. Today it is the British Empire that wields the oligarchical principle, employing the President of the United States as its crown puppet. If we as a species wish to survive, and further our understanding of what this universe has in store for us, this is the immediate political reality that we must address. These issues and more will be the topic of our Live Town Hall event on November 19th. Tune in on


LIVe Basement WeBcast

BooKmarK thIs paGe

L a r o u c h e pa c . c o m / n at I o n a L - p o L I c y- d I s c u s s I o n

For the Latest from LaRouche, visit:

For More Information

Call Toll-Free: 1-800-929-7566

Paid for by the LaRouche PAC, P.O. Box 6157 Leesburg, VA 20178, and Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidates Committee

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